Math @ Duke
Publications [#340536] of Jian-Guo Liu
Papers Published
- Lafata, KJ; Hong, JC; Geng, R; Ackerson, BG; Liu, J-G; Zhou, Z; Torok, J; Kelsey, CR; Yin, F-F, Association of pre-treatment radiomic features with lung cancer recurrence following stereotactic body radiation therapy.,
Phys Med Biol, vol. 64 no. 2
(January, 2019),
pp. 025007 [doi]
[high impact paper]
(last updated on 2025/02/21)
Abstract: The purpose of this work was to investigate the potential relationship between radiomic features extracted from pre-treatment x-ray CT images and clinical outcomes following stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Seventy patients who received SBRT for stage-1 NSCLC were retrospectively identified. The tumor was contoured on pre-treatment free-breathing CT images, from which 43 quantitative radiomic features were extracted to collectively capture tumor morphology, intensity, fine-texture, and coarse-texture. Treatment failure was defined based on cancer recurrence, local cancer recurrence, and non-local cancer recurrence following SBRT. The univariate association between each radiomic feature and each clinical endpoint was analyzed using Welch's t-test, and p-values were corrected for multiple hypothesis testing. Multivariate associations were based on regularized logistic regression with a singular value decomposition to reduce the dimensionality of the radiomics data. Two features demonstrated a statistically significant association with local failure: Homogeneity2 (p = 0.022) and Long-Run-High-Gray-Level-Emphasis (p = 0.048). These results indicate that relatively dense tumors with a homogenous coarse texture might be linked to higher rates of local recurrence. Multivariable logistic regression models produced maximum [Formula: see text] values of [Formula: see text], and [Formula: see text], for the recurrence, local recurrence, and non-local recurrence endpoints, respectively. The CT-based radiomic features used in this study may be more associated with local failure than non-local failure following SBRT for stage I NSCLC. This finding is supported by both univariate and multivariate analyses.
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