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Publications [#349134] of Guillermo Sapiro

Papers Published

  1. Wang, Z; DIng, S; Li, Y; Zhao, M; Roychowdhury, S; Wallin, A; Sapiro, G; Qiu, Q, Range adaptation for 3d object detection in LiDAR, Proceedings - 2019 International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop, ICCVW 2019 (October, 2019), pp. 2320-2328 [doi]
    (last updated on 2025/02/02)

    LiDAR-based 3D object detection plays a crucial role in modern autonomous driving systems. LiDAR data often exhibit severe changes in properties across different observation ranges. In this paper, we explore cross-range adaptation for 3D object detection using LiDAR, i.e., far-range observations are adapted to near-range. This way, far-range detection is optimized for similar performance to near-range one. We adopt a bird-eyes view (BEV) detection framework to perform the proposed model adaptation. Our model adaptation consists of an adversarial global adaptation, and a fine-grained local adaptation. The proposed cross-range adaptation framework is validated on three state-of-the-art LiDAR based object detection networks, and we consistently observe performance improvement on the far-range objects, without adding any auxiliary parameters to the model. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first attempt to study cross-range LiDAR adaptation for object detection in point clouds. To demonstrate the generality of the proposed adaptation framework, experiments on more challenging cross-device adaptation are further conducted, and a new LiDAR dataset with high-quality annotated point clouds is released to promote future research.
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