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- Ziolkowski, S. Kafka's Italian Progeny. University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Articles in a Journal
- Ziolkowski, SE. "Who’s Afraid of Italo Svevo? Routes of European Modernism between Trieste and Virginia Woolf’s London." Modern Language Quarterly 85:1 (March, 2024): 29-52. [doi] [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S. "Jewish Images and Transnational Histories in Italian Writing, from Elsa Morante to Helena Janeczek." Annali d'Italianistica 42 (2024): 289-318.
- Ziolkowski, SE. "Italian ghetto stories: Toward a transnational literary history." Forum Italicum 57:2 (August, 2023): 579-611. [doi] [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S; Pappalardo, S. "The Emergence of Austro-Italian Literary Studies." Journal of Austrian Studies :56 (2023): 63-73.
- Ziolkowski, SE. "For a Jewish Italian Literary History: from Italo Svevo to Igiaba Scego." Italian Culture 40:2 (January, 2022): 131-153. [doi] [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S. "Austro-Italian Encounters: An Introduction." L'Anello che Non Tiene: journal of modern Italian literature 29-32:1-2 (2020): 174-188. [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S. "Names, Mediation, and Italian Literature in Emilia Galotti: From Dante’s Galeotto to Lessing’s Galotti." Lessing Yearbook XLIII (2016).
- Ziolkowski, SE. "The ends of an empire: Pier antonio quarantotti gambini's il cavallo Tripoli and joseph roth's radetzkymarsch." Comparative Literature Studies 52:2 (January, 2015): 349-378. [doi] [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S. "Primo Levi and jewish Italy." Journal of the Kafka Society of America 35/36 (2012).
- Ziolkowski, SE. "“So, then people do come here in order to live”: Interiority in the Novels of Rainer Maria Rilke and Scipio Slataper." The Comparatist 33:1 (May, 2009): 109-131. [doi]
Articles in a Collection
- Ziolkowski, S; Milkova Rousseva, S. "Introduction: Global Ginzburg—Reading Natalia Ginzburg in the Twenty-First Century." Natalia Ginzburg's Global Legacies. Palgrave Macmillan,
July, 2024, 1-14. [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S. "Neither Rich, Nor Poor, Neither Jewish, Nor Catholic: The Legacies of Natalia Ginzburg’s Negations." Natalia Ginzburg's Global Legacies. Palgrave Macmillan,
July, 2024, 231-231. [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S. "Superman in Italy: The power of refugee artists." Migrants Shaping Europe, Past and Present Multilingual Literatures, Arts, and Cultures Ed. Solterer, H; Joos, V. Manchester University Press,
October, 2022, 96-130. [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S. "Thomas Bernhard, Italo Calvino, Elena Ferrante, and Claudio Magris: From Postmodernism to Anti-Semitism." Thomas Bernhard's Afterlives. Bloomsbury Publishing USA,
October, 2020, 183-206. [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S. "Dreams and Ambiguity on Svevo’s European Stage: La rigenerazione and A Midsummer Night’s Dream." "Oh Mio Vecchio William!” Italo Svevo and His Shakespeare Ed. DiBiase, C. 2015.
- Ziolkowski, S. "Morante and Kafka: The Gothic Walking Dead and Talking Animals." Elsa Morante's Politics of Writing Rethinking Subjectivity, History, and the Power of Art Ed. Lucamante, S. Rowman & Littlefield,
December, 2014. [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S. "Svevo's Dogs: Kafka and the Importance of Svevo's Animals." Italo Svevo and His Legacy for the Third Millennium Volume II: Contexts and Influences Ed. Stellardi, G; Cooper, ET. Troubador Publishing,
June, 2014.
- Ziolkowski, S. "Kafka and Italy: A New Perspective on the Italian Literary Landscape." Kafka for the Twenty-first Century Ed. Gross, RV; Corngold, S. 2011. [abs]
- Ziolkowski, SE. "Svevo's Uomo Senza Qualità: Musil and modernism in Italy." Gender and Modernity in Central Europe: The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Its Legacy. January, 2010, 83-101.
Articles Online
- Ziolkowski, S. "Italo Svevo e le scrittrici del suo tempo." . December, 2023
Book Reviews
- Ziolkowski, S, "“From Deportation to the Laocoön, An Archival Fiction,” Review of Hans von Troth, Pollak’s Arm (trans. Elisabeth Lauffer)". Reading in Translation (2022).
- Ziolkowski, S, "“Turin's Skies, Women’s Bodies, and Foreign Lands,” Review of Marina Jarre’s Distant Fathers (trans. Ann Goldstein)". Reading in Translation (2021).
- Ziolkowski, S, "“THE WORD ILLEGAL DIDN’T MAKE SENSE ANYMORE”". Public Books (October, 2019). [abs]
- Ziolkowski, S, "Kafka Transformed (Review of Kafka’s Konundrum for Public Books)". Public Books (March, 2017).