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Liliana Paredes, Professor of the Practice

Liliana Paredes

Current interests: second language acquisition of vocabulary; curricular implications of low, mid and high stakes activities to understand writing in a second language; development of intercultural competence, assessment.

Contact Info:
Office Location:  102 Language Center, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: send me a message

Teaching (Fall 2024):  (typical courses)

    Languages 109, TuTh 01:25 PM-02:40 PM
    (also cross-listed as LSGS 209.01)
    Languages 114, TuTh 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
    (also cross-listed as LINGUIST 409S.01, RIGHTS 409S.01)
Teaching (Spring 2025):

    Languages 114B, TuTh 03:05 PM-04:20 PM
    (also cross-listed as ITALIAN 390S.01, LINGUIST 390S.01, SPANISH 390S.02)
    Languages 114, TuTh 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
    (also cross-listed as LINGUIST 409S.01, RIGHTS 409S.01)
Office Hours:

By appointment

Ph.D.University of Southern California1996
M.A.State University of New York, Stony Brook1990
BA in LinguisticsPontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru1989

Linguistics and Theories of Pedagogy
Research Interests: Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Instruction, Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Human Rights, Language and Identity

Current projects: " Task-based and vocabulary acquisition, "Language Instructor Exchange Program - Equal exchange of knowledge project"

Current interests: second language acquisition of vocabulary; curricular implications of low, mid and high stakes activities to understand writing in a second language; development of intercultural competence, assessment.


Second language acquisition and pedagogy • Second language assessment

Recent Publications   (More Publications)   (search)

  1. Paredes, L, Adquisición de segundas lenguas y pedagogías innovadoras., edited by Valencia, UD, Atic Revista d’innovació Educativa, Universitat de Valencia. Monográfico 10. Web. September, 2013. no. 10 (September, 2013), ISSN 1989-3477
  2. Munne, J; Paredes, L; Peris, EM; Quintana, NS; Baulenas, NS, Gente: Nivel Intermedio Plus Myspanishlab with Etext Multi Semester -- Access Card Package (May, 2013), pp. 240 pages, Pearson College Division, ISBN 9780205989485  [abs]
  3. Liliana Paredes, Joan Munne, Gente Intermedio (March, 2013), Pearson, New Jersey, ISBN 0132278081  [abs]
  4. Paredes, L; Valdez, ML, Language Contact and Change: Direct Object Leísmo in Andean-Spanish, in Selected Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, edited by Westmoreland, M; Thomas, JA (2012), pp. vii+161 pages-vii+161 pages, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, Somerville, MA, USA  [abs]
  5. Paredes, L, The Acquisition of Second Languages and Innovative Pedagogies (2012), ISSN 1989-3477  [abs]
Selected Curriculum Innovations

  1. Intensive Spanish Summer Institute, 2013 - present, Durham    
  2. Curriculum Innovations, 2008    
Selected Invited Talks

  1. Escritura avanzada… trabajo en paneles de expertos, usos de blog y niveles de escritura, 2012/06/13, Universidad de Valencia    
Selected Conference Talks

  1. Beyond word lists and negotiation of meaning: Understanding vocabulary in TBLT., October 05, 2013, Task Based Learning and Teaching 2013 Conference, October 3-5, 2013.    
  2. Más allá de listas de palabras y negociación de significados: enseñanza y adquisición de vocabulario en el contexto del enfoque por tareas., October 10, 2013, UNAM - Mexico    
  3. Task-based assessment: A look at successful experiences at the elementary and intermediate level Spanish, July 10, 2010    
  4. Lowering the Stakes: Writing to Learn and Learning to Write., November 16, 2012    
  5. En búsqueda de respuestas: prácticas actuales y desarrollos futuros en el entrenamiento del instructor de L2 en el contexto del trabajo por tareas, October 13, 2011, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México    
  6. Development of L2 Discourse in Podcasts., November 20, 2009, ACTFL 2009    
  7. Discurso y negociación de identidad. Grupos amerindios en Carolina del Norte., July, 2009, 53rd International Congress of Americanists, Mexico    
  8. Evaluating the Foreign Language Requirement at Duke University, November 21, 2008, ACTFL 2008    
  9. Task-based assessment in lower and intermediate Spanish classes, November 21, 2008, ACTFL 2008    
Selected Grant Support

  • Duke Immerse Summer Course.      
Conferences Organized

  • Abstract reviewer for the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, 2005 - present  

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