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News for Maria-Veronica Ciocanel   Current...  ViewAll  Archive  RSS

  • September 05, 2023 - In Their Own Words: Veronica Ciocanel, Mathematical Modeling Contest Advisor

    [more] -- Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

  • September 04, 2023 - Quantifying Federal Sentence Disparities with Inferred Sentencing Records

    [more] -- SIAM News Blog

  • July 13, 2023 - Helping People and Wildlife Coexist in Ways That Benefit Both, Using Math

    [more] -- Duke Research Blog

  • March 31, 2022 - Biological Near-symmetries Explain the Similarity and Diversity of Life

    [more] -- SIAM News

  • March 20, 2022 - Seven interesting classes to take in fall 2022

    [more] -- Duke Chronicle

  • July 22, 2020 - Transparency in Sentencing

    [more] -- (Coverage of JUSTFAIR project)


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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320