Romance Studies
Publications [#320274] Michael Hardt
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Articles in a Journal

  1. Hardt, M; Makdisi, S. "Romantisme et multitudes Politique du langage." Multitudes 55:4 (January, 2013): 62-70. [doi]

    Romanticism and MultitudesIn this interview, Michael Hardt and Saree Makdisi engage a Romanticism that goes beyond its traditional identification with nationalism and bourgeois individualism. Using the concept of the multitude as an entry point, the ensuing conversation touches on non-Western Romanticisms, the failures of nationalist ideology, radical collective forms, Spinoza's imagination, and anti-capitalist aesthetics as traces of an alternative Romanticism. These traces open out towards largely undertheorized affinities and tensions between Romanticism and the work of Marx, Gramsci, Said, and others. © Assoc. Multitudes.