Math @ Duke
Papers Published
- Bezemek, ZW; Spiliopoulos, K, Moderate deviations for fully coupled multiscale weakly interacting particle systems,
Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations, vol. 12 no. 2
(June, 2024),
pp. 1265-1373, Springer Science and Business Media LLC [doi] [abs]
- Bezemek, Z; Heldman, M, Importance Sampling for the Empirical Measure of Weakly Interacting Diffusions,
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, vol. 89
(November, 2023), Springer
- Bezemek, ZW; Spiliopoulos, K, Rate of homogenization for fully-coupled McKean-Vlasov SDEs,
Stochastics and Dynamics, vol. 23 no. 2
(March, 2023), World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd [doi] [abs]
- Bezemek, ZW; Spiliopoulos, K, Large deviations for interacting multiscale particle systems,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, vol. 155
(January, 2023),
pp. 27-108, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs]
ph: 919.660.2800
fax: 919.660.2821
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Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320