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Publications [#265112] of Guillermo Sapiro

Papers Published

  1. Asiaee T., A; Tepper, M; Banerjee, A; Sapiro, G, If you are happy and you know it... tweet, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (December, 2012), pp. 1602-1606, ACM Press [doi]
    (last updated on 2025/02/02)

    Extracting sentiment from Twitter data is one of the fundamental problems in social media analytics. Twitter's length constraint renders determining the positive/negative sentiment of a tweet difficult, even for a human judge. In this work we present a general framework for per-tweet (in contrast with batches of tweets) sentiment analysis which consists of: (1) extracting tweets about a desired target subject, (2) separating tweets with sentiment, and (3) setting apart positive from negative tweets. For each step, we study the performance of a number of classical and new machine learning algorithms. We also show that the intrinsic sparsity of tweets allows performing classification in a low dimensional space, via random projections, without losing accuracy. In addition, we present weighted variants of all employed algorithms, exploiting the available labeling uncertainty, which further improve classification accuracy. Finally, we show that spatially aggregating our per-tweet classification results produces a very satisfactory outcome, making our approach a good candidate for batch tweet sentiment analysis. © 2012 ACM.
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