| Liliana Paredes, Professor of the Practice
Current interests: second language acquisition of vocabulary; curricular implications of low, mid and high stakes activities to understand writing in a second language; development of intercultural competence, assessment.
- Contact Info:
Office Location: | 102 Language Center, Durham, NC 27708 | Email Address: | | Teaching (Fall 2024): (typical courses)
- Languages 109, TuTh 01:25 PM-02:40 PM
- (also cross-listed as LSGS 209.01)
- Languages 114, TuTh 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
- (also cross-listed as LINGUIST 409S.01, RIGHTS 409S.01)
Teaching (Spring 2025):
- Languages 114B, TuTh 03:05 PM-04:20 PM
- (also cross-listed as ITALIAN 390S.01, LINGUIST 390S.01, SPANISH 390S.02)
- Languages 114, TuTh 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
- (also cross-listed as LINGUIST 409S.01, RIGHTS 409S.01)
- Office Hours:
- By appointment
- Education:
Ph.D. | University of Southern California | 1996 |
M.A. | State University of New York, Stony Brook | 1990 |
BA in Linguistics | Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru | 1989 |
- Specialties:
Linguistics and Theories of Pedagogy
- Research Interests: Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Instruction, Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Human Rights, Language and Identity
Current projects:
" Task-based and vocabulary acquisition, "Language Instructor Exchange Program - Equal exchange of knowledge project"
Current interests: second language acquisition of vocabulary; curricular implications of low, mid and high stakes activities to understand writing in a second language; development of intercultural competence, assessment.
- Keywords:
- Second language acquisition and pedagogy • Second language assessment
- Recent Publications
(More Publications)
- Paredes, L, Adquisición de segundas lenguas y pedagogías innovadoras., edited by Valencia, UD,
Atic Revista d’innovació Educativa, Universitat de Valencia. Monográfico 10. Web. September, 2013. no. 10
(September, 2013), ISSN 1989-3477
- Munne, J; Paredes, L; Peris, EM; Quintana, NS; Baulenas, NS, Gente: Nivel Intermedio Plus Myspanishlab with Etext Multi Semester -- Access Card Package
(May, 2013),
pp. 240 pages, Pearson College Division, ISBN 9780205989485 [abs]
- Liliana Paredes, Joan Munne, Gente Intermedio
(March, 2013), Pearson, New Jersey, ISBN 0132278081 [abs]
- Paredes, L; Valdez, ML, Language Contact and Change: Direct Object Leísmo in Andean-Spanish,
in Selected Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, edited by Westmoreland, M; Thomas, JA
pp. vii+161 pages-vii+161 pages, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, Somerville, MA, USA [abs]
- Paredes, L, The Acquisition of Second Languages and Innovative Pedagogies
(2012), ISSN 1989-3477 [abs]
- Selected Curriculum Innovations
- Intensive Spanish Summer Institute, 2013 - present, Durham
- Curriculum Innovations, 2008
- Selected Invited Talks
- Escritura avanzada… trabajo en paneles de expertos, usos de blog y niveles de escritura, 2012/06/13, Universidad de Valencia
- Selected Conference Talks
- Beyond word lists and negotiation of meaning: Understanding vocabulary in TBLT., October 05, 2013, Task Based Learning and Teaching 2013 Conference, October 3-5, 2013.
- Más allá de listas de palabras y negociación de significados: enseñanza y adquisición de vocabulario en el contexto del enfoque por tareas., October 10, 2013, UNAM - Mexico
- Task-based assessment: A look at successful experiences at the elementary and intermediate level Spanish, July 10, 2010
- Lowering the Stakes: Writing to Learn and Learning to Write., November 16, 2012
- En búsqueda de respuestas: prácticas actuales y desarrollos futuros en el entrenamiento del instructor de L2 en el contexto del trabajo por tareas, October 13, 2011, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Development of L2 Discourse in Podcasts., November 20, 2009, ACTFL 2009
- Discurso y negociación de identidad. Grupos amerindios en Carolina del Norte., July, 2009, 53rd International Congress of Americanists, Mexico
- Evaluating the Foreign Language Requirement at Duke University, November 21, 2008, ACTFL 2008
- Task-based assessment in lower and intermediate Spanish classes, November 21, 2008, ACTFL 2008
- Selected Grant Support
- Duke Immerse Summer Course.
- Conferences Organized
- Abstract reviewer for the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, 2005 - present