Math @ Duke
Curriculum Vitae
Hubert BrayClick here for a printer-ready version, or
download as a PDF or Word file.-
Box 90320, Durham, NC 27708-0320
- Education
Ph.D. | Stanford University | 1997 |
B.A. | Rice University | 1992 |
- Areas of Research
Geometric Analysis, General Relativity, Theoretical Astrophysics
- Professional Experience / Employment History
- Duke University
- Professor, Mathematics and Physics, 2011 - present
- Professor, Mathematics, 2004 - 2011
- Columbia University
- Associate Professor, Mathematics, 2003 - 2005 (on leave 2004 - 2005)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Associate Professor, Mathematics, 2003 - 2005 (on leave 2003 - 2005)
- Assistant Professor, Mathematics, 1999 - 2003 (Stanford, Jan-Aug, 2002)
- C. L. E. Moore Instructor, Mathematics, 1997 - 1999 (on leave 1997 - 1998)
- Harvard University
- NSF Fellowship Postdoc, Mathematics, 1997 - 1998
- Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
Community Service Award, Duke University’s Office of Durham and Regional Affairs
Fellow of the AMS, Inaugural Class, The American Mathematical Society, January, 2013
Invited Speaker, International Congress of Mathematical Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, General Relativity section, August, 2003
Invited Speaker, International Congress of Mathematicians Satellite Conference on Differential Geometry, August, 2002
Invited Speaker, International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, China, Differential Geometry section, August, 2002
Sloan Research Fellowship-Mathematics, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Invited Speaker, Current Developments in Mathematics Conference, Harvard University, November, 1999
1997 - 1999: Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation
Bronze Medal, International Math Olympiad, Sydney, Australia, 1988
- Conferences Organized
- Co-organizer (with Robert Bryant, Lenny Ng, Goncalo Oliveira, and Mark Stern), 32nd Annual Geometry Festival, March 31, 2017 - April 02, 2017
- Organizer (with Otis Chodosh, Greg Galloway, and Pengzi Miao), Organizer (with Otis Chodosh, Greg Galloway, and Pengzi Miao). Special Session in "Geometric Analysis and General Relativity" . American Mathematical , March 2017
- Organizer (with Andrew Cooper), Organizer (with Andrew Cooper). AMS Special Session on Geometric Analysis. American Mathematical Society. November 08, 2014 - November 09, 2014, November 8, 2014 - November 9, 2014
- Organizer (with Greg Galloway, Rafe Mazzeo, and Natasa Sesum), Organizer (with Greg Galloway, Rafe Mazzeo, and Natasa Sesum). Park City Mathematics Institute Summer Program on Geometric Analysis. June 30, 2013 - J, June 30, 2013 - July 20, 2013
- Organizer (with Mark Stern, Lenny Ng, Carla Cederbaum, Luca DiCerbo, and Chris Cornwell), Organizer (with Mark Stern, Lenny Ng, Carla Cederbaum, Luca DiCerbo, and Chris Cornwell). 27th Annual Geometry Festival. April 27, 2012 - April 29, 20, April 27, 2012 - April 29, 2012
- Organizer and Presenter at Duke University (along with Andriy Badin), Organizer and Presenter at Duke University (along with Andriy Badin). Dark Matter Awareness Week. December 06, 2010, December 6, 2010
- Organizer (with Benoit Charbonneau, Dick Hain, and Patrick Eberlein), 23rd Annual Geometry Festival, April 25 - 27, 2008
- Organizer (with Richard Schoen and Jim Isenberg), Organizer (with Richard Schoen and Jim Isenberg). AIM / Stanford Relativity Workshop. 2002, 2002
- Selected Recent Invited Talks
- Flatly Foliated Relativity: Gravity without Gravitational Waves, University of Vienna, Austria, 1 August 2017
- Flatly Foliated Relativity: Gravity without Gravitational Waves, 2 December 2016
- Flatly Foliated Relativity: Gravity without Gravitational Waves, University of California, Santa Cruz, 11 May 2016
- On Wave Dark Matter and the Axioms of General Relativity, Mathematics Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, 10 May 2016
- From Pythagoras to Einstein: The Geometry of Space and Time (General audience talk), University of Waterloo, March 09, 2015 [watch]
- The Geometry of the Universe (Research Lecture) : University of Waterloo, University of Waterloo, March 09, 2015
- The Science behind "Trevor the Time Traveler” (For everyone, ages 8 and up), University of Waterloo, March 09, 2015 [watch]
- Two lectures on the geometry of space and time (General audience talks), University of Waterloo, March 09, 2015 [pdf]
- The G. Milton Wing Lectures, University of Rochester (Series of 3 Lectures, 1 General Public, 1 Colloquium Style, 1 Research Talk), April 23 - 25, 2014 [html]
- The G. Milton Wing Lectures, Lecture 1: "From Pythagoras to Einstein: The Geometry of Space and Time", University of Rochester (Broad Audience Talk), April 23, 2014 [pdf]
- The G. Milton Wing Lectures, Lecture 2: "On Dark Matter, Galaxies, and the Large Scale Geometry of the Universe", University of Rochester (Colloquium Style Talk), April 24, 2014 [pdf]
- The G. Milton Wing Lectures, Lecture 3: "Black Holes and the Monotonicity of the Hawking Mass for Time Flat Surfaces", University of Rochester (Research Style Talk - link to paper), April 25, 2014 [pdf]
- On the Monotonicity of the Hawking Mass for Time Flat Surfaces, New York General Relativity Seminar, Columbia University (Research Talk), October 11, 2013
- On the Monotonicity of the Hawking Mass for Time Flat Surfaces (Research Talk), Columbia University, 11 October 2013
- On Wave Dark Matter and the Geometry of Galaxies, JDG Conference, Lehigh University (Research Talk), May 24, 2013 [html]
- On Wave Dark Matter and the Geometry of Galaxies (Research Talk), Lehigh University , 24 May 2013
- On Dark Matter, Galaxies, and the Large Scale Geometry of the Universe, The 20th Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar, UC-San Diego (Research Talk, slides only, but video of the similar talk below is available), February 24, 2013 [pdf]
- On Dark Matter, Galaxies, and the Large Scale Geometry of the Universe (Research Talk), UC-San Diego, 24 February 2013
- On Dark Matter, Galaxies, and the Large Scale Geometry of the Universe, Rice University, October 15, 2012
- On Dark Matter, Galaxies, and the Large Scale Geometry of the Universe, Northwestern University, May 21, 2012
- On Dark Matter, Galaxies, and the Large Scale Geometry of the Universe, The Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation, Rochester Institute of Technology, May 21, 2012
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity, The 41st Barrett Memorial Lectures in Mathematical Relativity, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Research Talk, with video), May 12, 2011 [available here]
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity (Research Talk), University of Tennessee, Knoxville , 12 May 2011
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity, The 26th Annual Geometry Festival at the University of Pennsylvania (Research Talk - slides only - 100MB; the talk above was very similar and has video), April 15, 2011 [pdf]
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity (Research Talk), University of Pennsylvania, 15 April 2011
- From Pythagoras to Einstein: How Geometry Describes the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe (Part 1) (Broad Audience Talk), Duke University, March 26, 2011
- From Pythagoras to Einstein: How Geometry Describes the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe (Part 2) (Broad Audience Talk), Duke University, March 26, 2011
- From Black Holes and the Big Bang to Dark Energy and (maybe even) Dark Matter: Successes of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity (Broad Audience Talk) : 45 minutes, University of Tennessee , December 13, 2010
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity, 17th Southeast Geometry Seminar, University of Tennessee, December 13, 2010 [available here]
- Dark Matter in Galaxies (Dark Matter Awareness Week talk) by Hubert Bray and Andriy Badin (Survey Talk), Duke University, December 6, 2010 [video.html]
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity, Duke University Graduate/Faculty Seminar (Broad Audience Talk) Audio only - however, a briefer version of this talk -with video- is given in the last 25 minutes of the "Dark Matter in Galaxies" Dark Matter Awareness Week lecture, September 24, 2010 [video.html]
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity, Geometric Analysis and General Relativity, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), June 23, 2010 [10w5011]
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity, Southeast Geometry Conference, College of Charleston, April 24, 2010 [html]
- On Dark Matter and Spiral and Elliptical Structures in Galaxies, Workshop on Dark Matter, Complex Methods, and Orbifolds in Gravitational Lensing, Petters Research Institute, Dangriga, Belize, March 20, 2010 [htm]
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity, Symposium on Geometric Analysis and Mathemematical Relativity, University of Miami, February 22, 2010
- Voting Rules for Democracy without Institutionalized Parties, Duke University Graduate/Faculty Seminar (Broad Audience Talk), February 05, 2010 [video.html]
- On Dark Matter, Spiral Galaxies, and the Axioms of General Relativity, "Workshop on General Relativity," Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, SUNY - Stony Brook, November 19, 2009
- On the Geometry of Galaxies, Duke University Graduate/Faculty Seminar (Broad Audience Talk), October 16, 2009 [video.html]
- An Overview of General Relativity (Broad Audience Talk), Duke University, October 3, 2008
- An Overview of General Relativity, Wake Forest University, September 17, 2008
- Negative Point Mass Singularites, Niels Bohr International Academy, April 11, 2008 []
- On the Penrose Conjecture for Arbitrary Slices of a Spacetime, Niels Bohr International Academy, April 8, 2008 []
- An Introduction to the Geometry of Black Holes, Niels Bohr International Academy, April 7, 2008 []
- P.D.E.s Which Imply the Penrose Conjecture, Columbia University, October 4, 2007
- What Do Black Holes and Soap Bubbles Have in Common? (Broad Audience Talk), Duke University, September 21, 2007 [video.html]
- The Mass of Negative Point Mass Singularities in General Relativity (Conference on Global Differential Geometry), Muenster, Germany, August, 2006
- Negative Point Mass Singularities in General Relativity, Rice University, November 16, 2005
- Negative Point Mass Singularities in General Relativity, Michigan State University, November 08, 2005 [htm]
- Black Holes and the Curvature of Spacetime (Broad Audience Talk), Michigan State University, November 7, 2005 [html]
- Negative Point Mass Singularities in General Relativity, Duke University, November 2, 2005
- Negative Point Mass Singularities in General Relativity, Stanford University, September 21, 2005
- Negative Point Mass Singularities in General Relativity, Sir Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, England (Research Talk), August, 2005 [available here]
- Generalization of the Hawking Mass, International Congress of Mathematical Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, August, 2003
- Penrose Inequalities, Program on Penrose Inequalities at Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Vienna, Austria, July, 2003
- Quasi-local Mass Functionals in General Relativity, Perspectives in Differential Geometry conference at BIRS, Banff, Canada, July, 2003
- The Yamabe Invariants of 3-Manifolds, Great Lakes Geometry Conference (Calabi's 80th birthday), University of Wisconsin, Madison, May, 2003
- Classification of Prime 3-Manifolds with Yamabe Invariant Greater than RP^3, First Yamabe Memorial Symposium, University of Minnesota, September, 2002
- Black Holes, the Penrose Conjecture, and Quasi-local Mass, 50 Years of the Cauchy Problem in General Relativity, Cargese, Corsica (Research Talk), August, 2002 [available here]
- Classification of Prime 3-Manifolds with Yamabe Invariant Greater than RP^3, Differential Geometry Satellite Conference for the ICM, Tianjin, China, August, 2002
- Generalization of the Hawking Mass, 50 Years of the Cauchy Problem in General Relativity, Cargese, Corsica (Research Talk), August, 2002 [available here]
- Proof of the Poincare Conjecture for 3-Manifolds with Yamabe Invariant Greater than RP^3, 50 Years of the Cauchy Problem in General Relativity, Cargese, Corsica (Research Talk), August, 2002 [available here]
- Proof of the Poincare Conjecture for 3-Manifolds with Yamabe Invariant Greater than RP^3 (Research Talk), Cargese, Corsica, France, 1 August 2002
- The Riemannian Penrose Inequality, International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, China, August, 2002
- On the Mass of Higher Dimensional Black Holes, 9th Annual Southern California Geometric Analysis Seminar, UC Irvine, February, 2002
- Black Holes, Minimal Surfaces, and Geometric Flows, Duke Math Journal Conference, Duke University (Research Talk), April 28, 2001 [video.html]
- Quasi-local Mass and Black Holes in General Relativity, Geometry Seminar, Duke University (Research Talk), April 28, 2001 [video.html]
- Proof of the Riemannian Penrose Inequality Using the Positive Mass Theorem, Current Developments in Mathematics Conference, Harvard University, November, 1999
- Proof of the Riemannian Penrose Conjecture, Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara (Research Talk), June 25, 1999 [available here]
- On Dark Matter, Galaxies, and the Large Scale Geometry of the Universe, Duke University Graduate / Faculty Seminar (Research Talk, video available, slides the same as the above talk) - Talk begins at 5:20 of, February 15, 2013 [video.html]
- Doctoral Theses Directed
- Andrew Goetz, The Einstein-Klein-Gordon Equations, Wave Dark Matter, and the Tully-Fisher Relation, (2015)
- Hangjun Xu, Uniformly Area Expanding Flows in Spacetimes, (2014)
- Alan R. Parry, Wave Dark Matter and Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies, (2013)
- M. George Lam, The Graph Cases of the Riemannian Positive Mass and Penrose Inequalities in All Dimensions, (2011)
- Graham H. Cox, Scalar Curvature Rigidity Theorems for the Upper Hemisphere, (2011)
- Jeffrey Jauregui, Mass Estimates, Conformal Techniques, and Singularities in General Relativity, (2010)
- Nicholas Robbins, Negative Point Mass Singularities in General Relativity, (2007)
- Henri Roesch, Proof of a Null Penrose Conjecture Using a New Quasi-local Mass, (2017)
- Publications (listed separately)
Last modified: 2025/01/20 |
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fax: 919.660.2821
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320