Publications [#249287] of Ying Wu

Papers Published
  1. Wolski, A; Wu, Y, Effects of damping wigglers on beam dynamics in the NLC damping rings, in EFFECTS OF DAMPING WIGGLERS ON BEAM DYNAMICS Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, Proceedings of the IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, vol. 5 (December, 2001), pp. 3798-3800 .

    To achieve the required damping time in the main damping rings for the Next Linear Collider (NLC), a wiggler will be required in each ring with integrated squared field strength up to 110 T2m. There are concerns that nonlinear components of the wiggler field will damage the dynamic aperture of the ring, leading to poor injection efficiency. Severe effects from an insertion device have been observed and corrected in SPEAR 2. In this paper, we describe a model that we have developed to study the effects of the damping wiggler, compare the predictions of the model with actual experience in the case of the SPEAR 2 wiggler, and consider the predicted effects of current damping wiggler design on the NLC main damping rings.

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