Math @ Duke
Publications [#363569] of Sayan Mukherjee
Papers Published
- Gastin, P; Mukherjee, S; Srivathsan, B, Reachability for updatable timed automata made faster and more effective,
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs, vol. 182
(December, 2020), ISBN 9783959771740 [doi]
(last updated on 2025/02/21)
Abstract: Updatable timed automata (UTA) are extensions of classical timed automata that allow special updates to clock variables, like x := x − 1, x := y + 2, etc., on transitions. Reachability for UTA is undecidable in general. Various subclasses with decidable reachability have been studied. A generic approach to UTA reachability consists of two phases: first, a static analysis of the automaton is performed to compute a set of clock constraints at each state; in the second phase, reachable sets of configurations, called zones, are enumerated. In this work, we improve the algorithm for the static analysis. Compared to the existing algorithm, our method computes smaller sets of constraints and guarantees termination for more UTA, making reachability faster and more effective. As the main application, we get an alternate proof of decidability and a more efficient algorithm for timed automata with bounded subtraction, a class of UTA widely used for modelling scheduling problems. We have implemented our procedure in the tool TChecker and conducted experiments that validate the benefits of our approach.
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