Math @ Duke
Jian-Guo Liu, Professor of Physics
 - Contact Info:
Teaching (Spring 2025):
- Physics 150, MW 11:45 AM-01:00 PM
- Education:
Ph.D. | University of California, Los Angeles | 1990 |
M.S. | Fudan University (China) | 1985 |
B.S. | Fudan University (China) | 1982 |
- Specialties:
Applied Math
- Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations.
- Areas of Interest:
- Collective dynamics, decision making and self-organization in complex systems coming from biology and social sciences,
Scaling behavior in models of clustering and coarsening, Numerical methods for incompressible viscous flow, Multiscale Analysis and Computation
- Keywords:
- Fokker-Planck equation • Navier-Stokes equations
- Curriculum Vitae
- Current Ph.D. Students
(Former Students)
- Representative Publications
(More Publications)
- Coquel, F; Jin, S; Liu, JG; Wang, L, Well-Posedness and Singular Limit of a Semilinear Hyperbolic Relaxation System with a Two-Scale Discontinuous Relaxation Rate,
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 214 no. 3
(October, 2014),
pp. 1051-1084, ISSN 0003-9527 [doi] [abs]
- Degond, P; Liu, J-G; Ringhofer, C, Evolution of wealth in a non-conservative economy driven by local Nash equilibria.,
Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, vol. 372 no. 2028
(November, 2014),
pp. 20130394, The Royal Society, ISSN 1364-503X [doi] [abs]
- Bian, S; Liu, JG, Dynamic and Steady States for Multi-Dimensional Keller-Segel Model with Diffusion Exponent m > 0,
Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 323 no. 3
(November, 2013),
pp. 1017-1070, Springer Nature, ISSN 0010-3616 [doi] [abs]
- Frouvelle, A; Liu, JG, Dynamics in a kinetic model of oriented particles with phase transition,
SIAM J. Math Anal, vol. 44 no. 2
pp. 791-826, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), ISSN 0036-1410 [doi] [abs]
- Ha, SY; Liu, JG, A simple proof of the Cucker-Smale flocking dynamics and mean-field limit,
Commun. Math. Sci., vol. 7 no. 2
pp. 297-325, International Press of Boston, ISSN 1539-6746 [doi] [abs]
- Liu, JG; Liu, J; Pego, R, Stability and convergence of efficient Navier-Stokes solvers via a commutator estimate via a commutator estimate,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 60
pp. 1443-1487
- Johnston, H; Liu, JG, Accurate, stable and efficient Navier-Stokes solvers based on explicit treatment of the pressure term,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 199 no. 1
(September, 2004),
pp. 221-259, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
- Weinan, E; Liu, JG, Vorticity boundary condition and related issues for finite difference schemes,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 124 no. 2
(March, 1996),
pp. 368-382, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
- Liu, JG; Xin, Z, Convergence of vortex methods for weak solutions to the 2-D Euler equations with vortex sheets data,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 48 no. 6
pp. 611-628 [doi] [abs]
- Selected Invited Lectures
- Particle Systems and Partial Differential Equations III, December, 2014, the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal
- A kinetic mean field game theory for the evolution of wealth, May 13, 2014, USA Census Bureau
- An analysis of merging-splitting group dynamics by Bernstein function theory, April, 2014, ``Modern Perspectives in Applied Mathematics: Theory and Numerics of PDEs'', Maryland
- Phase transition of self-alignment in flocking dynamics, September 07, 2012, "Applied Partial Differential Equations in Physics, Biology and Social Sciences: Classical and Modern Perspectives'', Bellaterra, Spain
- Viscek flocking dynamics and phase transition, June 28, 2012, "14th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications'', Università di Padova, Italy
- Selected Invited Lectures
- Phase transitions for self-organized dynamics and sweeping networks, January, 2013, conference on "Transport Models for Collective Dynamics in Biological Systems", NCSU
- Pressure boundary condition and projection method, September, 2011, "Modern Techniques in the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations'', Crete, Greece
- Asymptotic-preserving schemes for some kinetic equations, January, 2011, Workshop on "Numerical Methods for stiff problems in Hamiltonian systems and kinetic equations", Saint-Malo, France
- Dynamics of orientational alignment and phase transition, October, 2010, 2010 NIMS Thematic Program Workshop on Conservation Laws, Plasma and Related Fields, Seoul National University, South Korea
- Analysis of Dynamics of Doi-Onsager Phase Transition, September 6, 2010, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK
- On incompressible Navier-Stokes dynamics: a new approach for analysis and computation, May, 2007, The second MINNHOKEE memorial lecturer, Seoul National University
- On incompressible Navier-Stokes dynamics: a new approach for analysis and computation, September, 2004, Plenary Lecturer, The Tenth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, Osaka, Japan
- Efficient numerical methods for incompressible flows, March, 2002, keynote Speaker, The Tenth South Eastern Approximation Theory Conference, Athens, Georgia
- Recent Grant Support
- RTG: Training Tomorrow's Workforce in Analysis and Applications, National Science Foundation, 2021/07-2026/06.
- Collaborative Research: Dynamics, singularities, and variational structure in models of fluids and clustering, National Science Foundation, 2021/07-2025/06.
- Collaborative Research: Nonlocal models of aggregation and dispersion, National Science Foundation, DMS-1812573-year 1, 2018/07-2022/06.
- Conferences Organized
- Organized with Jianfeng Lu a conference Collective Dynamics in Biological and Social Systems, Nov 19 - 22, 2015
- Co-organized SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, mini-symposium: Asymptotically Preserving Numerical Methods for Time-Depe, December 2013
- Organizer Committee : IMA Workshop on Analysis and Computation of Incompressible Fluid Flow. February, 2010, Organizer Committee : IMA Workshop on Analysis and Computation of Incompressible Fluid Flow, February, 2010
- Organizer Committee, Singapore : Two Month Program on Mathematical Theory and Numerical Methods for Computational Materials Simulation and Design. Jul, Organizer Committee, Singapore : Two Month Program on Mathematical Theory and Numerical Methods for Computational Materials Simulation and Design, July, 2009 - August, 2009
- "Twelfth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems Theory, Numerics, Applications'', Maryland, Co-Chair, June, 2008
- CSCAMM Workshop on Analytical and Computational Challenges of Incompressible Flows at High Reynolds Number, Organizer Committee, Maryland, October 23, 2006 - October 26, 2006
- The Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Analysis, Numerics and Applications, Organizing Committee, Singapore, May, 2005
- Two month program on ``Nanoscale Material Interfaces: Experiment, Theory and Simulation'', Co-Chair, Singapore, November 24, 2004 - January 23, 2005
- First Singapore Workshop on PDE and Scientific Computing, Co-Chair, December, 2004
ph: 919.660.2800
fax: 919.660.2821
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320