The performance of the Duke storage ring based light sources, the Duke storage ring FEL and High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIGS), has been greatly improved since 2007 as the result of operating a new full-energy, top-off booster injector (0.18 - 1.2 GeV) [1], allowing fixed energy operation of the storage ring (0.25 - 1.2 GeV). The injection/extraction kicker system is one of the key components of the accelerator facility which determines efficiency and reliability of the light source operation. Pseudo-Spark Switches (PSS), also known as cold cathode thyratrons, are the critical components of the high voltage pulse generators for kickers. More than six years of operation has allowed us to study the lifetime issue for the 10 kA class devices. Recently, we have tested the next generation cold cathode thyratron, with one installed in our storage ring kicker high voltage generators. In the paper we present preliminary test results for this new thyratron, and the required modifications of its triggering driver, to improve its performance. Copyright © 2012 by IEEE.
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