Romance Studies
Publications [#242740] Walter D. Mignolo
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  1. Mignolo, W; Tlostanova, M; Bozic, K. "It is about telling it foward."  An interview by Kristina Bozic, in Lujbjana, Slovenia, from February 2009, recently was posted on the web. About Bozic: "A journalist with a diploma in law, I travel and ask to write stories of people, their quests and ideas. Human rights in their broadest sense are a red line through my writings. I have traveled and written about Iran, Uganda, Rwanda, Turkey, Georgia, Palestine and Europe, where I live in the city of Ljubljana." contact: Web  (2010). [available here]

    An interview by Kristina Bozic, in Lujbjana, Slovenia, from February 2009.