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Sandra Valnes Quammen, Senior Lecturer and Director of the French Language Program

Sandra Valnes Quammen

I am a Senior Lecturer of Romance Studies at Duke University, where I direct the French Language Program. I teach courses for beginning to advanced language learners, with a particular focus on introductory and intermediate levels. My current research focuses on translingual pedagogies in postsecondary L2 contexts, and on the intersections between language teaching and learning and sustainability.

Contact Info:
Office Location:  106 Language Center, Box 90257, Durham, NC 27708
Email Address: send me a message

Teaching (Fall 2024):

    Languages 114, MTuWThF 08:30 AM-10:05 AM
Office Hours:

Fall 2014: M/W, 12:00-1:00, and by appointment

M.A.Duke University2006
BAGustavus Adolphus College2003

Research Interests: Second langage acquisition, pedagogy and technology

My research focuses on second language acquisition (primarily at the elementary level) and on pedagogical applications of technology.

Recent Publications

  1. Reisinger, D; Valnes Quammen, S; Liu, Y; Virguez, E, Sustainability across the Curriculum: A Multilingual and Intercultural Approach, in Education for Sustainable Development in Foreign Language Learning: Content-Based Instruction in College-Level Curricula, edited by Fuente, MDL (November, 2021), Routledge [doi]

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