Click here for a printer-ready
version, or download as a PDF file. Books
- Dorfman, A. Allegro (Spanish). Stella Maris, 2015: 224 pages. [available here] [abs]
- Dorfman, A. Death and the Maiden. October, 2011: 64 pages. [abs]
- Dorfman, A. Feeding on Dreams: Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, September, 2011.
- Dorfman, A. Feeding on Dreams: Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile. 2011.
- Dorfman, A. Writing the Deep South: The Mandela Lecture and Other Mirrors for South Africa. Picador Africa/Pan Macmillan, Fall, 2011.
- Dorfman, A. Heading South, Looking North. Picador Africa/Pan Macmillan, Fall, 2011. South African printing of 1998 memoir
- Dorfman, A. Americanos: Los pasos de Murieta. Seix Barral, 2009.
- Dorfman, A. Burning City (screenplay). 2008. (Wrote screenplay version of novel "Burning
City" with Joaquin Dorfman for Richard
Gladstein, producer.)
- Dorfman, A. Blake's Therapy (screenplay). 2008. [abs]
- Dorfman, A; Dorfman, J. Burning City. Random House Children’s Books, June, 2005. Previously published in the UK.
- Dorfman, A. Para além do medo. Campo das Letras Editores S.A., November, 2004.
- Dorfman, A. Mascara. Seven Stories Press, September, 2004. Reprint, with new afterward by J.M. Coetzee [abs]
- Dorfman, A. The Rabbits’ Rebellion. Ma’ariv Book Guild, September, 2004.
- Dorfman, A. Desert Memories: Journeys through the Chilean North. National Geographic Books, January, 2004. Memorias del desierto, National
Geographic Latitudes, 2004
- Dorfman, A. Foreword by Ariel Dorfman. January, 2004: xiii-xv. [doi] [abs]
- Dorfman, A. Manifesto for Another World: Voices from Beyond the Dark. Seven Stories Press, 2004.
- Dorfman, A. Other Septembers, Many Americas: Selected Provocations, 1980-2004. Seven Stories Press, 2004.
- (Play). Seven Stories Press, 2004.
- Dorfman, A. Konfidenz. Dalkey Archive, 2003. (reprint from 1995 edition with new introduction by Andrei Codrescu)
- Dorfman, A. The Burning City (with Joaquin Dorfman). Doubleday (UK), 2003.
- Dorfman, A. In Case of Fire in a Foreign Land (poetry). Duke University Press, 2002.
- Dorfman, A. Exorcising Terror: The Incredible Unending Trial of General Augusto Pinochet. Seven Stories Press, 2002. (Translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Turkish) [available here]
- Dorfman, A. Exordising Terror: The Incredible Unending Trial of General Augusto Pinochet. Seven Stories Press, 2002. (translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Turkish)
- Dorfman, A. The Rabbit’s Rebellion. Transworld, 2001.
- Dorfman, A. Blake’s Therapy. Seven Stories Press, 2001.
- Dorfman, A. The Nanny and the Iceberg. Farrar, Straus and giroux, January, 1999.
- Dorfman, A. The Resistance Trilogy. Nick Hern Books Limited, 1998.
- Dorfman, A. The Resistance Trilogy. Nick Hern Books Limited, 1998.
- Dorfman, A. Heading South, Looking North: A Bilingual Journey. Farrar, Straus and giroux, 1998.
- Dorfman, A. Heading South, Looking North: A Bilingual Journey. Farrar, Straus and giroux, 1998.
- Dorfman, A. Widows (play). Nick Hern Books Limited, 1997.
- Dorfman, A. Konfidenz. Farrar, Straus and giroux, 1995. (paperback, Vintage, 1996; reissued with new
introduction by Andrei Codrescu, Dalkey
Archive, 2003)
- Dorfman, A. Reader. Nick Hern Books, London, 1995.
- Dorfman, A. Death and the Maiden. Penguin, 1992. [abs]
- Dorfman, A. Hard Rain (novel). Readers International, 1991. (hardback and paperback)
- Dorfman, A. Some Write To The Future. Duke University Press, 1991. (paperback, 1992)
- Dorfman, A. My House Is On Fire (stories). Viking-Penguin, 1990. (paperback, King Penguin, 1991)
- Dorfman, A. Last Waltz in Santiago. Viking-Penguin, 1988. (paperback, King Penguin, 1988)
- Dorfman, A. Mascara. Viking-Penguin, 1988.
- Dorfman, A. The Last Song of Manuel Sendero. Viking, 1987. (paperback, King Penguin, 1988)
- Dorfman, A. The Empire’s Old Clothes. Pantheon Books, New York, 1983. (paperback, Pantheon Books, 1984; new
paperback, Penguin, 1996)
- Dorfman, A. Widows (novel). Pantheon Books, New York, 1983. (paperback Vintage-Aventura, 1984; new
paperback, King Penguin, 1989; Seven Stories
Press, 2002)
- Dorfman, A. Missing. Amnesty International, London, 1982.
- Dorfman, A; Mattelart, A. How to Read Donald Duck. International General, London, 1975.
Articles in a Journal
- Dorfman, A. "The Penguin Book of Migration Literature: Departures, Arrivals, Generations, Returns." New York Review of Books 67:19 (2020): 49-50.
- Dorfman, A. "Mark But This "Oh stay, three lives ..."." Massachusetts Review: a Quarterly of Literature, the Arts and Public Affairs 61:1 (2020): 12-17.
- Dorfman, A. "Advice for Maduro." Nation 308:6 (March, 2019): 4-+.
- Dorfman, A. "Spaniards in Mauthausen: Representations of a Nazi Concentration Camp, 1940-2015." New York Review of Books 66:18 (2019): 22-24.
- Dorfman, A. "The Impostor: A True Story." New York Review of Books 66:18 (2019): 22-24.
- Dorfman, A. "WHAT YOU HAVE SEEN." Sinn Und Form 70:6 (2018): 725-733.
- Dorfman, A. "Chile: Now More Than Ever." New York Review of Books 65:13 (2018): 55-57.
- Dorfman, A. "Letters to Lord Ganesha." Tikkun 33:3 (2018): 57-64. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Spying for Shakespeare: Shakespeare, Cervantes and spies, our exclusive new story for Index from the award-winning writer has it all." Index on Censorship 46:4 (December, 2017): 92-109. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Finding julio gamboa." Antioch Review 75:4 (September, 2017): 567-573. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "The missing and photography: The uses and misuses of globalization." (April, 2016): 255-260. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Sounds of solidarity: The Chilean author presents his short story on the power of music as resistance." Index on Censorship 44:4 (December, 2015): 100-108. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Separated at birth." Nation 300:14 (April, 2015): 70-72. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "Je suis José Carrasco." Index on Censorship 44:1 (March, 2015): 89-91. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "The Rags of Time." Literary Review 58:4 (2015): 149-162.
- Dorfman, A. "Casting away: A new short story by the acclaimed human rights writer." Index on Censorship 43:3 (September, 2014): 132-144. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "A tale of two daughters: Chile may now finally overcome Pinochet's legacy." Nation 297:26-27 (December, 2013): 6-8.
- Dorfman, A. "When Mandela Became Real to Me." New Republic Sunday (December, 2013). [nelson-mandela-remembered-ariel-dorfman]
- Dorfman, A. "Beyond the Legendary Mandela." Sunday Times in South Africa (December, 2013): 1-2.
- Dorfman, A. "The Struggle for Chile’s Future." The Nation In the Dec. 23/30, 2013 edition. (December, 2013). [struggle-chiles-future#]
- Dorfman, A. "Chile elections: three candidates, three fathers and an awful lot of history." The Guardian (November, 2013). Also ran in Corriere della Sera, a newspaper
in Italy, on November 16, 2013 on page 19,
"Voto in Cile, I Fantasmi Dei Padri Bachelet
e Matthei: figlie di generali amici divisi
dalla dittatura." [chile-elections-fathers-history-bachelet-matthei]
- Dorfman, A. "A Way Out for Egypt? Lessons from the Chilean Plebiscite." Nation In the Oct. 28, 2013 edition.297:17 (October, 2013). [does-chilean-experience-offer-way-out-egypt] [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "9/11: The Day Everything Changed, in Chile." New York Times Sunday Review Section - The Opinion Pages (September, 2013): 6-7. "El día en que las cosas cambiaron para
siempre," Spanish translation in El Pais on
9/9/2013 at
http://elpais.com/elpais/2013/08/16/opinion/1376667740_759116.html. [9-11-the-day-everything-changed-in-chile.html]
- Abad, H; Albee, E; Appiah, A; Arrufat, A; Ashbery, J; Atwoo, M; Auster, P; Bitov, A; Coetzee, JM; Delillo, D; Desai, K; Doctorow, EL; Dorfman, A; Erofeev, V; Gelman, J; Gordimer, N; Goytisolo, J; Manguel, A; McEwan, I; Mistry, R; Saul, JR; Rushdie, S; Self, W; Shafak, E; Sjón, ; Soyinka, W; Thubron, C; Tóibín, C; Transtrómer, T; Valenzuela, L; Llosa, MV; Warner, M; Yehoshua, AB. "Artistic freedom in China." Tls the Times Literary Supplement :5744 (May, 2013): 6.
- Dorfman, A. "Crossing the Street in Jaipur." Guernica Magazine (May, 2013). [available here] [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Despedida y amanecer." Pagina Doce (May, 2013). Also published in El Pais and Proceso on May
17, 2013. [html]
- Dorfman, A. "One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez." Essay.
Brick: a Literary Journal issue 91 (Summer, 2013): 113-114.
- Dorfman, A. "Out of the dark." Index on Censorship 41:1 (January, 2012): 180-199. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Honor Among Thieves." short story
Antioch Review Johnny Appleseed and Other Legacies70.4:Johnny Appleseed and Other Legacies (Fall, 2012): 659-673. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Fragment from the Diary of My Return to Chile in 1990." Essay.
Diálogo 15:2 (Fall, 2012): 23-24.
- Dorfman, A. "Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile Returning to Chile three decades after the coup, I was no longer a soldier of the revolution.." Nation 293:22 (November, 2011): 21-24. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "Matta el travieso." Pagina/12 (November, 2011). Reprinted in other Spanish languages papers [html]
- Dorfman, A. "Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile." The Nation 293:22 (November, 2011): 21-24.
- Dorfman, A. "Death and the Maiden's Haunting Relevance." London Guardian (October, 2011). [death-maiden-relevance-play]
- Dorfman, A. "How Harold Pinter's Kindness Saved My Play." The Daily Telegraph (October, 2011). [html] [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Salvador Allende Has Words for Barack Obama from the Other Side of Death." (October, 2011). [available here]
- Dorfman, A. "Un purgatorio en busca de autor." El Pais (October, 2011). [Tes]
- Dorfman, A. "Epitaph for Another September 11 Chile and the United States offer contrasting models of how to react to a collective trauma." Nation 293:12 (September, 2011): 17-18. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "Cheney and Justice for Torture Victims." (September, 2011). [html]
- Dorfman, A. "The Other 9-11." Granta (September, 2011). [dorfman]
- Dorfman, A. "My Lost Library." Chronicle of Higher Education (September, 2011). [available here]
- Dorfman, A. "Epitaph for Another September 11th." The Nation 293:12 (September, 2011): 17-18. Reprinted in El Pais as "Epitafio para otro
once de Septiembre", New Statesman etc. [epitaph-another-september-11]
- Dorfman, A. "Losing Superman." Los Angeles Times (May, 2011). Reprinted in El Pais as "Bin Laden y la
ultima aventura de Superman" and other newspapers [la-oe-dorfman-superman-20110506,0,4184100.story]
- Dorfman, A. "Ghosts of Chile." Los Angeles Times (March, 2011). reprinted in El Pais as "Obama y el dolor de
Chile" [la-oe-dorfman-chile-obama-20110320]
- Dorfman, A. "Conversations with a myth." Nation 292:2-3 (January, 2011): 24-26.
- Dorfman, A. "Conversations With a Myth In his new memoir Nelson Mandela struggles to overcome his image as a saint.." Nation 292:2-3 (January, 2011): 24-26. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "Nelson Mandela: Conversations with a Myth." The Nation (January, 2011).
- Dorfman, A. "Why trapped miners ’unwilling to die in darkness." Cnn.Com (2010). Reprinted as "El verdadero milagro de los
mineros" in El Pais, 9/8/2010 [index.html]
- Dorfman, A. "Solidarity can help Chile prevail." Cnn.Com (2010). Reprinted in El Pais 3/3/2010 [available here]
- Dorfman, A. "Shaken to the Core." Los Angeles Times (2010).
- Dorfman, A. "Forum: Make Believe." Pen America Journal 11 (October, 2009): 15-15.
- Dorfman, A. "Augusto Boal: 1931-2009 Tribute." American Theatre Magazine (September, 2009). Reprinted in the London Guardian
- Dorfman, A. "Interventions in "Picasso’s Closet": Our Black-and-White Catastrophe." The Art Bulletin XCI:1 (March, 2009): 51-58.
- Dorfman, A. "Picasso’s Closet." The Art Bulletin XCI:1 (March, 2009): 6-28.
- Dorfman, A. "Interventions: Picasso's closet." Art Bulletin 91:1 (January, 2009): 6-29. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Interventions: The author replies: Our black-and-white catastrophe." Art Bulletin 91:1 (January, 2009): 51-58. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Hope for Latin America: Obama’s Nobel." Huffington Post (2009). Also printed in the Los Angeles Times. [html]
- Dorfman, A. "Forever: A Letter to Obama." Huffington Post (2009). Also appeared in the London
Guardian "Commentisfree" blog. [html]
- Dorfman, A. "Sobre Patiperros y Manzanas." El Pais (2009). Proceso, Pagina Doce
- Dorfman, A. "Heroínas imperfectas." El Pais (2009). Proceso, Pagina Doce
- Dorfman, A. "Un mensaje para Obama." El Pais (2009). Also translated for papers in Sweden,
Norway, Germany, Italy, France, Brazil,
Denmark and Holland
- Dorfman, A. "Todavía viendo a Tencha." El Pais (2009). Proceso, Pagina Doce
- Willimon, WH. "Security." Ex Auditu 24 (January, 2008): 185-191. [login.aspx]
- Dorfman, A. "Are there times when we have to accept torture?." On Torture (2008): 109-111.
- Dorfman, A. "My Paulina, My Country." Salon.Com (2008). [html]
- Dorfman, A. "Are we really so fearful?." On Torture (2008): 112-114.
- Dorfman, A. "Der Dichter-Präsident." Frankfurter Rundschau (2008).
- Dorfman, A. "The Temptations and Delights of Writing for an Opera." Written for the performance of the opera
version of "Death and the Maiden" for which
I wrote the libretto.
Opera Journal (2008).
- Dorfman, A. "Mi Paulina, mi pais." El Pais (2008). [Tes]
- Dorfman, A. "Una profecía desde Carolina del Norte." El Pais (2008). [Tes]
- Dorfman, A. "El Poeta como Presidente." El Pais (2008). [Tes]
- Dorfman, A. "Barack Obama, next president?." Le Monde (2008).
- Dorfman, A. "Death and the Maiden." The Guardian (Uk) 20:6 (2008): 5-20. [featuresreviews.guardianreview1], [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "A Vicious Circle." The Guardian (Uk) (2008). [chile.theatre]
- Dorfman, A. "Are we really so fearful?." (2008): 112-114.
- Dorfman, A. "Death and the Maiden." The Guardian (Uk) (2008).
- Dorfman, A. "What bush missed in Chile." South Atlantic Quarterly 105:1 (Winter, 2006): 125-127. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Homeland Security Ate my Speech." Tomdispatch.Com (2006). Also appeared in Le Monde. [index.mhtml]
- Dorfman, A. "Spitting on the Dead Dictator." Los Angeles Times (2006). Reprinted as "Good-bye to a
Grandfather," "Un adios al abuelo," in
Clarin, Expressen, Senkai
- Dorfman, A. "The Half-Life of a Despot." The New York Times (2006). El Pais, L'Unita, Pagina Doce, Liberation,
- Dorfman, A. "Are We Really So Fearful?." Washington Post (2006). El Pais, Pagina Doce, Le Monde [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Mission Akkomplished: Mayday for Comrade Bush." The New Statesman (2006).
- Dorfman, A. "El caso del 'taliban chino'." El Pais (2006).
- Dorfman, A. "Out of Fear." London Guardian (2006).
- Dorfman, A. "It's No Joke Anymore." Los Angeles Times (2006). Adapted from keynote speech given at the
annual MLA Convention on Dec. 27, 2005.
- Dorfman, A. "A Morse Code Signal for 2006." San Francisco Chronicle (2006).
- Dorfman, A. "Una llamada de auxilio para el año nuevo." El Pais (2006).
- Dorfman, A. "What Bush Missed in Chile." South Atlantic Quarterly 105 (2006): 125-127.
- Dorfman, A. "Waving the Star Spanglish Banner." Washington Post (2006).
- Dorfman, A. "Juegos de la memoria." El Pais (October, 2005). Reprinted in Pagina Doce
- Dorfman, A. "Behind the sunglasses." Index on Censorship 34:1 (January, 2005): 67-71. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "On Asylum." Saq (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "A Morse Code for 2006." Opendemocracy.Net (2005). Reprinted in Spanish, Pagina Doce [available here]
- Dorfman, A. "The Piper of Our Times." Der Einstein-Komplex (2005): 22-26.
- Dorfman, A. "Footnotes to a Double Life." The Genius of Language (2005): 206-217.
- Dorfman, A. "Sube a Nacer conmigo." Pen America: Metamorphoses 3 (2005): 122-124.
- Dorfman, A. "Forum: Poetry and torture." World Literature Today 79:2 (2005): 7-7. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "An Einstein Strings Theory." Los Angeles Times (2005). Reprinted as "El violinista en el tejado del
cosmos" in El Pais, 9/5/05.
- Dorfman, A. "Love Song for London." Washington Post (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "Adieu to a Philosopher: Remembering Sartre." Los Angeles Times (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "Los cincos minutes de John Paul II." El Pais (2005). Reprinted in Le Monde
- Dorfman, A. "En memoria de Arthur Miller: la muerte de un fabulador." El Pais (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "Chilean writer brings his plays to the world." Santiago Times (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "Echoes of King's dream ring true in Chile." San Francisco Chronicle (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "William Blake has Words from the Other Side of Death for Laura Bush." The Liberal Iv (2005): 40-41.
- Dorfman, A. "The last temptation of Ivan Karamazov." Queens Quarterly 111:2 (December, 2004): 273-276. [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "The Struggle for America’s Soul." Tomdispatch.Com (October, 2004). reprinted in Mother Jones online [index.mhtml]
- Dorfman, A. "Martin Luther King, Jr: A Latin American Perspective." Peace is Possible: Voices of the Second Superpower (October, 2004): 251-260.
- Dorfman, A. "Brainy Candidates Need Not Apply." Los Angeles Times (October, 2004).
- Dorfman, A. "Juegos de la memoria: Las elecciones en Estados Unidos." El Pais (October, 2004).
- Dorfman, A. "La inteligencia de Kerry." L'Unita (October, 2004). reprinted in Le Monde and El Pais
- Dorfman, A. "My Friend, the Super Man." The Observer (London) (October, 2004). also appeared in El Pais and the Duke
- Dorfman, A. "Martin Luther King, Jr: A Latin American Perspective." (October, 2004): 251-260.
- Dorfman, A. "Why Chile is Hopeful." New York Times (September, 2004).
- Dorfman, A. "Yuxtaposiciones." El Pais (September, 2004).
- Dorfman, A. "The Black Hole." The Impossible Will Take a Little While (August, 2004): 241-250.
- Dorfman, A. "Emergencias." El Pais (August, 2004).
- Dorfman, A. "Footnotes to a Double Life." The Genius of Language (July, 2004): 206-217.
- Dorfman, A. "Are There Times When We Have to Accept Torture?." The Guardian (U.K.) (May, 2004). Reprinted in San Francisco Chronicle and The
- Dorfman, A. "La question qu'Ivan Karamazov ne pose pas." Le Monde (May, 2004). Reprinted in Italian in L'Unita, and in
Spanish in El Pais
- Dorfman, A. "Are There Times When We Have to Accept Torture?." The Guardian (U.K.) (May, 2004).
- Dorfman, A. "Words that Pulse Among Madrid's Dead." Los Angeles Times (March, 2004).
- Ariel Dorfman,. "Un almuerzo con Kerry." El Pais (March, 2004).
- Dorfman, A. "Neruda frente al terror en Madrid." El Pais (March, 2004). Wordt Vervolgd - 4/20/04
- Dorfman, A. "The last temptation of Ivan Karamazov (The question of institutionalized torture, from Dostoevski to the American and British soldiers in Iraq)." Queens Quarterly 111:2 (2004): 272-276. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "Fear and the Word." Utne Reader (2004).
- Dorfman, A. "The True 'Desaparecidos'." Chronicle of Higher Education 50:2 SEC. B (September, 2003): B7-B9. [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "The hooligan's return - A memoir." New York Times Book Review (2003): 12-12. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "The nomads of language." American Scholar 71:1 (December, 2002): 89-94. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "La feroz lealtad de Antonio." Revista De Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 25:50 (1999): 271-271. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Language of survival - What separates intolerance from violence? Is there any way of making sure that one does not turn into the other? An encounter I had over 10 years ago may provide a way into these questions, a tentative answer." Index on Censorship 26:3 (1997): 20-24. [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Dead and alive." History Workshop Journal 33:1 (December, 1992): 179-181. [doi]
- DORFMAN, A. "DEAD AND ALIVE (REPRINTED FROM THE NATION, 1990)." History Workshop Journal :34 (September, 1992): 179-181. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A; Farhi, M. "One true word is worth five thousand lies." Jewish Quarterly Review 39:1 (January, 1992): 8-15. [doi]
- DORFMAN, A. "'WARNING SIGNALS'." Queens Quarterly 99:1 (1992): 134-145. [Gateway.cgi]
- DORFMAN, A. "THE LAST DAYS OF SHAKESPEARE,WILLIAM - KOCIANCICH,V." New York Times Book Review (1991): 24-24. [Gateway.cgi]
- DORFMAN, A. "BURYING ALLENDE - DEATH AND REBIRTH IN CHILE." Nation 251:11 (October, 1990): 365-&. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "A matter of time." Rethinking Marxism 3:1 (January, 1990): 7-13. [doi]
- DORFMAN, A. "'FADO ALEXANDRINO' - LOBOANTUNES,A." New York Times Book Review (1990): 15-15. [Gateway.cgi]
- DORFMAN, A. "THE 'NOTEBOOK' - KRISTOF,A, SHERIDAN,A, TRANSLATOR." New York Times Book Review (1989): 10-10. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A. "Trademark Territory." Index on Censorship 17:5 (January, 1988): 122-125. [doi]
- DORFMAN, A. "'MASCARA'." paperback, Penguin, 1990
Hispamerica Revista De Literatura 17:49 (1988): 85-99. [Gateway.cgi]
- DORFMAN, A. "THE 'LIGHTNING OF AUGUST' - IBARGUENGOITIA,J, DELCORRAL,I, TRANSLATOR." New York Times Book Review (1986): 30-30. [Gateway.cgi]
- DORFMAN, A. "'PLAY BY PLAY' - GOLDEMBERG,I." New York Times Book Review :AUG (1985): 12-12. [Gateway.cgi]
- Dorfman, A; Montecino, M; Cohen, P. "With the family." Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas 14:27 (January, 1980): 16-24. [doi]
- Dorfman, A. "Myth as time and word." Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas 9:15 (January, 1975): 12-22. [doi]
Articles in a Collection
- Dorfman, A. "Something must be happening to my antennas," "prologue: That deafening noise is the garbage truck"." Barrios and Borderlands: Cultures of Latinos and Latinas in the United States. February, 2014, 351-354.
- Dorfman, A. "My First Play." My First Play - An Anthology of Theatrical Beginnings Ed. Hern, N. paperbackNick Hern Books,
July, 2013, 42-45.
- Dorfman, A. "'No Ha Lugar' and 'Traduccíon Simultánea'." La Libertad no es un Sueño: Memoria Poética Ed. Silva-Caceres, R; Mardones, E. paperbackEDITORIAL SIGNO LTDA,
February, 2013, 38-43. (poem)
- Allen, ADFP; Dorfman A,. "afterword." Flowers in the Desert: The Search for Chile’s Disappeared. second hardbackUniversity Press of Florida,
2013, 120-125. Flores en el Desierto: La Búsqueda de los
Desaparecidos de Chile. Book in English and
Spanish. Translation by Paula Allen.
- Dorfman, A. "Una candela para Kerala." Delta de las Arenas: Cuentos Árabes, Cuentos Judíos Ed. compiladora, RMS. paperbackLiteral Publishing,
2013, 95-102.
- Dorfman, A. "'Despedida y amanecer' and 'Farewell and Dawn'." Write Against Impunity: Latin American Authors Commemorate Their Murdered Colleagues (English and Spanish version) Ed. Mitchell, T; Tennant, JS. Pen International Publishers Circle Series.Pen International,
November, 2012, 41-44. Translators: J.S. Tennant , Jennie Rothwell,
Cathal Sheerin & David Shook (poems; anthology) [available here]
- with Dorfman, A; Hitchens, C. "Foreword to the Twelve Edition." The Trial of Henry Kissinger. Twelve/Reprint EditionGrand Central Publishing/Twelve,
April, 2012, ix-xiv.
- Dorfman, A. "In the Footsteps of Salvadore Allende: Chile and the Occupy Movement." The Occupy Handbook Ed. Byrne, J. Back Bay Books/Little Brown and Co.,
April, 2012, 218-222. (anthology)
- Dorfman, A. "Out of the Dark: An Extract from the New Play." 40 Years of Index on Censorship Ed. Glanville, J. 40th anniversary edition.Arts Council of England,
March, 2012, 180-199. (anthology)
- Jentz, T; Ali, TM; Farley, M; Dorfman, A; Bernardi, C; Meron, T. "Truth telling and justice." Transforming Terror: Remembering the Soul of the World. June, 2011, 173-212.
- Herman, J; Morgan, R; Maria Rilke, R; Chopra, D; Evans, J; Sachs, N; Williams, TT; Darwish, M; Dorfman, A; Lorenz, HS; Zariab, S; Aquinas St, T. "An unbearable heartache: Trauma, violence, and memory." Transforming Terror: Remembering the Soul of the World. June, 2011, 67-101.
- Dorfman, A. "Globalizing compassion, photography, and the: Challenge of terror." Representing Humanity in an Age of Terror. December, 2010, 275-280.
- Dorfman, A. "Introduction to Empire's Old Clothes." The Empire's Old Clothes. 2010. [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Introduction to Empire's Old Clothes." The Empire's Old Clothes. 2010. [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "The Innocents March into History." COMICS STUDIES READER. 2009, 257-269.
- Dorfman, A. "Gringos." Visions from Finis Terrae Ed. Arriarán, P. Inter-American Dialogue,
2008, 205-213. Reprinted from The O. Henry Award Stories,
- Dorfman, A. "The Other Side." The Other Side. Samuel French, Inc.,
- Dorfman, A. "Widows." Widows. Samuel French, Inc.,
- Dorfman, A. "Reader." Reader. Samuel French, Inc.,
- Dorfman, A. "Waving the Star-Spanglish Banner." Spanglish Ed. Stavans, I. Greenwood Press,
2008, 118-119.
- Dorfman, A. "Are We Really So Fearful?." On Torture Ed. Stavans, I. The Johns Hopkins University Press,
2008, 112-114.
- Dorfman, A. "Are there times when we have to accept torture?." On Torture Ed. Hilde, TC. The Johns Hopkins University Press,
2008, 109-111.
- Dorfman, A. "Afterword: Where the Buried Flame Burns." Poems from Guantanamo: The Detainees Speak Ed. Falkoff, M. University of Iowa Press,
July, 2007.
- Dorfman, A. "Breaking Down the Glass Walls of Language." How I Learned English Ed. Miller, T. National Geographic Books,
2007, 217-220. Translated as "Rompiendo las fragiles
barreras del lenguaje" in Como aprendí
- Dorfman, A. "The Missing and Photography: The Uses and Misuses of Globalization." Spontaneous Shrines and the Public Memorialization of Death Ed. Santino, J. FirstPalgrave Macmillan,
April, 2006, 255-260.
- Dorfman, A. "The Tyranny of Torture: Is Torture Inevitable in Our Century and Beyond?." Torture: A Collection Ed. Levinson, S. FirstOxford University Press,
Fall, 2004, 3-18.
Articles Online
- Dorfman, A. "A Time for Creative Suffering Martin Luther King’s Words in a Surveillance World." . August, 2013
<http://www.tomdispatch.com/blog/175741/tomgram%3A_ariel_dorfman%2C_martin_luther_king_and_the_two_9_11s> Cross-posted on Huffington Post on Aug. 29,
2013 at
Book Reviews
- Dorfman, A, "A RADICAL FAITH The Assassination of Sister Maura". New York Times Book Review 121:52 (2016): 18-18.
- Dorfman, A, "Taking the Cinematic view of Latin American Politics". San Francisco Chronicle (2006).
- Dorfman, A, "Destination: Chile, A Geography Gone Mad". Salon.Com Literary Guide to the World (2006). [html]
- Dorfman, A. "Where He Fell." Mcsweeney’S Quarterly Concern 38 (February, 2014): 19-46.
- Dorfman, A. "It's a Small World." short story
Boston Review 37:6 (December, 2012): 32-49. [ariel-dorfman-small-world]
- Dorfman, A. "The Last Copy." The Atlantic Monthly (August, 2011).
- Dorfman, A. "Asylum." Playboy (April, 2010): 56-57.
- Dorfman, A. "El otro lado." (November, 2009). Spanish version of the play "The Other Side"
published to accompany the play performed in
Cadiz, Spain
- Dorfman, A. "Innocent Passage." Freedom AnthologyFreedom Anthology (July, 2009). also appeared in Canadian edition
- Dorfman, A. "Poem for the Grandchildren of Three Five O." 350 Website (2009). [chilean-poet-ariel-dorman-lends-his-voice-cause]
- Dorfman, A. "Picasso’s Closet." The Nasher Museum of Art (2009).
- Dorfman, A. "Introduction to Empire’s Old Clothes." New introduction to the reissue of my book,
The Empire's Old Clothes, to be published
Spring 2010.
(2009). [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Security." Story published in a special limited edition
by the Hay Festival Press with proceeds
going to the Festival of Literatures
Charitable Trust.
Security (July, 2008). [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "'Prologue: That Deafening Noise' plus two other poems." If Salt Has Memory: Jewish Exiled Writers (2008): 132-132.
- Dorfman, A. "Blake’s Therapy (screenplay)." Wrote screenplay version of my
novel "Blake's Therapy" with Rodrigo Dorfman
for Ventazul Film Productions, producer
Salma Hayek
(2008). [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Gringos." Visions From Finis Terrae (2008): 205-213.
- Dorfman, A. ""Prologue: That Deafening Noise" plus two other poems." (2008): 132-132.
- Dorfman, A. "Dancing with Shadows musical." (July, 2007).
- Dorfman, A. "Gringos." The O. Henry Prize StoriesThe O. Henry Prize Stories 1 (June, 2007).
- Dorfman, A. "Stew." A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant, and a PrayerA Memory, A Monologue, A Rant, and A Prayer :Fall (June, 2007): 105-107. [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Goodbye to a Grandfather." Sekai :762 (March, 2007). Japanese translation from Los Angeles Times
article printed in December 2006.
- Dorfman, A. "Use What You Learned." The Chronicle of Higher Education (2007).
- Dorfman, A. "Una semana con Gabo." El Pais (2007).
- Dorfman, A. "Are We Really So Fearful?." Washington Post (Washington, D.C. : 1974) (September, 2006). [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Waving the Star Spanglish Banner." Read as radio commentary on Hispanic
Communications Network
Washington Post (Washington, D.C. : 1974) (May, 2006). El Pais, Guardian [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "Gringos." Was selected as an O'Henry Prize-winning
story for 2006.
Subtropics 1 1 (2006): 119-127.
- Dorfman, A. "Death and the Maiden." (2006).
- Dorfman, A. "Picasso’s Closet." (2006). [php]
- Dorfman, A. "Death and the Maiden." (2006).
- Rousuck, JW; Dorfman A,. "Playwright Dorfman puts a face on Torture." Baltimore Sun (2006).
- Dorfman, A. "Stew." Daedalus 135:Fall (2006): 105-107. [doi] [abs]
- Dorfman, A. "The Other Side." Manhattan Theatre Club (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "Speak Truth to Power: Voices from Beyond the Dark." Ebenezer Baptist Church (2005).
- Gener, R; Dorfman A,. "War, Rape, Barbed Wire: Remember, It’s a Comedy." The New York Times (2005).
- Svich, C; Dorfman A,. "Subverting Narrative: An Interview with Ariel Dorfman." Contemporary Theatre Review (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "Interview about Gen. Augusto Pinochet." Bbc the World Tonight (2005).
- Adams, P; Dorfman A,. "Salvaging Memories in Santiago." Duke Magazine (2005). [available here]
- Plaskin, S; Dorfman A,. "Radio Interview." What’S the Word? (2005).
- Penkava, M; Dorfman A,. "Ariel and Joaquin Dorfman radio interview." Wunc State of Things (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "Father son team tell hard tale of youth." News and Observer (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "Two Dorfmans, one new novel." Durham Herald Sun (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "News Hour with Jim Lehrer." Pbs (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "Chilean writer brings his plays to the world." The Santiago Times (2005).
- Penkava, M; Dorfman A,. "Ariel Dorfman speaks about Purgatorio." Wunc the State of Things (2005).
- Dorfman, A. "William Blake has Words from the Other Side of Death for Laura Bush." The Liberal IV (2005): 40-41.
- Dorfman, A. "William Blake has Words from the Other side of Death for Laura Bush." San Francisco Chronicle (July, 2004). reprinted in El Pais
- Dorfman, A. "The Other Side." (2004).
- Dorfman, A. "Speak Truth to Power: Voices from Beyond the Dark." (October, 2000).
- Dorfman, A. "Speak Truth to Power: Volices from Beyond the Dark." (September, 2000).
- Dorfman, A; Dorfman, R. "Konfidenz." (2000).
- co-written, AD; Dorfman, R. "Dead Line." based on poems from Ariel Dorfman's book
Last Waltz in Santiago
(December, 1998).
- Dorfman, A; Dofman, R. "Who’ Who." (1998).
- by, C-D; Dorfman, C-WBA; Dorfman, R. "My House Is On Fire." based on story written by Ariel Dorfman, a
short film
- Dorfman, ABR; Dorfman, A. "Mascara, based on the novel of the same name." (1996). 1998, Bonn
- Dorfman, A; Dorfman, R. "Prisoners in Time, BBC teleplay." worldwide 1995-96, starring John Hurt. 1995
Writer's Guild of Great Britain award for
Best Feature Film (TV category)
(August, 1995).
- Dorfman, A. "Reader." (1995).
- co-written, ; Dorfman, C-PBA. "Death and the Maiden, directed by Roman Polanski." starring Sigourney Weaver, Ben Kinsgley,
and Stuart Wilson, released worldwide 1995
(December, 1994).
- Dorfman, A. "Death and the Maiden." After a workshop production in Chile in
March, 1991, the play had its world
premiere at the Royal Court Theatre
(Upstairs) in London in July 1991, and
opened on Broadway in 1992. The play has
been performed in more than 100 countries
to date and is also used as a teaching tool
in many classrooms in schools and
universities in the United States, Canada
and Europe.
England: The Time Out award as Best Play of
the Year and the Sir Lawrence Oliver Award
as Best Play of the Year for 1991.
Korea: 29th Dong Award for Best Play in
1992-93 theatrical season.
Japan: 1999 award for Best Play in
- Dorfman, A. "Widows, based on the novel of the same name." Adapted as a radioplay, BBC; Alternative
Theatre Festival, Israel 1987; first prize.
The Kennedy Center/American Express New
Plays Award, 1988. New version, written with
Tony Kushner, premiered main stage, Mark
Taper Forum, 1991. Staged in Japan, Israel,
Sri Lanka, Turkey, England, Scotland and