Math @ Duke
Curriculum Vitae
Jonathan C. MattinglyClick here for a printer-ready version, or
download as a PDF or Word file.-
105 Math/Physics Building, Box 90320, Durham, NC 27708
- Personal
Born August 11th, 1969 in Stamford CT
- Education
Ph.D. | Princeton University | 1998 |
M.A. | Princeton University | 1996 |
Auditor | ENS Lyon | 1993 |
B.S. | Yale University | 1992 |
High School Diploma | NCSSM | 1988 |
- Areas of Research
Applied mathematics, Probability, Ergodic Theory, Stochastic partial differential equations, Stochastic dynamical systems, Stochastic Numerical methods, Fluids
- Areas of Interest
- Ergodic theory
Truly infinite dimensional behabior in SPDEs Scaling limited of algorithems used in simulation and data analysis Probabilistic algorithms for large data Stabilization of dynamics my noise scaling limits of stochastic algorithms
- Areas of Experience
Applied Mathematics Stochastic Differential Equations Partial Differential Euqations Fluids Stochastic Numerical Methods Asymptotics
- Professional Experience / Employment History
- Duke University
- Professor, Mathematics, Mathematics, July, 2012 - present
- Associate Professor, Mathematics, September, 2006 - June, 2012
- Assistant professor, Mathematics, September, 2002 - September, 2006
- member, September, 2002 - July, 2003
- Stanford University
- NSF Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, 1999-2002
- Szego Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, 1998-2002
- Lucent Technology
- Summer Intern, Bell Laboratories, June-August 1997
- Visiting Positions
- Visiting Professor, University of Nice, France, July, 2012
- Member, Ohio State University, October, 2011 and February, 2012
- Visiting Professor, University of Provence, June, 2010
- Member, Newton Institute, February, 2010 - April, 2010
- Part of special year on SPDEs
- Berlin Mathematics School Visiting Proffessor, Berlin Mathematics Society, July, 2009
- Visiting Prof, Paris VI, June, 2008
- Visiting Member (Program in stochastic analysis), Matematica nelle Scienze Naturali e Sociali, June 20, 2006 - July 25, 2006
- Visiting Member, IMA, Univ of Minnisota, November 17, 2004 - December 16, 2004
- Member, Institute for Advanved Studies, 2002-03
- Visiting Professor, University of Marseilles, France, July 2002
- Visiting Scholar, Warwick University, UK, October 2000
- Contractor, AT & T, July 1999
- Member, MSRI, Berkeley Califonia, August-September 1998
- Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
Simons Visiting Professor , SLMath, August, 2023
IE Block Community Lecture, SIAM, July, 2021
School of Mathematics/ Member, Institute for Advanced Study
Defenders of Democracy, National Common Cause
Simons Visiting Professors at MSRI, August, 2015
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society , American Mathematical Society
Simons Visiting Professor , MSRI
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, June, 2012
2005 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), NSF/Whitehouse, June, 2006
NSF Career Award, July, 2005
Sloan Fellowship, Sloan Foundation, 2005-2007
Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program, National Science Foundation
Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, National Science Foundation
Sloan Research Fellowship-Mathematics, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
School of Mathematics/ Members, Institute for Advanced Study
NSF Post-Doctoral Fellow, NSF, 1999-2002
- Recent Grant Support
- RTG: Training Tomorrow's Workforce in Analysis and Applications, National Science Foundation, 2021/07-2026/06.
- Stochastic Dynamics and SPDEs, Simons Foundation, 2024/08-2025/07.
- Quantifying Gerrymandering in the North Carolina Legislature, Imagine North Carolina First, 2022/03-2025/07.
- HDR TRIPODS: Innovations in Data Science: Integrating Stochastic Modeling, Data Representation, and Algorithms, National Science Foundation, 2019/10-2023/09.
- Conferences Organized
- Organized invited session at SPA2013, Organized invited session at SPA2013. August, 2013, August, 2013
- Co Organizer (with Amarjit Budhiraja ) : Seminar on Stochastic Processes 2013, Co Organizer (with Amarjit Budhiraja ) : Seminar on Stochastic Processes 2013. March, 2013, March, 2013
- Local Orgnaizer (with Rick Durrett) : Woman in Probability III, Local Orgnaizer (with Rick Durrett) : Woman in Probability III. October, 2012, October, 2012
- SAMSI Stochastic Dynamics tradition workshop, SAMSI Stochastic Dynamics tradition workshop. November, 2010, November, 2010
- MFO week long school on ergodic theory, MFO week long school on ergodic theory. October, 2010, October, 2010
- local liaison/Organizer SAMSI year on stochastic dynamics, local liaison/Organizer SAMSI year on stochastic dynamics. 2009 - 2010, 2009 - 2010
- SAMSI Opening Workshop for Stochastic Dynamics, SAMSI Opening Workshop for Stochastic Dynamics. August, 2009, August, 2009
- AIM conference: Stochastic numerics methods and application, October, 2007
- Organizer MSRI semster program, December 30, 2006 - May 30, 2007
- MSRI: Mathematical Issues in Stochastic Approaches for Multiscale Modeling, May 21, 2007 - May 26, 2007
- Minisymposium, SIAM dynamical systems meeting, May, 2007
- MSRI: Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Control, March 26, 2007 - February 30, 2007
- Professional Service
- University Committee
- Large Data and Information Furtures, 2011 - 2012
- Adhoc commit on Mathematics sciences for Arts and Sciences, September, 2007 - 2010
- Arts and Sciences Council, April, 2008 - April, 2010
- Genome Center: Natural Sciences Working Group, September, 2004 - June, 2005
- In charge of retention of Jayce Getz, 2014
- Dept Officer
- Associate Director, CNCS, 2006 - 2011
- Dept Committee
- In charge of retention of Lenny Ng, December 2015
- Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, September, 2012 - 2015
- Applied ARP Postdoc Hiring Committee,, 2013 - 2014
- Applied ARP Postdoc Hiring Committee, 2010 - 2011
- Chair of Math Simmons proposal writing committee, 2010 - 2011
- Chair Hiring Commitee - Tenure Track, 2008 - 2009
- Math Bio Search Committee, December, 2004 - February, 2005
- Papers Refereed
- Associate editor Nonlinearity, Associate editor Nonlinearity. December, 2013, December, 2013 - present
- Associate Editor : Journal of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Associate Editor : Journal of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations. September, 2012, September, 2012 - present
- Associate editor, Communications in Mathematical Science, December 30, 2006 - December 30, 2010
- NSF Reviews And Panels
- Scienctific Advisory Com. NSF Math Bio Inst. - nimbios, 2008 - 2012
- Math Community Services
- Member, Member. Committee on the Profession. AMS. 2024, 1 January 2024
- Organizing Committee, Organizing Committee. SIAM online PDE seminar. SIAM. 2022 - 2022, 1 January 2022
- Co-Organizer , Co-Organizer . Quantifying Gerrymandering. SAMSI. October, 2018, 1 October 2018
- Co-Organizer , Co-Organizer . Regional Gerrymandering Conference. November, 2017, 1 November 2017
- Co-Organizer , Co-Organizer . Interacting particle systems with applications in Biology, Ecology, and Statistics PHYSICS. NSF. May, 2017, 1 May 2017
- Trustee of the American Mathematics Society , Trustee of the American Mathematics Society . AMS. 2024 - 2029, 2024-29
- Chair of Scientific Advisory Committee, Chair of Scientific Advisory Committee. Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 2023 - 2026, 2023-26
- Member, Member. Committee on Science Policy. SIAM. 2022 - 2025, 2022-25
- Scientific Advisory Committee , Scientific Advisory Committee . Pacific Institute of Mathemtical Scineces. 2022 - 2025, 2022-25
- Co-organizer , Co-organizer . Algorithms, Fairness, and Equity Program. MSRI/SLMath. August, 2023 - December, 2023, August-December 2023
- Scientific Advisory Board, Scientific Advisory Board. Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology. GA Tech. 2019 - 2023, 2019-23
- Board of Trustees , Board of Trustees . ICERM. NSF Math Institute . 2017 - 2023, 2017-23
- Participant, Participant. Faculty Curriculum on Anti-Racism. Duke Office of Faculty Advancement. January 11, 2021 - January 14, 2021, January 2021
- Committee to Select the Gibbs Lecturer for 2020 and 2021, Committee to Select the Gibbs Lecturer for 2020 and 2021. AMS. February, 2019 - January, 2021, 2019-21
- PDE and Infinite Dimensional Stochastic, PDE and Infinite Dimensional Stochastic. Organiser Special Term . MSRI, Berkeley CA. August, 2015 - December, 2015, August-December 2015
- Associate editor Annals of probability, 2006 - 2012
- Scientific Advisory Committee , Scientific Advisory Committee . NimBios, NSF Math/Bio center. 2009 - 2012, 2009-12
- AMS Short Course Selelction Committee, AMS Short Course Selelction Committee. 2009 - 2011, 2009 - 2011
- Associate editor, SIAM Mathematical Analysis, January, 2007 - December, 2009
- AMS Committee on Committees, 2007 - 2009
- Committee on Commitees, Committee on Commitees. AMS. 2008 - 2009, 2008-09
- Organiser Special Term, Organiser Special Term. MSRI, Berkeley CA. August, 2007 - December, 2007, August-December 2007
- One of 3 principle lectures, St Flour Summer School in Probabilit, June, 2007
- Univ Services
- A&S Finance Dean Hiring Committee, 1 January 2019
- Distinguished Professor Selection Committee, 2021-24
- Library Committee, 2018-24
- Other
- Organized Probability Seminar (with Ryder, Bahktin, McKinley, Athraya, Durrett, Herzog, Nolen ), 2004, 2006 - present
- Mini course lectureer, November, 2015
- A Principle lecture are spacial course on Fulidmechaics, October, 2015
- AMS short course commitee, 2009 - 2012
- Co-organizer of first South Eastern Probability Conference, December 2011
- Co-organizer of CNCS seminar, September, 2007 - 2010
- Co-organizer 4nd Graduate student confference in probabilty, April, 2010
- Co-organizer 3nd Graduate student confference in probabilty, April, 2009
- Organized Applied Math and Analysis Seminar (with A. Layton, A. Catlla), 2004, 2007- present
- Selected Recent Invited Talks
- The Gaussian Structure of the Stochastically Forced Burgers Equation below KPZ, Courant Institute, NYU, 13 December 2024
- CLTs in Stratified Spaces, Columbia, University, 11 December 2024
- A Mathematician Goes to Court, NYU, 1 December 2024
- Computational Challenges in Redistricting, NYU, 1 November 2024
- Ergodicity, Positive Lyapunov Exponents, and Partial Damping for Random Switching, NYU, 1 October 2024
- Pathwise approach to enhanced dissipation and dissipation, NYU, 1 September 2024
- Randomly Switched Dynamics, Berkeley Statistics Department , 1 December 2023
- Analysis and PDE Seminar: Optimal enhanced dissipation and mixing for a time-periodic, Lipschitz velocity field on 2D Torus, Stanford University, 1 November 2023
- Analysis and PDE Seminar: Optimal enhanced dissipation and mixing for a time-periodic, Lipschitz velocity field on 2D Torus, UC Berkeley Mathematics, 1 October 2023
- Mathematics Department Colloquium: Computational and Theoretical Challenges in hearing the will of the people in the Vote, UC Berkeley Deprtment Colloquium , 1 September 2023
- A new model of randomly forced Fluid equations , Pisa, Italy, 1 July 2023
- Using Computational Sampling to Quantify Gerrymandering, University of Washington, 10 March 2022
- A new model of randomly forced Fluid equations, IAS, 1 December 2021
- The Mathematics and Policy of Gerrymandering, IAS, 1 December 2021
- A new model of randomly forced Fluid equations, Princeton Fluids Seminar, 1 November 2021
- A new model of randomly forced Fluid equations, ICEM, 1 October 2021
- Gaussian Structure of Stochastic Burgers, 1 February 2021
- New Sampling Methods of Quantifying Gerrymandering , Brown Applied Math Colloquium , 1 October 2020
- Interactions between noise and instabilities., IHP, Paris, 1 July 2018
- Quantifying Gerrymandering: A Mathematician Goes to Court, 1 July 2018
- Approximate/exact controllability and ergodicity for (additive noise) SPDEs/SODEs, CIRM, Marseilles , 1 May 2018
- Discovering the geopolitical structure of the United States through Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling, The Alan Turing Institute, UK, 1 May 2018
- Ergodicity of Singular SPDEs, Columbia, 1 May 2018
- Drawing the line in redistricting (A mathematician's take), Stanford University, 1 March 2018
- Ergodic and global solutions for singular SPDEs, Corvallis, Oregon, 1 March 2018
- A mathematician Goes to Court, 1 October 2017
- Stabilization of Stochastic Dynamics , UCLA, 1 January 2017
- Radio Interviews, 26 December 2015
- Stabilization and noise, Berekey Mathematics Department, 12 November 2015
- Stochastic PDEs, 1 October 2015
- Ergodicity Finite and Infinite dimentional Markov Chains, McGill University, 1 July 2015
- Dynamics Days 2014, Atlanta GA, January 4, 2014
- Stabilization by Noise, November 19, 2013 [sta]
- Uniqueness of the inviscid limit in a simple model damped/driven system., Probability and Mathematical Physics Seminar, November 5, 2013 [tend]
- Stochastic stabilization of OEDs., Applied Math Seminar, NYU, September 6, 2013
- Stochastic partial differential equations, SPA2013, August, 2013
- Stabilization by noise, University of Maryland, May, 2013 [available here]
- Stablization by Noise, Conférence en l'honneur d'Etienne Pardoux, CIRM, Marseillais France., February 14, 2013 [pdf]
- Perspectives on Ergodicity, Conference on SPDEs, IMA, Minnesota, January 14, 2013 [#Schedule]
- A Numerical Method for the SDEs from Chemical Equations, Probability and Biology section, 2012 Canadian Mathematical society (winter meeting), December, 2012 [pb#jm]
- Minerva Lectures: Erodicity of Markov Processes: From Chains to SDEs to SPDEs, Mathematics Department, Columbia University, November-December, 2012 [available here]
- A Menagerie of Stabilization, Joint Probability and Analysis Seminar, Nice, France, July, 2012
- Stochastic Stabilization, Inria - Sophia Antipolis, July, 2012 [available here]
- Building Lyapunov Functions (4 lectures), EPSRC Symposium Workshop – Easter Probability Meeting, March, 2012
- Noise Induced Stability, MBI, February, 2012
- A Menagerie of Stochastic Stabilization, CAMP/Probability Seminar, University of Chicago, October 18, 2011 [sy]
- A menagerie of stochastic stabilization, Equadiff 2011, Loughborough University, August, 2011 [html]
- Coarse–graining of many–body systems: analysis, computations and applications, July, 2011 [available here]
- Ergodicity of systems with singular interaction terms, Stochastic Dynamics Transition Workshop, SAMSI, November 18, 2010 [stochastic-dynamics-transition-workshop-november-17-19-2010]
- Oberwolfach Seminar: The Ergodic Theory of Markov Processes, Oberwolfach, Germany, October 24th - October 30th, 2010
- Malliavin Calculus to prove ergodic theorems for SPDEs, ICM Satellite Conference on Probability and Stochastic Processes Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, August 13, 2010 [index.php]
- SPDE scaling limits of an Markov chain Montecarlo algorithm, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Approximation, Asymptotics and Computation, Newton Institute, June 28, 2010 [html]
- The spread of randomness, German-American Frontiers of Science, Potsdam Germany, June, 2010
- How to prove an ergodic theorem, oberwolfach, May, 2010
- Coupling at infinity, Seminar on Stochastic Processes, March 30, 2010 [pdf]
- Long time stochastic simiulation, Imperial College, March 15, 2010 [htm]
- Spectral Gaps in Wasserstien Distance, Ergodic Theory Seminary, Princeton Mathematics, March 4, 2010
- Trouble with a chain of stochastic oscillators, PACM, Princeton University, March 2, 2010 [Hamiltonian]
- Hypo-ellipticity for SPDEs, SPDE program , Newton Institute, March, 2010
- Numerics of SDEs, Warwick University, UK, February 24, 2010 [available here]
- Long Time Behavior of Stochastically Forced PDEs., AMS Joint Meeting, San Francisco, January 14, 2010
- Ellipticity and Hypo-ellipticity for SPDEs *or* What is ellipticity in infinite dimensions anyway?, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Newton Institute, January 8, 2010 [html]
- SPDE Limits of the Random Walk Metropolis Algorithm in High Dimensions, SIAM PDE Meeting, December 7, 2009 [dsp_programsess.cfm]
- Stochastic fluctuations in bio chemical networks, MBI: Mathematical Developments Arising from Biology, November 09, 2009 [html]
- Introduction to Ergodicity in Infinite Dimentions, TU Berlin, July, 2009
- What makes infinite dimensional Markov processes different ?, Stochastic Process and Applications, Berlin, July, 2009 [Lecture]
- Stochastically forced fluid equations: Transfer between scales and ergodicity., AMS Sectional Meeting (invited talk), April 4, 2009
- Trouble with a chain of stochastic oscillators, Princeton University, 3 April 2009
- What makes the ergodic theory if Markov Chains in infinite dimensions different (and dificult) ?, Princeton Ergodic theory seminar, March 3, 2009
- Ergodicity, Energy Transfer, and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Columbia University, 15 December 2008
- The Spread of Randomness: Ergodicity in Infinite Dimensions, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2008
- The spread of randomness through dimensions, IPAM- Mathematical Frontiers in Network Multi-Resolution Analysis, November, 2008 [schedule.aspx]
- The spread of randomness through dimensions, IPAM, November, 2008 [schedule.aspx]
- Troubles with oscillators, Stanford: JBK85, Workshop on Applied Mathematics IN HONOR OF JOSEPH B. KELLER, October, 2008 [available here]
- What is different about the ergodic theory of stochastic PDEs (vs ODEs), UC Irvine, PDE and Probabilty Seminar, October, 2008
- Trouble with a chain of stochastic oscillators, Stochastic Seminar, GaTech, September, 2008
- Troubles with oscillators, East Midlands Stochastic Analysis Seminars, August, 2008
- The spread of randomness in infinite dimensions and ergodicity for SPDEs, Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications, Asscona IT, June, 2008 [available here]
- Troubles with chains of anharmonic oscillators, Statisical Mechaniques working group, June, 2008 [html]
- Ergodicity of Degenerately forced SPDEs, Séminaire de Probabilités,Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires des Universités Pierre et Marie Curie et Denis Diderot, May 27, 2008
- Ergodicity of Degenerately forced SPDEs, ETH, Zurich, May, 2008
- Spectral gaps for degenerately forced SPDEs, Particle systems, nonlinear diffusions, and equilibration, November 12-16, 2007 [semester-w-0708-workshops]
- Ergodicity of Degenerately forced SPDES, Sixth Northeast Probability Seminar, November 16, 2007 [available here]
- The Stochastic Calculus of Being Cool, Duke Faculty/Grad seminar, September 14, 2007
- Ergodicity of SPDEs, 37th Saint Flour probability Summer school, July 6 - 20, 2007 [html]
- Seminare Hypathie, Univ. de Provence, Marseille, France, June 22, 2007
- Spectral Gap Results for Partially Dissipative Dynamics, SIAM Dynamical systems conference, May 28, 2007
- Transfer of dissipation and fluctuations in a simple example, Stanford Applied Math, May 11, 2007 [htm]
- Anomalous dissipation and ergodicity in stochastically forced fluid models, Stanford Mathematics Colloquium, April 12, 2007 [available here]
- Smooth densities for degenerate SPDEs: Malliavin calculus and controllability, Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Control, March 26, 2007 [show_workshop]
- Ergodicity in infinite dimensions: SPDEs and the Wasserstein metric, Berkeley Probability Seminar, March 21, 2007 [html]
- Evans Probability Seminar. Ergodicity in infinite dimensions: SPDEs and the Wasserstien metric, Berkeley Mathematics Department, March 21, 2007 [show_specialtalk]
- Ergodicity in infinite dimensions and the spread of randomness, Stanford Probability seminar, February 26, 2007 [pdf]
- Random Dynamical Systems, MSRI, February 20, 2007
- 2D Stochastic Navier Stokes: Spectral Gaps and Ergodicity, MIT/ Harvard Analysis seminar, March, 2006
- Malliavin Calculus, Hypoellipticity, and Ergodicity, Maryland Dynamics Conference, March, 2006
- Degenerately forced stochastic fluid equations and simple models with anomalous dissipation, MSRI :Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems, December 5, 2005
- Spectral gaps and coupling for degenerate stochastic PDEs, MSRI:Optimal Mass Transport and its Applications, November 15, 2005
- Simple Models with Anomolous Disipation and Energy casceades, Warwick, UK, November, 2005
- Exponential Mixing for the Degenerately forced Navier Stokes Equations, MSRI: Analytical and Stochastic Fluid Dynamics, October 11, 2005
- Degenerately Forced SPDEs, Frontiers in Probability, Joint Statisics meeting, August, 2005
- Hypoellipticity and SPDEs, Stochastic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Northwestern University, June, 2005
- Simple Models of Energy cascades, UNC Applied Math, April, 2005
- Stochastic Models in Fluid Mechanics, FIM ETH Zurich, January 10, 2005
- Ergodicity of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations under very degenerate forcing, Probability Seminar, Univ. of Minnisota, December 10, 2004
- Ergodicity of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations under very degenerate forcing, CAMP/Nonlinear PDE's Seminar, Univ of Chicago, December 8, 2004
- Long Time Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations, IMA Multiscale working group, December 6, 2004
- Degenerately Forced Navier Stokes Equation, Univ of Maryland, November 12, 2004
- Ergodicity of the degenerately forced Stochastic Navier Stokes Equations., AMS Sectional Meeting, Evanstion IL, October 23, 2004
- Malliavin Calculus and ergodicity of the full degenerate Navier-Stokes equation, Analysis and Probability Seminar, Northwestern, October 22, 2004
- Ergodicity of the Degenerately Forced Navier-Stokes Equation, Marseilles, France, June, 2004
- Hypo-ellipticity and cascades of probability in 2D Navier-Stokes equation, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations Conference (Los Angeles, CA), June, 2004
- Numerical Methods for the long time simulations of Stochastic Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations Conference (Los Angeles, CA), June, 2004
- The Degenerately Forced Navier-Stokes Equation, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations Conference (Los Angeles, CA), June, 2004
- Numerical Methods of SDEs: Long time simulation, NC State University, March, 2004
- Ergodic Theory of Dissipative PDEs, Ergodic Theory Workshop, UNC Chapel Hill, February, 2004
- Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Trento, Italy, January, 2004
- Ergodic Theory of Dissipative SPDEs, NC State, November, 2003
- Midwest
Probability Colloquium, Northwestern, 17 October 2003
- Workshop on Stochastic Partial Differential
Equations and Related Topics, Warwick, UK, 3 August 2003
- Stochastic Numerical Methods, LMS Durham Symposium:Markov Chains, Durham, UK, 27 July 2003
- Kolmogorov 100, Moscow, Russia, 17 June 2003
- ForgesLesEaux, Forges Les Eaux PDE conference, France, 7 June 2003
- 2D Navier Stokes with Stochastic Forcing: Ergodicity, scale, and Malliavin Calc, IAS, Princeton NJ, 8 March 2003
- Organizer and a mini simposium speaker, AMAM, Nice 2003, 14 February 2003 [available here]
- Ergodicity, mixing, and scales in the stochastically forced Navier-Stokes equation, Special session honoring Ya. Sinai, AMS meeting Baltimore, 14 January 2003
- Stochastically forced Navier Stokes: Ergodicity, Mixing and scales, Applied Mathematics Seminar, Columbia University, 3 December 2002 [jpg]
- Semi-Plenary Lecture: Adaptive Schemes for long time simulations of SDEs, Workshop on Stochastic Computation, FoCM'02, IMA, Minneapolis, 14 August 2002 [htm]
- Ergodicity of Stochastically Forced PDEs, CAMP/Nonlinear PDE's Seminar, University of Chicago, 3 June 2002 [html]
- Ergodicity of Stochastically Forced PDEs, University of California, Santa Barbara, 22 February 2002
- Ergodicity of Stochastically Forced PDEs, Department of Applied Math, Brown University, 20 February 2002
- Ergodicity of Stochastically Forced PDEs and Multiscale Numerics, Applied Mathematics, Caltech, 10 February 2002
- Ergodicity of Stochastically Forced PDEs, Courant Institute, New York University, 30 January 2002
- Ergodic theory of Navier-Stokes equation and dissipative PDEs, infinite dimensional coupling and Gibbs measures, AMS-SMF: First Joint Mathematical International Meeting, 19 July 2001 [available here]
- Gibbs Measures and Ergodicity in the 2D Stochastically Forced Navier Stokes Equation, Unversity of Paris VI, 12 June 2000
- Gibbs Measures and Ergodicity in the 2D Stochastically Forced Navier Stokes Equation, Princeton Alumni Conference, 12 June 2000
- Ergodicity of the 2-Dim Navier Stokes Equations: Random contractions, random attractors, and coupling in infinite dimensions, University of California, Los Angeles, 13 April 2000
- The Stochastic Navier Stokes Equations: Invarient Measures and Trivial Attractors, AMS Meeting, Santa Barbara, C.A., 12 April 2000
- Ergodicity of the 2-Dim Navier Stokes Equations: Random contractions, random attractors, and coupling in infinite dimensions, Probability Seminar, Berkeley, 5 December 1999
- Ergodicity of the 2-Dim Navier Stokes Equations: Random contractions, random attractors, and coupling in infinite dimensions, Probability Seminar, Stanford university, 15 November 1999 [abs]
- The stochastically forced 2-dim Navier Stokes equation, Integrating Integrability into Mathematics and Science, Univ. of Arizona, 29 October 1999 [htm]
- Stochastically forced dynamical systems and their numerical discretizations, AMS Metting, Charlotte N.C., 12 October 1999
- Can Kolmogorov s ideas on turbulence be part of dynamical systems?,, ITP Summer School, Trieste Italy, 12 July 1998
- Doctoral Theses Directed
- Sean D. Lawley, (2011 - 2014)
- Tiffany N. Kolba, (September, 2007 - June, 2012)
- Prakash Balachandran, (2008 - 2011)
- Andrea C. Watkins, (2006 - August, 2010)
- Rachel L. Thomas, (September, 2007 - May, 2010)
- David F. Anderson, (2004 - August, 2005)
- Professional Affiliations
- Publications (listed separately)
Last modified: 2025/03/13 |
ph: 919.660.2800
fax: 919.660.2821
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320