Math @ Duke
Jose A. Perea, Visiting Assistant Professor
Please note: Jose has left the Mathematics department at Duke University; some info here might not be up to date. - Contact Info:
Office Location: | 214 Physics Building | Office Phone: | (919) 660-2837 | Email Address: | | - Education:
Ph.D. Mathematics | Stanford University, USA | 2011 |
B.S. Mathematics (Summa Cum Laude) | Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia | 2006 |
- Research Interests: Geometric and Topological methods for the analysis of data
Current projects:
Periodicity in Gene expression data, Persistent homology of time-delay embeddings, Persistent cohomology and projective coordinates, Obstruction theory for data analysis, Persistence diagrams, densities and machine learning, Topological reconstruction of the otic placode, Time-delay embeddings, chaos and chatter
My research focus lies at the intersection of algebraic topology, data analysis and computational methods. My main interest consists in the application and adaptation of ideas from algebraic and geometric topology to the study of high-dimensional and complex data. Other interests include computer vision and computational biology.
- Areas of Interest:
- Computational Topology
Data Analysis Computer Vision Computational Biology
- Keywords:
- Topology • Applied • Data • Computational • Biology
- Curriculum Vitae
- Recent Publications
- Jose A. Perea, Anastasia Deckard, Steve B. Haase and John Harer, SW1PerS: Sliding Windows and 1-Persistence Scoring; Discovering Periodicity in Gene Expression Time Series Data,
BMC Bioinformatics
(Accepted, July, 2015) (Journal Info: rank 8 of 52 in subject category Mathematical & Computational Biology, 2013 Impact Factor 2.67; Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters.) [Preprint]
- Jose A. Perea and John Harer, Sliding Windows and Persistence: An Application of Topological Methods to Signal Analysis,
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
(Accepted, May, 2014), ISSN 1615-3375 (Journal Info: rank 7 of 296 in subject category Mathematics, 2012 Impact Factor 1.918; Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters.) [arXiv:1307.6188], [doi] [Preprint]
- Jose A. Perea and Gunnar Carlsson, A Klein-Bottle-Based Dictionary for Texture Representation,
International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 107 no. 1
(March, 2014),
pp. 75-97, ISSN 0920-5691 (Journal Info: rank 9 of 115 in subject category Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence, 2012 Impact factor 3.623; Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters.) [doi] [Preprint]
ph: 919.660.2800
fax: 919.660.2821
| |
Mathematics Department
Duke University, Box 90320
Durham, NC 27708-0320