Math @ Duke
Publications [#327636] of Jian-Guo Liu
Papers Published
- Huang, H; Liu, JG, Error estimate of a random particle blob method for the Keller-Segel equation,
Mathematics of Computation, vol. 86 no. 308
(January, 2017),
pp. 2719-2744, American Mathematical Society (AMS) [doi]
(last updated on 2025/02/21)
Abstract: We establish an optimal error estimate for a random particle blob method for the Keller-Segel equation in ℝd (d ≥ 2). With a blob size ε = hκ (1/2 < κ < 1), we prove a rate h| ln h| of convergence in ℓhp (p > d/1-κ) norm up to a probability 1-hC| ln h|, where h is the initial grid size.
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Mathematics Department
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