Math @ Duke
Publications [#380267] of Sayan Mukherjee
Papers Published
- Roldan-Roa, E; Roldan-Roa, ÉB; Raave, DK; Van Herwegen, J; Politimou, N; Mukherjee, S; Colasante, T; Malti, T; Mori, J; Specht, M, Play My Math: First Development Cycle of an EdTech Tool Supporting the Teaching and Learning of Fractions Through Music in Algebraic Notation,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 15160 LNCS
(January, 2024),
pp. 241-246 [doi]
(last updated on 2025/02/21)
Abstract: We developed, tested, and received users’ feedback (N = 4 teachers and N = 67 students) on the first development cycle of a digital educational game called “Play My Math” (PMM) aiming to support students’ understanding of the magnitude, equivalency, and representation of fractions. In PMM, students learn fractions using bar graphical representations to create, read, and perform rhythm-based musical compositions in algebraic notation. We analyzed quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (focus group) student and teacher data to inform PMM’s next development cycle. Overall, students regarded PMM as a highly enjoyable, moderately challenging, and meaningful learning experience. Their motivations also appeared to be intrinsic, as they continued to compose mathematical music at home. However, they expect PMM to enable them to compose beyond rhythm-based music and to increase their peer interaction. Teachers found PMM useful for engaging students but wished for additional features to cover the subtopics of fractions exhaustively. They also requested authoring capabilities to design custom learning paths and assignments. Further developments and content are necessary to match the breadth of PMM to that of current curricula.
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
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