Math @ Duke
Publications [#58654] of John A. Trangenstein
Papers Published
- Khan, S.A. and Trangenstein, J.A. and Horning, R.D. and Holing, Kent and Schilling, B.E.R., Application of adaptive mesh-refinement with a new higher-order method in simulation of a north sea micellar/polymer flood,
Proceedings of the SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation
pp. 531 - 543, San Antonio, TX, USA
(last updated on 2007/04/09)
Abstract: This paper demonstrates the application of a higher-order Godunov method and adaptive mesh-refinement to a three-phase, seven-component, micellar/polymer (MP) model and use in the simulation of an MP flood designed for North Sea conditions. Conventional one-point upstream weighting with globally fine mesh is too expensive for obtaining a reasonable level of accuracy for field-scale simulations. The use of higher-order Godunov method with adaptive mesh-refinement not only results in significant reduction in computational times but also reveals more numerical details of the displacement process due to higher-order accuracy. Comparisons are also made between the first- and second-order Godunov methods under field-scale design conditions with and without adaptive mesh-refinement.
Keywords: Petroleum reservoir evaluation;Computational methods;Micelles;Polymers;Finite difference method;Costs;Surface active agents;Simulators;
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Mathematics Department
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