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Publications of Chad L. Schoen    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

Papers Published

  1. Schoen, C, HODGE NUMBERS OF DESINGULARIZED FIBER PRODUCTS OF ELLIPTIC SURFACES, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 152 no. 8 (August, 2024), pp. 3215-3228 [doi]  [abs]
  2. Beauville, A; Schoen, C, A Non-Hyperelliptic Curve with Torsion Ceresa Cycle Modulo Algebraic Equivalence, International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2023 no. 5 (March, 2023), pp. 3671-3675, Oxford University Press (OUP) [doi]  [abs]
  3. Schoen, C, On certain complex projective manifolds with Hodge numbers H10 = 4 and h20 = 5, Michigan Mathematical Journal, vol. 68 no. 3 (January, 2019), pp. 565-596 [doi]
  4. Schoen, C, An arithmetic ball quotient surface whose Albanese variety is not of CM type, Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences, vol. 21 (September, 2014), pp. 132-136, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) [doi]
  5. Schoen, C, Torsion in the cohomology of desingularized fiber products of elliptic surfaces, Michigan Mathematical Journal, vol. 62 no. 1 (March, 2013), pp. 81-115, Michigan Mathematical Journal, ISSN 0026-2285 [doi]
  6. Schoen, C, The geometric genus of a desingularized fiber product of elliptic surfaces, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 141 no. 3 (January, 2013), pp. 745-752, American Mathematical Society (AMS), ISSN 0002-9939 [doi]  [abs]
  7. Schoen, C, Invariants of regular models of the product of two elliptic curves at a place of multiplicative reduction, in Arithmetic and Geometry of K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau Threefolds, Fields Institute Communications 67, edited by Laza, R. ; Schuett, M; and Yui, N., Arithmetic and geometry of K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds, vol. 67 (2013), pp. 461-487, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-6402-0
  8. Schoen, C, Desingularized fiber products of semi-stable elliptic surfaces with vanishing third Betti number, Compositio Mathematica, vol. 145 no. 1 (January, 2009), pp. 89-111, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0010-437X [doi]  [abs]
  9. Schoen, C, A family of surfaces constructed from genus 2 curves, International Journal of Mathematics, vol. 18 no. 5 (May, 2007), pp. 585-612, World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt, ISSN 0129-167X [doi]  [abs]
  10. Schoen, C; Top, J, Drinfeld modules and torsion in the Chow groups of certain threefolds, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 95 no. 3 (January, 2007), pp. 545-566, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0024-6115 [doi]  [abs]
  11. Schoen, C, Fermat covers, fermat hypersurfaces and abelian varieties of fermat type, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 57 no. 4 (December, 2006), pp. 539-554, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0033-5606 [doi]  [abs]
  12. Schoen, C, Albanese standard and albanese exotic varieties, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 74 no. 2 (January, 2006), pp. 304-320, Oxford University Press (OUP), ISSN 0024-6107 [doi]  [abs]
  13. Schoen, C, Specialization of the torsion subgroup of the Chow group, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 252 no. 1 (January, 2006), pp. 11-17, Springer Nature [doi]  [abs]
  14. Schoen, C, complex varieties for which the chow group mod n is not finite, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, vol. 11 no. 1 (January, 2002), pp. 41-100, American Mathematical Society (AMS), ISSN 1056-3911 [doi]  [abs]
  15. Schoen, C, On certain exterior product maps of Chow groups, Mathematical Research Letters, vol. 7 no. 2-3 (January, 2000), pp. 177-194, International Press of Boston [doi]
  16. Schoen, C, The Chow group modulo $l$ for the triple product of a general elliptic curve, Asian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 4 no. 4 (2000), pp. 987-996, International Press of Boston [doi]
  17. Schoen, CL, Cohomology computations related to the l-adic Abel-Jacobi map modulo l, The Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Cycles, vol. 548 (2000), pp. 433-466
  18. Schoen, C, On the image of the l-adic Abel-Jacobi map for a variety over the algebraic closure of a finite field, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 12 no. 3 (January, 1999), pp. 795-838 [doi]
  19. Schoen, C, Addendum to: Hodge classes on self-products of a variety with an automorphism, Compositio Mathematica, vol. 114 no. 3 (December, 1998), pp. 329-336  [abs]
  20. Schoen, C, An integral analog of the Tate conjecture for one dimensional cycles on varieties over finite fields, Mathematische Annalen, vol. 311 no. 3 (January, 1998), pp. 493-500, Springer Nature [doi]
  21. Buhler, J; Schoen, C; Top, J, Cycles, L-functions and triple products of elliptic curves, Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, vol. 492 (December, 1997), pp. 93-133  [abs]
  22. Joe Buhler, Chad Schoen, Jaap Top, Cycles, L-functions and products of elliptic curves, J. reine angew. Math. 492 p. 93-133 (1997)
  23. Schoen, C, Varieties dominated by product varieties, International Journal of Mathematics, vol. 7 no. 4 (August, 1996), pp. 541-571, World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt [doi]
  24. Gross, BH; Schoen, C, The modified diagonal cycle on the triple product of a pointed curve, Annales de l’institut Fourier, vol. 45 no. 3 (1995), pp. 649-679, Cellule MathDoc/CEDRAM [doi]
  25. Schoen, C, On the computation of the cycle class map for nullhomologous cycles over the algebraic closure of a finite field, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup., vol. 28 no. 4 (1995), pp. 1-50
  26. Ross, M; Schoen, C, Stable quotients of periodic minimal surfaces, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, vol. 2 no. 3 (1994), pp. 451-459, International Press of Boston [doi]
  27. Schoen, C, Complex multiplication cycles and a conjecture of beilinson and bloch, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 339 no. 1 (January, 1993), pp. 87-115, American Mathematical Society (AMS) [doi]  [abs]
  28. Chad Schoen, Complex multiplication cycles and a conjecture of Bloch and Beilinson, Trans. of A.M.S. 339 87-115 (1993), Trans. of A.M.S. 339 87-115 (1993)
  29. Schoen, C, On Hodge structures and nonrepresentability of Chow groups, Compositio Math., vol. 88 (1993), pp. 285-316
  30. Schoen, C, Some examples of torsion in the Griffiths group, Mathematische Annalen, vol. 293 no. 1 (December, 1992), pp. 651-679, Springer Nature, ISSN 0025-5831 [doi]
  31. Schoen, C, Produkte Abelscher Varietäten und Moduln Über Ordnungen, Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, vol. 1992 no. 429 (January, 1992), pp. 115-124, WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, ISSN 0075-4102 [doi]
  32. Schoen, C, On certain modular representations in the cohomology of algebraic curves, Journal of Algebra, vol. 135 no. 1 (November, 1990), pp. 1-18, Elsevier BV, ISSN 0021-8693 [doi]
  33. Schoen, C, Bounds for rational points on twists of constant hyperelliptic curves, Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, vol. 1990 no. 411 (January, 1990), pp. 196-204, WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH [doi]
  34. Schoen, C, Cyclic covers of P^v branched along v+2 hyperplanes and the generalized Hodge conjecture for certain abelian varieties, in Arithmetic of Complex Manifolds, Lecture Notes in Math., 1399, Arithmetic of Complex Manifolds, vol. 1399 (1989), pp. 137-154, Springer-Verlag
  35. Schoen, C, On fiber products of rational elliptic surfaces with section, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 197 no. 2 (June, 1988), pp. 177-199, Springer Nature, ISSN 0025-5874 [doi]
  36. Schoen, C, Hodge classes on self-products of a variety with an automorphism, Compositio Mathematica, vol. 65 (1988), pp. 3-32, Foundation Compositio Mathematica
  37. Schoen, C, Zero cycles modulo rational equivalence for some varieties over fields of transcendence degree one, in Algebraic geometry, Bowdoin, 1985, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 46, Part 2, Algebraic Geometry, Bowdoin 1985, vol. 46 part 2 (1987), pp. 463-474, american mathematical society
  38. Schoen, C, Complex multiplication cycles on elliptic modular threefolds, Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 53 no. 3 (September, 1986), pp. 771-794, Duke University Press [doi]
  39. Schoen, C, On the geometry of a special determinantal hypersurface associated to the Mumford-Horrocks vector bundle, Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, vol. 1986 no. 364 (January, 1986), pp. 85-111, WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, ISSN 0075-4102 [doi]
  40. Schoen, C, Algebraic cycles on certain desingularized nodal hypersurfaces, Mathematische Annalen, vol. 270 no. 1 (March, 1985), pp. 17-27, Springer Nature, ISSN 0025-5831 [doi]
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