Romance Studies
Publications [#363934] Annette Joseph-Gabriel
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Articles in a Journal

  1. Florvil, TN; Glover, KL; Joseph-Gabriel, AK; Marino, KM; Mitchell, R; Mogoué, JB; Pinto, S. "New Directions in Feminism and Global Race Studies: A Book Conversation." Signs 47:4 (June, 2022): 1013-1040. [doi]

    This roundtable stems from a Zoom event, “New Directions in Feminism and Global Race Studies (a Book Conversation)” with authors Tiffany N. Florvil, Kaiama L. Glover, Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel, Katherine M. Marino, Robin Mitchell, and Jacqueline-Bethel Tchouta Mougoué, hosted by Samantha Pinto. These scholars discussed their recently published books, which expand how we think about transnational feminism and global Black feminisms in the Americas, the Caribbean, Africa, and Europe. The lightly edited transcript of the conversation explores how putting Black women at the center of histories of global feminisms and race studies transforms these fields and the questions that are usually asked. The authors also discussed navigating research challenges and confronting racism in the sources and in the archives. The conversation underscores the importance of intellectual community, as well as the relevance and urgency of Black feminist scholarship today.