Romance Studies
Publications Saskia Ziolkowski
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  1. Ziolkowski, S. Kafka's Italian Progeny.  University of Toronto Press, 2020.

Articles in a Journal

  1. Ziolkowski, SE. "Who’s Afraid of Italo Svevo? Routes of European Modernism between Trieste and Virginia Woolf’s London." Modern Language Quarterly 85:1 (March, 2024): 29-52. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Ziolkowski, S. "Jewish Images and Transnational Histories in Italian Writing, from Elsa Morante to Helena Janeczek." Annali d'Italianistica 42 (2024): 289-318.
  3. Ziolkowski, SE. "Italian ghetto stories: Toward a transnational literary history." Forum Italicum 57:2 (August, 2023): 579-611. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Ziolkowski, S; Pappalardo, S. "The Emergence of Austro-Italian Literary Studies." Journal of Austrian Studies :56 (2023): 63-73.
  5. Ziolkowski, SE. "For a Jewish Italian Literary History: from Italo Svevo to Igiaba Scego." Italian Culture 40:2 (January, 2022): 131-153. [doi]  [abs]
  6. Ziolkowski, S. "Austro-Italian Encounters: An Introduction." L'Anello che Non Tiene: journal of modern Italian literature 29-32:1-2 (2020): 174-188.  [abs]
  7. Ziolkowski, S. "Names, Mediation, and Italian Literature in Emilia Galotti: From Dante’s Galeotto to Lessing’s Galotti." Lessing Yearbook XLIII (2016).
  8. Ziolkowski, SE. "The ends of an empire: Pier antonio quarantotti gambini's il cavallo Tripoli and joseph roth's radetzkymarsch." Comparative Literature Studies 52:2 (January, 2015): 349-378. [doi]  [abs]
  9. Ziolkowski, S. "Primo Levi and jewish Italy." Journal of the Kafka Society of America 35/36 (2012).
  10. Ziolkowski, SE. "“So, then people do come here in order to live”: Interiority in the Novels of Rainer Maria Rilke and Scipio Slataper." The Comparatist 33:1 (May, 2009): 109-131. [doi]

Articles in a Collection

  1. Ziolkowski, S; Milkova Rousseva, S. "Introduction: Global Ginzburg—Reading Natalia Ginzburg in the Twenty-First Century." Natalia Ginzburg's Global Legacies. Palgrave Macmillan, July, 2024, 1-14.  [abs]
  2. Ziolkowski, S. "Neither Rich, Nor Poor, Neither Jewish, Nor Catholic: The Legacies of Natalia Ginzburg’s Negations." Natalia Ginzburg's Global Legacies. Palgrave Macmillan, July, 2024, 231-231.  [abs]
  3. Ziolkowski, S. "Superman in Italy: The power of refugee artists." Migrants Shaping Europe, Past and Present Multilingual Literatures, Arts, and Cultures Ed. Solterer, H; Joos, V. Manchester University Press, October, 2022, 96-130.  [abs]
  4. Ziolkowski, S. "Thomas Bernhard, Italo Calvino, Elena Ferrante, and Claudio Magris: From Postmodernism to Anti-Semitism." Thomas Bernhard's Afterlives. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, October, 2020, 183-206.  [abs]
  5. Ziolkowski, S. "Dreams and Ambiguity on Svevo’s European Stage: La rigenerazione and A Midsummer Night’s Dream." "Oh Mio Vecchio William!” Italo Svevo and His Shakespeare Ed. DiBiase, C. 2015.
  6. Ziolkowski, S. "Morante and Kafka: The Gothic Walking Dead and Talking Animals." Elsa Morante's Politics of Writing Rethinking Subjectivity, History, and the Power of Art Ed. Lucamante, S. Rowman & Littlefield, December, 2014.  [abs]
  7. Ziolkowski, S. "Svevo's Dogs: Kafka and the Importance of Svevo's Animals." Italo Svevo and His Legacy for the Third Millennium Volume II: Contexts and Influences Ed. Stellardi, G; Cooper, ET. Troubador Publishing, June, 2014.
  8. Ziolkowski, S. "Kafka and Italy: A New Perspective on the Italian Literary Landscape." Kafka for the Twenty-first Century Ed. Gross, RV; Corngold, S. 2011.  [abs]
  9. Ziolkowski, SE. "Svevo's Uomo Senza Qualità: Musil and modernism in Italy." Gender and Modernity in Central Europe: The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Its Legacy. January, 2010, 83-101.

Articles Online

  1. Ziolkowski, S. "Italo Svevo e le scrittrici del suo tempo."  . December, 2023

Book Reviews

  1. Ziolkowski, S, "“From Deportation to the Laocoön, An Archival Fiction,” Review of Hans von Troth, Pollak’s Arm (trans. Elisabeth Lauffer)". Reading in Translation  (2022).
  2. Ziolkowski, S, "“Turin's Skies, Women’s Bodies, and Foreign Lands,” Review of Marina Jarre’s Distant Fathers (trans. Ann Goldstein)". Reading in Translation  (2021).
  3. Ziolkowski, S, "“THE WORD ILLEGAL DIDN’T MAKE SENSE ANYMORE”". Public Books  (October, 2019).  [abs]
  4. Ziolkowski, S, "THRESHOLDS AND MOTHERS: ELSA MORANTE’S “ARTURO’S ISLAND,” TRANSLATED FROM ITALIAN BY ANN GOLDSTEIN". Reading in Translation  (September, 2019).  [abs]
  5. Ziolkowski, S, "Kafka Transformed (Review of Kafka’s Konundrum for Public Books)". Public Books  (March, 2017).