Romance Studies
Publications Deborah Jenson
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  1. Deborah Jenson, Bonnie Kaiser, Brandon Kohrt, and Hunter Keys. Trauma and Mental Health in Humanitarian Crises: The Case of Haiti.  Left Coast Press, Under contract.
  2. Deborah Jenson. Beyond the Slave Narrative: Politics, Sex, and Manuscripts in the Haitian Revolution.  Liverpool University Press, 2011; paperback 2012: 322.

Edited Volumes

  1. Kadish, D; Jenson, D; Shapiro, TBN. Poetry of the Haitian Independence. Yale University Press, 2015: 360 pages. (translated by Shapiro, N) [ref=sr_1_1]  [abs]
  2. Jenson, D; Anderson, W; Keller, RE. Globalizing the Unconscious. Unconscious Dominions: Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and Sovereignty, 2011.
  3. Anderson, DJWW; Keller, RE. Unconscious Dominions: Psychoanalysis, Colonial Trauma, and Global Sovereignties. Duke University Press, 2011: 328-328.
  4. Jenson, D. Beyond the Slave Narrative: Sex, Politics, and Manuscripts in the Haitian Revolution. Liverpool Books OnlineLiverpool University Press, 2011: 322 pages. [61805]  [abs]
  5. Jenson, D; Kadish, D. Sarah, The Original French Text. , 2008.
  6. Jenson, D; Kadish, D. Sarah, An English Translation. MLA Editions, 2008.
  7. Jenson, D. Trauma and Its Representations: The Social Life of Mimesis in Post-Revolutionary France. Johns Hopkins UP, 2001: 294 pages.
  8. Cixous, H. "Coming to Writing" and Other Essays by Hélène Cixous. Harvard University Press, 1992: 242 pages. (translated by Jenson,, D; Cornell, S; Liddle, A; Sellers, S) [catalog.php]  [abs]

Special Issues

  1. Jenson, D; Dubois, L, Haiti Can Be Rich AgainNew York Times  (January, 2012).
  2. Jenson, D, From the Kidnapping(s) of the Louvertures to the Alleged Kidnapping of Aristide: Legacies of Slavery in the Post/Colonial WorldYale French Studies 107:107 (2005): 162-186. [doi]
  3. Jenson, D; Desormeaux, D; Bongie, C; Kadish, D; Nesbitt, NF, The Haiti Issue: 1804 and Nineteenth-Century French StudiesYale French Studies :107 (2005): 192 pages. [book.asp]
  4. Jenson, D, The Haiti IssueYale French Studies 107 (2005).

Articles Accepted in Collection

  1. Deborah Jenson. "Adrien and Marcel Proust: Fathering Neurasthenic Memory." Being Contemporary: (Un)Timely Essays in French Culture. Ed. Lia Brozgal and Sara Kippur. Liverpool UP, 2015.
  2. Deborah Jenson. "Toussaint Louverture, 'Maroon' French, and Multimodal Genius." Rethinking an Icon: Toussaint Louverture and Caribbean Cultural Production. Ed. Natalie Léger and Mariana Past. Editorial del Caribe, 2015.

Introductions, Forewords, and Afterwords

  1. Deborah Jenson (with Michaeline Crichlow and Patricia Northover). "Introduction: Caribbean Entanglements in Times of Crises."  106:1 (Fall, 2012): 1-14.
  2. Deborah Jenson (with Michaeline Crichlow and Patricia Northover). "Introduction: Caribbean Entanglements in Times of Crises." The Global South 106:1 (Spring, 2012): 1-14.
  3. Deborah Jenson (with Michaeline Crichlow and Patricia Northover). "Introduction: Caribbean Entanglements in Times of Crises." The Global South 106:1 (Spring, 2012): 1-14.

Articles in a Journal

  1. Auguste, E; Beauliere, G; Jenson, D; LeBrun, J; Blanc, J. "La lutte continue: Louis Mars and the genesis of ethnopsychiatry.." The American psychologist 78:4 (May, 2023): 469-483. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Jenson, D. "Ceremonies Lost and Found: Global South Critical Philosophy against Cognitive Exceptionalism." PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 137:1 (2022): 136-143. [doi]
  3. Iacoboni, M; Jenson, D; Uchitel, J; White, LE. "Editorial: Representation in neuroscience and humanities.." Front Integr Neurosci 16 (2022): 1035367. [doi]
  4. Jenson, D. "Maroon nation: a history of revolutionary Haiti." The Historian 83:2 (April, 2021): 210-211. [doi]
  5. Uchitel, J; McDade, C; Mathew, M; Mantri, S; Jenson, D; Husain, AM. "Conversational analysis of consciousness during seizures.." Epilepsy Behav 112 (November, 2020): 107486. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Jenson, D. "Marceline Desbordes-Valmore créolisée et créolisatrice. Décolonisation et préciosité dans « Chanson créole » (1819)." Cahiers Marceline Desbordes-Valmore  (2020).
  7. Jenson, D. "Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness." AMERICAN LITERATURE 92:1 (2020): 183-185.
  8. Jenson, D. "See It Feelingly: Classic Novels, Autistic Readers, and the Schooling of a No-Good English Professor.." AMERICAN LITERATURE 92:1 (2020): 183-185.
  9. Jenson, D. "Living by Metaphor in the Haitian Revolution: Tigers and Cognitive Theory."   (2016).
  10. Jenson, D. "Sources and interpretations jean-jacques dessalines and the African character of the haitian revolution." William and Mary Quarterly 69:3 (July, 2012): 615-638. [repository], [doi]
  11. Jenson, D; Dubois, L. "Humanities in the Lab: Rethinking Haitian Studies." Diversity and Democracy: Civic Learning for Shared Futures 15:2 (Spring, 2012).
  12. Crichlow; Northover; Jenson. "Introduction: Caribbean Entanglements in Times of Crises." The Global South 6:1 (2012): 1-1. [repository], [doi]
  13. Jenson. "<em>Haiti Unbound: A Spiralist Challenge to the Postcolonial Canon</em>, by Kamaia L. Glover." Research in African Literatures 43:3 (2012): 135-135. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  14. Jenson, D. "States of Ghetto, Ghettos of States: Haiti and the ‘Era de Francia’ in the Dominican Republic, 1804-1808." The Global South 106:1 (Fall, 2012): 156-71. [repository]
  15. Jenson, D. "Kidnapped Narratives: Mobility without Autonomy and the Nation/Novel Analogy." A Companion to Comparative Literature  (November, 2011): 369-386. [repository], [doi]
  16. Jenson, D; Szabo, V; Duke FHI Haiti Humanities Laboratory Student Research Team. "Cholera in Haiti and other Caribbean regions, 19th century.." Emerging infectious diseases 17:11 (November, 2011): 2130-2135. [22099117], [doi]  [abs]
  17. Jenson, D. "Colonialism, Race, and the French Romantic Imagination." INTERVENTIONS-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POSTCOLONIAL STUDIES 13:2 (January, 2011): 328-330. [Gateway.cgi]
  18. Jenson, D; Iacoboni, M. "Literary Biomimesis: Mirror Neurons and the Ontological Priority of Representation." California Italian Studies  (2011). [3sc3j6dj]
  19. Jenson, D. "Hegel and Dessalines: Philosophy and the African Diaspora." New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 84:3-4 (January, 2010): 269-275. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  20. Jenson, D. "Hegel and Dessalines: Philosophy and the African Diaspora." New West Indian Guide 84:3-4 (2010): 4-9. [repository]
  21. Jenson, D. "The Common Without Copies, the International Without Cosmopolitanism: Marx Against the Romanticism of Likeness." Rethinking Marxism 22:3 (2010): 420-433. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  22. Jenson, D. "Dessalines’s American Proclamations of the Haitian Independence." The Journal of Haitian Studies Vol. 15:No. 1 and 2 (2010): 72-102. [repository]  [abs]
  23. Jenson, D. "Myth, history, and witnessing in Marceline Desbordes-Valmore's Caribbean poetics." Esprit Createur 47:4 (January, 2007): 81-92. [doi]
  24. Jenson, D. "Before Malcolm X, Dessalines: A ‘French’ Tradition of Black Atlantic Radicalism."  10:3 (2007): 329-342. [ijfs.10.3.329_1]
  25. Jenson, D. "Myth, History, and Witnessing in Marceline Desbordes-Valmore’s Caribbean Poetics."  47:4 (2007): 329-343. [html]
  26. Jenson, D. "The persons and things school: Parrots, peasants, and pariahs in "Un Coeur simple" and la Chaumière indienne." Differences 17:3 (December, 2006): 107-125. [repository], [doi]
  27. Jenson, D. "Mimetic Mastery and Colonial Mimicry In the First Franco-Antillean Creole Anthology." The Yale Journal of Criticism 17:1 (March, 2004): 83-106. [doi]  [abs]
  28. Jenson, D. "Louise Ackermann's Monstrous Nature." Symposium 53:4 (2000): 234-247. [repository], [doi]

Articles in a Collection

  1. Jenson, D. "Barbara E. Johnson (1947-2009)." Fifty-One Key Feminist Thinkers. July, 2016, 119-124. [doi]
  2. Jenson, D. "Toussaint Louverture, genio 'cimarrôn' y multimodial." Toussaint Louverture: repensar un icono Ed. Past, M; Léger, NM. Casa del Caribe, 2015, 217-230.
  3. Jenson, D; Curtis, L. "The Haitian Revolution." The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism Ed. Mason, P. 2nd editionGale, 2013, 277-284.
  4. Jenson, D. "Surrealism and the Avant Garde Novel, and The Decadent Novel." The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Novel. 2011.
  5. Jenson, D. "Placing Haiti in Geopsychoanalytic Space: Toward a Postcolonial Concept of Traumatic Mimesis." Unconscious Dominions: Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and Sovereignty. 2011.
  6. Jenson, D. "Francophone World Literature (Littérature-monde) Cosmopolitanism, and Decadence: ‘Citizen of the World’ without the Citizen?." Transnational French Studies: Postcolonialism and Littérature-monde Ed. Hargreaves, A. Liverpool University Press, 2010, 15-35. [publication.asp]
  7. Jenson, D. "The Writing of Disaster in Haiti: Signifying Cataclysm from Slave Revolution to Earth Quake." Haiti Rising Ed. Munro, M. Liverpool University Press, 2010, 103-112. [publication.asp]
  8. Jenson, D. "Francophone World Literature (Littérature-monde), Cosmopolitanism and Decadence: 'Citizen of the World' without the Citizen?." Transnational French studies : postcolonialism and littérature-monde Ed. Hargreaves, A; Forsdick, C; Murphy, D. Liverpool University Press, 2010, 15-35.
  9. Miller, DJWCL. "Historical Timeline." Approaches to Teaching Claire de Duras’s ‘Ourika,’” ed. Mary Ellen Birkett and Christopher Rivers (New York: Modern Language Editions, MLA Editions, 2009) pp.12-17. 2009.
  10. Jenson, D. "Mirror Revolutions: Ourika and Saint-Domingue." "Approaches to Teaching Claire de Duras’s ‘Ourika,’” ed. Mary Ellen Birkett and Christopher Rivers (New York: Modern Language Editions, 2009) pp.45-50. 2009.
  11. Jenson, D. "Toussaint Louverture, Spin Doctor? Launching the Haitian Revolution in the French Media." Tree of Liberty: Legacies of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World. University of Virginia Press, 2008, 41-62.
  12. Jenson, D. "Fétichisme de la marchandise: la poésie des courtisanes noires ou de couleur à Saint-Domingue." Relire l’histoire et la littérature haïtiennes Ed. Ndiaye, C. Presses nationales d’Haïti, 2007, 27-56.
  13. Jenson, D. "Helene Cixous, Translator of History and Legend: "Ce transport vertigineux"." Approaches to Translation Studies. January, 2004, 197-204. [doi]  [abs]