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Publications of William K. Allard    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

Papers Published

  1. W.K. Allard, Guanglian Chen, Mauro Maggioni, W.K. Allard, G. Chen, M. Maggioni Multiscale Geometric Methods for Data Sets II: Geometric Wavelets, to appear in ACHA (2011)
  2. Allard, WK, Total variation for image denoising: III. Examples, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 2 (2009) [pdf]
  3. Allard, WK, Total variation regularization for image denoising, geometric theory, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 39 no. 4 (December, 2007), pp. 1150-1190, ISSN 0036-1410 [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  4. Allard, WK, Total variation regularization for image denoising: I. Geometric theory using total variation regularization; II Examples., SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 39 no. 4 (November, 2007) [~wka]  [abs]
  5. Allard, WK, The reconstruction of surfaces in R3 by reflection, The Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 9 no. 5 (1999) [ps]
  6. William K Allard, An Introduction to the Deferred Execution Tool, Proceedings of Ninth SIAM Annual Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, (SIAM) March 1999


  1. W.K. Allard, A boundary approximation algorithm for planar domains (2009) [pdf]
  2. William K. Allard and John Trangenstein, On the Performance of a Distributed Object Oriented Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code , preprint 1997 [ps]
  3. William K. Allard, Users Guide to the Deferred Execution Tool , preprint 1997 [ps]
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Mathematics Department
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Durham, NC 27708-0320