Romance Studies
Publications [#303437] Fredric Jameson
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Articles in a Journal

  1. Jameson, F. "Beyond the Cave: Demystifying the Ideology of Modernism." Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language AssociationContemporary Marxist Literary Criticism  (January, 2014): 1-20. [doi]

    There is a novel by Iris Murdoch in which one of the characters - an elderly philosophy professor - reminds us of Plato‘s conclusions, in the Phaedrus, on the use and misuse of language. ‘Words,’ Socrates is there supposed in essence to have said, ‘words can‘t be moved from place to place and retain their meaning. Truth is communicated from a particular speaker to a particular listener. ‘I It is an odd remark for a novelist to have one of her characters make.