Romance Studies
Publications [#242880] Walter D. Mignolo
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Articles in a Journal

  1. Mignolo, WD. "The Power of Labeling."  A team report on Nino Korin Bolivian ancheological collection requested to be repatriated by the State of Bolivia. The collective report traces the history of the collection, elaborates on the coloniality of knoweldge, and consider the Bolivian population in Sweden, and in Europe, as well as Latin American migrants who can benefit from the collection remaining in Sweden. Report for the Museum of World Culture, Goteborg  (Spring, 2009).

    A team report on Nino Korin Bolivian ancheological collection requested to be repatriated by the State of Bolivia. The collective report traces the history of the collection, elaborates on the coloniality of knoweldge, and consider the Bolivian population in Sweden, and in Europe, as well as Latin American migrants who can benefit from the collection remaining in Sweden. Edited by Adriana Munoz, Curator, Museum of World Culture.