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Deborah Reisinger, Professor of the Practice and Director of Language Outreach Initiatives

Deborah Reisinger

Deb Reisinger, Ph.D., is Professor of the Practice in Romance Studies and affiliate faculty in the Duke Global Health Institute. She is Director of Duke's Language Outreach Initiatives, overseeing the Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) program and the Shared Course Initiative for Less Commonly Taught Languages with UVA and Vanderbilt. She currently serves as Dean of Undergraduate Education for Trinity College.

Deb is lead author of Affaires globales: S'engager dans le monde professionnel en français - niveau avancé (Georgetown Press, 2021), co-author with Joan Clifford of Community-based Language Learning: A Framework for Educators (Georgetown Press, 2019), and author of Crime and Media in Contemporary France (Purdue Press, 2007). She has published numerous articles on language pedagogy, community-based learning, and French for Specific Purposes. 

Deb teaches courses in service-learning, global displacement, and French for Specific Purposes, including global health, public policy, and marketing. Her current research focuses on transformative learning and community-based pedagogies.

She chaired the College Board's World Languages Academic Advisory Committee from 2016-2023 and served as co-chair of the AP French Language and Culture Exam development committee from 2018-2021. From 2013-2018, she served as Chair of the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) Commission on French for Specific Purposes. 

Deb regularly directs Duke summer study abroad programs, including Duke in ProvenceDuke in Provence-virtualDuke in Aix-en-Provence, Duke in Montréal, and Duke in Paris.  

In 2022, she was named Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French Republic.

Contact Info:
Office Location:  114 Allen Building, Durham, NC 27708-0257
Email Address: send me a message
Web Page:

Office Hours:

Wednesday and Friday 11:30-12:30, and (frequently) by appointment.

Ph.D.University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill2001

French Studies
Linguistics and Theories of Pedagogy
Research Interests: Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum, Business Language Studies, Applied Linguistics, Machine Translation

Current projects: Machine Translation in Language Acquisition, Business Language Studies : Social Entrepreneurship, French for Specific Purposes: Global Health and Refugee Populations, AP French Exam Development Committee

Areas of Interest:

Contemporary French culture
Business Language Studies (Social Entrepreneurship)
French for Specific Purposes (Global Health, Business, Education)
Computer Assisted Language Learning (Machine Translation)
Second Language Acquisition


Applied Linguistics • Business Language Studies • Communication in marketing • Computer Assisted Language Learning • Contemporary French culture • Cultural Marketing • Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum • French • French for Specific Purposes • French language • Global Health • Intercultural communication • Interpersonal communication and culture • Language acquisition • Language and culture • Language for Specific Purposes • Localization • Machine Translation • Refugee families • Refugee Resettlement • Refugees in literature • Second language acquisition • Women refugees

Curriculum Vitae
Recently Featured in:

Representative Publications   (More Publications)

  1. Reisinger, DS, Student video projects, AATF National Bulletin, vol. 32 no. 2 (February, 2007), pp. 21-22  [abs]
  2. Reisinger, DS, Writing Memory: Point kilométrique 190 and the Grimzi affaire, in New Approaches to Crime in French Literature, Culture and Film, edited by Harwick, L (2009), pp. 191-203, Peter Lang
  3. Reisinger, DS, Murder and Banality in the Contemporary fait divers, South Central Review, vol. 17 no. 4 (2000), pp. 84-99
  4. D.S. Reisinger, Samantha Earp, Joan Clifford, Effective Uses of a Course Management System, in Teaching with Technology, Heinle Professional Series in Language Instruction, edited by Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz, Lara Lomicka (Fall, 2003), Heinle
  5. Reisinger, DS, Marketing to the World (November, 2008) [idea.html#nov08]
  6. Reisinger, DS, Literary and Cinematic Responses to the Crime Story in Contemporary France, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture., vol. 9 no. 4 (2007), pp. 1-10 [available here]
  7. Reisinger, DS, Le Tour de France: sport et identité (Fall, 2005), UNC Center for European Studies [htm]  [abs]
  8. D.S. Reisinger, de l'aide: Directory of Elementary Language Activities for Instructors at Duke (2003) [html]  [abs]
Conferences Organized

  • Abstract Reviewer for International CIBER Business Language Conference. 2010, Abstract Reviewer for International CIBER Business Language Conference, 1 January 2010  
  • Conference Committee : International Center for International Business and Education Research (CIBER) Conference. September, 2013 - April, 2014, Conference Committee : International Center for International Business and Education Research (CIBER) Conference, 2013-14  
  • Center for International Business and Education Research (CIBER) Conference, Conference Committee, September, 2010 - April, 2014  
  • The Intercultural Learner, Organizer, with Deardorff, Paredes, Clifford, March, 2014  
  • Tri-Tech Foreign Language Technology Conference, Organizer, with Earp, Clifford, Feb 2003, March 2004  

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