Romance Studies
Publications Martin Eisner
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  1. Eisner, M. Dante's New Life of the Book A Philology of World Literature.  Oxford University Press, USA, March, 2021: 272 pages.  [abs]
  2. EISNER, M; Martin (Chair of Romance Studies and Professor of Italian Eisner, CORSAPOIDU. Dante's New Life of the Book A Philology of World Literature.  Oxford Textual Perspectives, March, 2021: 272 pages.  [abs]
  3.  A Boccaccian Renaissance Essays on the Early Modern Impact of Giovanni Boccaccio and His Works.  edited by Eisner, M; Lummus, D University of Notre Dame Press, June, 2019: 340 pages.  [abs]
  4.  Boccaccio and His World.  edited by Eisner, M; Cappozzo, V; Kircher, T Special Issue of Heliotropia, vol. 15, 2018.  [abs]
  5. Eisner, M. Boccaccio and the Invention of Italian Literature: Dante, Petrarch, Cavalcanti, and the Authority of the Vernacular.  Cambridge University Press, 2013: 260 pages.  [abs]

Articles in a Journal

  1. Eisner, M. "Machiavelli in paradise: How reading dante and ovid shaped the prince." PMLA 134:1 (January, 2019): 35-50. [doi]
  2. Eisner, M. "Dante's Ballata: The Personification of Poetry and the Authority of the Vernacular in the Vita Nuova." Mediaevalia 39:1 (2018): 299-318. [doi]
  3. Eisner, M. "A Singular Boccaccio: Defending and Defining Poetry in the Decameron and Genealogie." Quaderni d Italianistica 38 (2017): 179-199.
  4. Eisner, M. "In the labyrinth of the library: Petrarch's Cicero, Dante's Virgil, and the historiography of the Renaissance." Renaissance Quarterly 67:3 (September, 2014): 755-790. [repository], [doi]  [abs]
  5. Eisner, MG. "Boccaccio e l’invenzione della letteratura italiana."  1 (2014): 11-26. [repository]
  6. Eisner, MG. "Eroticizing Theology in Day Three and the Poetics of the Decameron."  31 (2013): 207-224. [repository]  [abs]
  7. Eisner, MG. "The Word Made Flesh in Inferno 5: Francesca Reading and the Figure of the Annunciation in Dante’s Commedia."   (2013). [repository]
  8. Eisner, MG. "A Singular Boccaccio: Defending and Defining Poetry in the Decameron and Genealogie.."   (2013).
  9. Eisner, MG. "The Return to Philology and the Future of Literary Criticism: Reading the Temporality of Literature in Auerbach, Benjamin, and Dante."   (December, 2011). [4gq644zp]
  10. Eisner, M; Schachter, M. "Libido Sciendi: Apuleius, Boccaccio and the History of Sexuality." PMLA 124:3 (May, 2009): 817-837. [doi]  [abs]
  11. Eisner, M. "Petrarch Reading Boccaccio: Revisiting the Genesis of the Triumphi."   (2007).

Articles in a Collection

  1. Eisner, MG. "Dante and the Author of the Decameron: Love, Literature, and Authority in Boccaccio." The Oxford Handbook to Chaucer Ed. Akbari, S; Simpson, J. Oxford University Press, 2020.
  2. Eisner, M. "The Language of Women in the World of God: Vernacularization." Wiley-Blackwell Companion to World Literature. 2020.
  3. Eisner, M. "Vernacularization and World Literature: The Language of Women in the World of God." A Companion to World Literature. 2020. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Eisner, M. "Boccaccio's Renaissance." Boccaccio and the European Literary Tradition Ed. Boitani, P; Di Rocco, E. Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2014, 45-55.
  5. Eisner, M. "Boccaccio’s Renaissance." Boccaccio and the European Literary Tradition. Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2014, 45-55.
  6. Eisner, M. "The Tale of Ferondo’s Purgatory (III.8)." The Decameron: Third Day Ed. Forni, PM; Ciabattoni, F. University of Toronto Press, 2014, 153-173.
  7. Eisner, M. "EPILOGUE The allegory of the vernacular Boccaccio's Esposizioni and Petrarch's Griselda." BOCCACCIO AND THE INVENTION OF ITALIAN LITERATURE: DANTE, PETRARCH, CAVALCANTI, AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE VERNACULAR. 2013, 113-+.
  8. Eisner, M. "The inventive scribe Glossing Cavalcanti in the Chigi and Decameron 6.9." BOCCACCIO AND THE INVENTION OF ITALIAN LITERATURE: DANTE, PETRARCH, CAVALCANTI, AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE VERNACULAR. 2013, 95-+.
  9. Eisner, M. "The making of Petrarch's vernacular Book of Fragments (Fragmentorum liber)." BOCCACCIO AND THE INVENTION OF ITALIAN LITERATURE: DANTE, PETRARCH, CAVALCANTI, AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE VERNACULAR. 2013, 74-+.
  10. Eisner, M. "Dante's dirty feet and the limping republic Boccaccio's defense of literature in the Vita di Dante." BOCCACCIO AND THE INVENTION OF ITALIAN LITERATURE: DANTE, PETRARCH, CAVALCANTI, AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE VERNACULAR. 2013, 29-+.
  11. Eisner, M. "Dante's shame and Boccaccio's paratextual praise Editing the Vita nuova, Commedia, and canzoni distese." BOCCACCIO AND THE INVENTION OF ITALIAN LITERATURE: DANTE, PETRARCH, CAVALCANTI, AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE VERNACULAR. 2013, 50-+.
  12. Eisner, M. "INTRODUCTION Boccaccio between Dante and Petrarch Cultivating vernacular literary community in the Chigi Codex." BOCCACCIO AND THE INVENTION OF ITALIAN LITERATURE: DANTE, PETRARCH, CAVALCANTI, AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE VERNACULAR. 2013, 1-+.
  13. Eisner, MG. "Giovanni Boccaccio "Commedia" and "Dante Alighieri"." The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Ed. Seow, CL; Spieckermann, H; Mendes-Flohr, P; McGinn, B; Klauck, H-J; Ziolkowski, E. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008.
  14. Eisner, MG. "“Giovanni Boccaccio” "Commedia" and "Dante Alighieri"." The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Ed. Seow, CL; Spieckermann, H; Mendes-Flohr, P; McGinn, B; Klauck, H-J; Ziolkowski, E. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008.
  15. Eisner, M. "Chapter Five : Petrarch Reading Boccaccio: Revisiting the Genesis of the Triumphi." Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition Ed. Barolini, T; Storey, HW. Brill, January, 2007, 131-146.

Book Reviews

  1. Eisner, M, "Reading Dante in Renaissance Italy: Florence, Venice and the “Divine Poet.” Simon Gilson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. xiv + 434 pp. $120.". Renaissance Quarterly 72:4 (2019): 1548-1549. [doi]
  2. Eisner, M, "Boccaccio: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works. Victoria Kirkham, Michael Sherberg, and Janet Levarie Smarr, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. xix + 556 pp. $50.". Renaissance Quarterly 68:3 (2015): 1108-1110. [doi]
  3. Eisner, MG, "Rev. of Bonnie Mak, How the Page Matters.". Renaissance Quarterly 66 (2013): 706-707.
  4. Eisner, MG, "Rev. of Carol Lansing, Power and Purity.". H-Italy.  (2010).
  5. Eisner, MG, "Rev. of Rhiannon Daniels, Boccaccio and the Book.". Renaissance Quarterly 63 (2010): 545-46.
  6. Eisner, M, "Rhiannon Daniels. Boccaccio and the Book: Production and Reading in Italy 1340–1520. Italian Perspectives 19. London: Legenda, 2009. xi + 229 pp. $89.50.. ISBN: 978–1–906540–49–4.". Renaissance Quarterly 63:2 (2010): 545-546. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  7. Eisner, MG, "Review of Prue Shaw, ed. Dante: Monarchia on CD-ROM". The Medieval Review  (2008).
  8. Eisner, MG, "Review of Vincenzo Traversa, ed. and trans. Giovanni Boccaccio, Theseid of the Nuptials of Emilia (Teseida delle nozze di Emilia)". Heliotropia 5 (2008).