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Publications of Kim F Curtis    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:


  1. K.F. Curtis, Our Sense of the Real: Aesthetic Experience and Arendtian Politics (1999), Ithaca: Cornell University Press .

Chapters in Books

  1. K.F. Curtis, "Multicultural Education and Arendtian Conservatism: Memory, Historical Injury and Our Sense of the Common", in Preserving Our Common World: Essays on Hannah Arendt and Education, edited by Mordechai Gordon (2001), Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press .
  2. K.F. Curtis, "Aesthetic Foundations of Democratic Politics in the Work of Hannah Arendt", in Hannah Arendt and the Meaning of Politics, edited by Craig Calhoun and John McGowan (1997), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press .

Papers Submitted

  1. K.F. Curtis, Rapture and Rupture: Ruminations on Enclave Politics, Political Oblivion, and the Need for Recognition in the Early Women's Liberation Movement, Constellations (final stages of review) .


  1. K.F. Curtis, "Aesthetic Experience and the Public Sphere", in Zwischen Forum and Basar (2001), Graz, Austria: Forum Stadpark .
  2. K.F. Curtis, "Free Speech Under Attack", The News & Observer (October 24, 2001) .

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