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Publications [#371501] of Sayan Mukherjee

Papers Published

  1. Fraiman, N; Mukherjee, S; Thoppe, G, The Shadow Knows: Empirical Distributions of Minimum Spanning Acycles and Persistence Diagrams of Random Complexes, Discrete Analysis, vol. 2023 (January, 2023) [doi]
    (last updated on 2025/02/21)

    In 1985, Frieze showed that the expected sum of the edge weights of the minimum spanning tree (MST) in the uniformly weighted graph converges to z (3). Recently, Hino and Kanazawa extended this result to a uniformly weighted simplicial complex, where the role of the MST is played by its higher-dimensional analog—the Minimum Spanning Acycle (MSA). Our work goes beyond and describes the histogram of all the weights in this random MST and random MSA. Specifically, we show that their empirical distributions converge to a measure based on a concept called the shadow. The shadow of a graph is the set of all the missing transitive edges and, for a simplicial complex, it is a related topological generalization. As a corollary, we obtain a similar claim for the death times in the persistence diagram corresponding to the above weighted complex, a result of interest in applied topology.
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