Math @ Duke
- J. Trangenstein, Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
(May, 2008), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 052187727X ( [abs]
Papers Published
- Trangenstein, JA; Kim, C, Operator splitting and adaptive mesh refinement for the Luo-Rudy I model,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 196 no. 2
(May, 2004),
pp. 645-679, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0021-9991 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- with John A. Trangenstein and Chisup Kim, Operator Splitting and Adaptive Mesh Refinement for the Luo-Rudy I Model,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 196
pp. 645-679, Elsevier [abs]
- Trangenstein, JA, Multi-scale iterative techniques and adaptive mesh refinement for flow in porous media,
Advances in Water Resources, vol. 25 no. 8-12
(August, 2002),
pp. 1175-1213, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0309-1708 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Trangenstein, John A. and Bi, Zhuoxin, Multi-Scale Iterative Techniques and Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Miscible Displacement Simulation,
Proceedings - SPE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery
pp. 924 - 936, Tulsa, OK, United States [abs]
- Bi, Z; Higdon, D; Lee, H; Trangenstein, J, Upscaling Tensorial Permeability Fields Based on {G}Gaussian Markov Random Field Models and the Hybrid Mixed Finite Element Method,
SPE Journal
(2002) [ps]
- Garaizar, FX; Trangenstein, J, Adaptive mesh refinement and front-tracking for shear bands in an antiplane shear model,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. (USA), vol. 20 no. 2
pp. 750-779, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) [S1064827597319271], [doi] [abs]
- Miller, CT; Christakos, G; Imhoff, PT; McBride, JF; Pedit, JA; Trangenstein, JA, Multiphase flow and transport modeling in heterogeneous porous media: Challenges and approaches,
Advances in Water Resources, vol. 21 no. 2
pp. 77-120, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0309-1708 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Hornung, RD; Trangenstein, JA, Adaptive mesh refinement and multilevel iteration for flow in porous media,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 136 no. 2
(September, 1997),
pp. 522-545, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0021-9991 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Garaizar, FX; Trangenstein, J, Front Tracking for Shear Bands in an Antiplane Shear Model,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 131 no. 1
pp. 54, Elsevier BV [5456], [doi]
- Khan Sameer, A; Pope Gary, A; Trangenstein John, A, Micellar/polymer physical-property models for contaminant cleanup problems and enhanced oil recovery,
Transport in Porous Media, vol. 24 no. 1
pp. 35-79, Springer Nature, ISSN 0169-3913 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Trangenstein, JA, Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Solids,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 16 no. 4
(July, 1995),
pp. 819-839, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), ISSN 1064-8275 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Khan, S.A. and Trangenstein, J.A. and Horning, R.D. and Holing, Kent and Schilling, B.E.R., Application of adaptive mesh-refinement with a new higher-order method in simulation of a north sea micellar/polymer flood,
Proceedings of the SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation
pp. 531 - 543, San Antonio, TX, USA [abs]
- Trangenstein John, A, Second-order Godunov algorithm for two-dimensional solid mechanics,
Computational Mechanics, vol. 13 no. 5
pp. 343-359, Springer Nature [doi] [abs]
- Trangenstein, JA; Pember, RB, Numerical algorithms for strong discontinuities in elastic-plastic solids,
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 103 no. 1
(January, 1992),
pp. 63-89, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0021-9991 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Trangenstein, J.A., Analysis of a model and sequential numerical method for thermal reservoir simulation,
Proceedings of the Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery
pp. 359 -, Cambridge, Engl
- Trangenstein, JA; Pember, RB, The Riemann Problem for Longitudinal Motion in an Elastic-Plastic Bar,
SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, vol. 12 no. 1
(January, 1991),
pp. 180-207, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), ISSN 0196-5204 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Trangenstein, JA, A second-order algorithm for the dynamic response of soils,
IMPACT of Computing in Science and Engineering, vol. 2 no. 1
(January, 1990),
pp. 1-39, Elsevier BV [0899-8248(90)90002-R], [doi] [abs]
- Glass, I.I. and Kaca, J. and Zhang, D.L. and Glaz, H.M. and Bell, J.B. and Trangenstein, J.A. and Collins, J.P., Diffraction of planar shock waves over half-diamond and semicircular cylinders: an experimental and numerical comparison,
AIP Conf. Proc. (USA) no. 208
pp. 246 - 51, Bethlehem, PA, USA [abs]
- Trangenstein, JA; Bell, JB, Mathematical Structure of Compositional Reservoir Simulation,
SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, vol. 10 no. 5
(September, 1989),
pp. 817-845, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), ISSN 0196-5204 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- Trangenstein, JA, Customized minimization techniques for phase equilibrium computations in reservoir simulation,
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 42 no. 12
(January, 1987),
pp. 2847-2863, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0009-2509 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, (Paper) SPE
pp. 321-327, San Antonio, TX, USA [abs]
- Bell, JB; Trangenstein, JA; Shubin, GR, Conservation Laws of Mixed Type Describing Three-Phase Flow in Porous Media,
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 46 no. 6
(December, 1986),
pp. 1000-1017, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), ISSN 0036-1399 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, (Paper) SPE
pp. 233-246, Dallas, TX, USA [abs]
pp. 947 - 956 [abs]
- Trangenstein, JA, A Finite Element Method for the Tricomi Problem in the Elliptic Region,
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 14 no. 6
(December, 1977),
pp. 1066-1077, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), ISSN 0036-1429 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs]
- More, JJ; Trangenstein, JA, On the global convergence of Broyden's method,
Math. Comput. (USA), vol. 30 no. 135
pp. 523-540, American Mathematical Society (AMS) [doi] [abs]
- X. Garaizar and John Trangenstein, Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Front Tracking for shear bands in Granular Flow,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 20, (1999), pp. 750-779
- G. Christakos, P.T. Imhoff, John F. McBride, C.T. Miller, Joseph A. Pedit, John Trangenstein, Multiple Flow and Transport Modeling in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Challenges and Approaches,
Advances in Water Resources 21(1998), 77-120.
- F. X. Garaizar and John Trangenstein, Front Tracking for Shear Bands in an Antiplane Shear Model,
J. Comp. Phys., vol.131, (1998), pp. 54-69
- R. Hornung, John Trangenstein, Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Multilevel Iteration for Flow in Porous Media,
Journal of Computational Physics, 136, 522-545.
- S. A. Khan, G.A. Pope, John Trangenstein, Micellar/Polymer Physical Property Models for Contaminant Cleanup Problems and Enhanced Oil Recovery,
Transport in Porous Media 24(1996), 35-79.
- John Trangenstein, Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Solids,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 16(1995), 819-839.
- F. Xabier Garaizar, John Trangenstein,, Tracking of Shear Bands in an Antiplane Shear Model,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Hyperbolic Equations, SUNY Stony Brook.
- S. A. Khan, K. Holing, R.D. Hornung, B.E.R. Schilling, John Trangenstein, Application of Adaptive Mesh-Refinement with a New Higher-Order Method in Simulation of a North Sea Micellar/Polymer Flood, SPE 29145,
Proceedings of the SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation
- John Trangenstein, A Second-Order Godunov Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Solid Mechanics,
Computational Mechanics, 13(1994) pp. 343-359.
- Richard Pember and John Trangenstein, Numerical Algorithms for Strong Discontinuities in Elastic-Plastic Solids,
J. Comp. Phys., vol. 103, (1992), pp. 63-89
- Philip Colella and John Trangenstein, A Higher-Order Godunov Method for Modeling Finite Deformation in Elastic-Plastic Solids,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., vol. XLIV, (1991), pp. 41-100
- Richard Pember and John Trangenstein, The Riemann Problem for Longitudinal Motion in an Elastic-Plastic Bar,
SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., vol. 12, (1991), pp. 180-207
- John Trangenstein, A Comparison of Two Numerical Methods for Shocks in One-Dimensional Elastic-Plastic Solids,
Viscous Profiles and Numerical Methods for Shock Waves, Michael Shearer (editor), SIAM (1991).
- John Trangenstein, A Second-Order Algorithm for the Dynamic Response of Soils,
IMPACT of Computing in Science and Engineering, vol. 2, (1990), pp. 1-39
- Kent Holing, Birgitte Schilling and John Trangenstein, The Use of Second-Order Godunov-Type Methods for Simulating EOR Processes in Realistic Reservoir Models,
Second European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, E. Guerillot and O. Guillon (ed.) (1990), 101-111
- John B. Bell and John Trangenstein, Mathematical Structure of the Black-Oil Model for Petroleum Reservoir Simulation,
SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol.49, (1989), pp. 749-783
- John B. Bell and John Trangenstein, Mathematical Structure of Compositional Reservoir Simulation,
SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., vol. 10, (1989), pp. 817-845
- John B. Bell, Philip Colella and John Trangenstein, Higher-Order Godunov Methods for General Systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws,
J. Comp. Phys., vol.82, (1989), pp. 362-397
- Michael Shearer and John Trangenstein, Loss of Real Characteristics for Models of Three-Phase Flow in a Porous Medium,
Transport in Porous Media, vol. 4, (1989), pp. 499-525
- John Trangenstein, Three-Phase Flow with Gravity,
Contemporary Mathematics, vol.100, (1989), pp. 147-160
- John Trangenstein, Analysis of a Model and Sequential numerical Method for Thermal Reservoir Simulation,
Second European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, P.R. King (ed.), Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, Cambridge University, 1989
- I.I. Glass, J. Kaca, D.L. Zhang, H.M. Glaz, J. Trangenstein, J.B. Bell and, Diffraction of Planar Shock Waves over Half-Diamond and Semicircular Cyliners: an Experimental and Numerical Comparisond,
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Symposium on Shock Waves and Shock Tubes, July 17-21, 1989.
- Myron B. Allen, Alda Behie and John Trangenstein, Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: Mechanics, Mathematics and Numerics,
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Engineering 34, (1988)
- J. Bell, P. Colella, John Trangenstein and M. Welcome, Godunov Methods and Adaptive Algorithms for Unsteady Fluid Dynamics,
Eleventh International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1988.
- John Trangenstein, Customized Minimization Techniques for Phase Equilibrium Computations in Reservoir Simulation,
Chemical Engineering Science, vol.42, (1987), pp. 2847-2863
- John Bell, Phillip Colella, John Trangenstein and Michael Welcome, Adaptive Methods for High Mach Number Reacting Flow,
AIAA Eighth Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1987.
- John B. Bell, Gregory R. Shubin and John Trangenstein, a Method for Reducing Numerical Dispersion in Two-Phase Black-Oil Reservoir Simulation,
J. Comp. Phys., vol. 65, (1986), pp. 71-106
- John B. Bell, Gregory R. Shubin and John Trangenstein, Conservation Laws of Mixed Type Describing Three-Phase Flow in Porous Media,
SIAM J. Applied Math., vol. 46, (1986), pp. 1000-1017
- John Trangenstein, Minimization of Gibbs Free Energy in Compositional Reservoir Simulation,
Eighth SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation, SPE 13520, Dallas, 1985
- H.E. Read and John Trangenstein, The Inelastic Response Characteristics of the New Endochronic Theory with Singular Kernel,
International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 18, (1982), pp. 947-956
- W.B. Gragg, R.J. LeVeque and John Trangenstein, Numerically Stable Methods for Updating Regressions,
J. American Statistical Association, vol. 74, (1979), pp. 161-168
- John Trangenstein, Finite Element Method for the Tricomi Problem in the Elliptic Region,
SIAM J. Num. Anal., vol. 14, (1977), pp. 1066-1077
- J. J. More and John Trangenstein, On the Global Convergence of Broyden's Method,
Mathematics of Computation, vol. 30, (1976), pp. 523-540
- John Trangenstein and Zhuoxin Bi, Multi_Scale Iterative Techniques and Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Miscible Displacement Simulation
, preprint 2001 [ps] [abs]
- Bill Allard, John Trangenstein, On the Performance of a Distributed Object Oriented Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code
, preprint 1998
ph: 919.660.2800
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Mathematics Department
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