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Andrew Sherwood, Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Andrew Sherwood
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Office Location:  4571 Hosp South, Durham, NC 27710
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Ph.D.University of Hull (United Kingdom)1982
B.Sc Psychology (Honors)University of Hull, England1978
Current Ph.D. Students   (Former Students)

    Postdocs Mentored

    • Tavis Campbell (2002 - 2003)
    • Joel W. Hughes (2001 - 2003)
    • Patrick Steffen (1998 - 2000)
    • Judy McFetridge (1996 - 1998)
    • Robert A. Carels (1996 - 1999)
    • Mark Davis (1986 - 1988)
    • Rick Turner (1985 - 1987)
    • Carol Dolan (1984 - 1986)
    Representative Publications   (More Publications)   (search)

    1. Fan, L-B; Blumenthal, JA; Hinderliter, AL; Sherwood, A (2013). The effect of job strain on nighttime blood pressure dipping among men and women with high blood pressure.. Scand J Work Environ Health, 39(1), 112-119. [22460541], [doi]  [abs]
    2. Blumenthal, JA; Sherwood, A; Babyak, MA; Watkins, LL; Smith, PJ; Hoffman, BM; O'Hayer, CVF; Mabe, S; Johnson, J; Doraiswamy, PM; Jiang, W; Schocken, DD; Hinderliter, AL (2012). Exercise and pharmacological treatment of depressive symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease: results from the UPBEAT (Understanding the Prognostic Benefits of Exercise and Antidepressant Therapy) study.. J Am Coll Cardiol, 60(12), 1053-1063. [22858387], [doi]  [abs]
    3. Sherwood, A; Bower, JK; Routledge, FS; Blumenthal, JA; McFetridge-Durdle, JA; Newby, LK; Hinderliter, AL (2012). Nighttime blood pressure dipping in postmenopausal women with coronary heart disease.. Am J Hypertens, 25(10), 1077-1082. [22785406], [doi]  [abs]
    4. Routledge, FS; Hinderliter, AL; Blumenthal, JA; Sherwood, A (2012). Sex differences in the endothelial function of untreated hypertension.. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 14(4), 228-235. [22458744], [doi]  [abs]
    5. Prather, AA; Blumenthal, JA; Hinderliter, AL; Sherwood, A (2011). Ethnic differences in the effects of the DASH diet on nocturnal blood pressure dipping in individuals with high blood pressure.. Am J Hypertens, 24(12), 1338-1344. [21866183], [doi]  [abs]
    6. Sherwood, A; Routledge, FS; Wohlgemuth, WK; Hinderliter, AL; Kuhn, CM; Blumenthal, JA (2011). Blood pressure dipping: ethnicity, sleep quality, and sympathetic nervous system activity.. Am J Hypertens, 24(9), 982-988. [21633397], [doi]  [abs]
    7. Smith, PJ; Blumenthal, JA; Babyak, MA; Hinderliter, A; Sherwood, A (2011). Association of vascular health and neurocognitive performance in overweight adults with high blood pressure.. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 33(5), 559-566. [21229433], [doi]  [abs]
    8. Sherwood, A; O'Connor, CM; Routledge, FS; Hinderliter, AL; Watkins, LL; Babyak, MA; Koch, GG; Adams, KF; Dupree, CS; Chang, PP; Hoffman, BM; Johnson, J; Bowers, M; Johnson, KS; Blumenthal, JA (2011). Coping effectively with heart failure (COPE-HF): design and rationale of a telephone-based coping skills intervention.. J Card Fail, 17(3), 201-207. [21362527], [doi]  [abs]
    9. Sherwood, A; Blumenthal, JA; Hinderliter, AL; Koch, GG; Adams, KF; Dupree, CS; Bensimhon, DR; Johnson, KS; Trivedi, R; Bowers, M; Christenson, RH; O'Connor, CM (2011). Worsening depressive symptoms are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure.. J Am Coll Cardiol, 57(4), 418-423. [21251581], [doi]  [abs]
    10. BM Hoffman, A Sherwood, PJ Smith, MA Babyak, PM Doraiswamy, A Hinderliter, JA Blumenthal (2009). Cardiovascular disease risk, vascular health and erectile dysfunction among middle-aged, clinically depressed men.. International journal of impotence research, 22(1), 30-5. [doi]  [abs]
    11. Blumenthal, JA; Babyak, MA; Sherwood, A; Craighead, L; Lin, P-H; Johnson, J; Watkins, LL; Wang, JT; Kuhn, C; Feinglos, M; Hinderliter, A (2010). Effects of the dietary approaches to stop hypertension diet alone and in combination with exercise and caloric restriction on insulin sensitivity and lipids.. Hypertension, 55(5), 1199-1205. [20212264], [doi]  [abs]
    12. Sherwood, A; Park, SB; Hughes, JW; Blumenthal, JA; Hinderliter, A; Trivedi, R; McFetridge-Durdle, J (2010). Cardiovascular hemodynamics during stress in premenopausal versus postmenopausal women.. Menopause, 17(2), 403-409. [19770780], [doi]  [abs]
    13. Dedert, EA; Calhoun, PS; Watkins, LL; Sherwood, A; Beckham, JC (2010). Posttraumatic stress disorder, cardiovascular, and metabolic disease: a review of the evidence.. Ann Behav Med, 39(1), 61-78. [20174903], [doi]  [abs]
    14. Blumenthal, JA; Babyak, MA; Hinderliter, A; Watkins, LL; Craighead, L; Lin, P-H; Caccia, C; Johnson, J; Waugh, R; Sherwood, A (2010). Effects of the DASH diet alone and in combination with exercise and weight loss on blood pressure and cardiovascular biomarkers in men and women with high blood pressure: the ENCORE study.. Arch Intern Med, 170(2), 126-135. [20101007], [doi]  [abs]
    15. Trivedi, RB; Blumenthal, JA; O'Connor, C; Adams, K; Hinderliter, A; Dupree, C; Johnson, K; Sherwood, A (2009). Coping styles in heart failure patients with depressive symptoms.. J Psychosom Res, 67(4), 339-346. [19773027], [doi]  [abs]
    16. Smith, PJ; Blumenthal, JA; Babyak, MA; Doraiswamy, PM; Hinderliter, A; Hoffman, BM; Waugh, R; Sherwood, A (2009). Intima-media thickness and age of first depressive episode.. Biol Psychol, 80(3), 361-364. [19041688], [doi]  [abs]
    17. Sherwood, A; Bower, JK; McFetridge-Durdle, J; Blumenthal, JA; Newby, LK; Hinderliter, AL (2007). Age moderates the short-term effects of transdermal 17beta-estradiol on endothelium-dependent vascular function in postmenopausal women.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 27(8), 1782-1787. [17541023], [doi]  [abs]
    18. Sherwood, A; Blumenthal, JA; Trivedi, R; Johnson, KS; O'Connor, CM; Adams, KF; Dupree, CS; Waugh, RA; Bensimhon, DR; Gaulden, L; Christenson, RH; Koch, GG; Hinderliter, AL (2007). Relationship of depression to death or hospitalization in patients with heart failure.. Arch Intern Med, 167(4), 367-373. [17325298], [doi]  [abs]
    19. A Sherwood, AL Hinderliter, LL Watkins, RA Waugh, JA Blumenthal (2005). Impaired endothelial function in coronary heart disease patients with depressive symptomatology.. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 46(4), 656-9. [doi]  [abs]
    20. A Sherwood, JW Hughes, C Kuhn, AL Hinderliter (2004). Hostility is related to blunted beta-adrenergic receptor responsiveness among middle-aged women.. Psychosomatic medicine, 66(4), 507-13. [doi]  [abs]
    21. JW Hughes, L Watkins, JA Blumenthal, C Kuhn, A Sherwood (2004). Depression and anxiety symptoms are related to increased 24-hour urinary norepinephrine excretion among healthy middle-aged women.. Journal of psychosomatic research, 57(4), 353-8. [doi]  [abs]
    22. AL Hinderliter, JA Blumenthal, R Waugh, M Chilukuri, A Sherwood (2004). Ethnic differences in left ventricular structure: relations to hemodynamics and diurnal blood pressure variation.. American journal of hypertension, 17(1), 43-9.  [abs]
    23. A Sherwood, JW Hughes, J McFetridge (2003). Ethnic differences in the hemodynamic mechanisms of ambulatory blood pressure regulation.. American journal of hypertension, 16(4), 270-3.  [abs]
    24. Steffen, PR; McNeilly, M; Anderson, N; Sherwood, A (2003). Effects of perceived racism and anger inhibition on ambulatory blood pressure in African Americans.. Psychosom Med, 65(5), 746-750. [14508015], [doi]  [abs]
    25. Blumenthal, JA; Sherwood, A; Gullette, ECD; Georgiades, A; Tweedy, D (2002). Biobehavioral approaches to the treatment of essential hypertension.. J Consult Clin Psychol, 70(3), 569-589. [12090370], [doi]  [abs]
    26. Hinderliter, A; Sherwood, A; Gullette, ECD; Babyak, M; Waugh, R; Georgiades, A; Blumenthal, JA (2002). Reduction of left ventricular hypertrophy after exercise and weight loss in overweight patients with mild hypertension.. Arch Intern Med, 162(12), 1333-1339. [12076231], [doi]  [abs]
    27. Hinderliter, AL; Sherwood, A; Blumenthal, JA; Light, KC; Girdler, SS; McFetridge, J; Johnson, K; Waugh, R (2002). Changes in hemodynamics and left ventricular structure after menopause.. Am J Cardiol, 89(7), 830-833. [11909568], [doi]  [abs]
    28. Sherwood, A; Steffen, PR; Blumenthal, JA; Kuhn, C; Hinderliter, AL (2002). Nighttime blood pressure dipping: the role of the sympathetic nervous system.. Am J Hypertens, 15(2 Pt 1), 111-118. [11863245], [doi]  [abs]
    29. Blumenthal, JA; Babyak, M; Wei, J; O'Connor, C; Waugh, R; Eisenstein, E; Mark, D; Sherwood, A; Woodley, PS; Irwin, RJ; Reed, G (2002). Usefulness of psychosocial treatment of mental stress-induced myocardial ischemia in men.. Am J Cardiol, 89(2), 164-168. [11792336], [doi]  [abs]
    30. Sherwood, A; Gullette, ECD; Hinderliter, AL; Georgiades, A; Babyak, M; Waugh, RA; Blumenthal, JA (2002). Relationship of clinic, ambulatory, and laboratory stress blood pressure to left ventricular mass in overweight men and women with high blood pressure.. Psychosom Med, 64(2), 247-257. [11914440], [doi]  [abs]
    31. Steffen, PR; Sherwood, A; Gullette, EC; Georgiades, A; Hinderliter, A; Blumenthal, JA (2001). Effects of exercise and weight loss on blood pressure during daily life.. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 33(10), 1635-1640. [11581545], [doi]  [abs]
    32. Light, KC; Hinderliter, AL; West, SG; Grewen, KM; Steege, JF; Sherwood, A; Girdler, SS (2001). Hormone replacement improves hemodynamic profile and left ventricular geometry in hypertensive and normotensive postmenopausal women.. J Hypertens, 19(2), 269-278. [11212970], [doi]  [abs]
    33. Steffen, PR; Hinderliter, AL; Blumenthal, JA; Sherwood, A (2001). Religious coping, ethnicity, and ambulatory blood pressure.. Psychosom Med, 63(4), 523-530. [11485105], [doi]  [abs]
    34. Blumenthal, JA; Sherwood, A; Gullette, EC; Babyak, M; Waugh, R; Georgiades, A; Craighead, LW; Tweedy, D; Feinglos, M; Appelbaum, M; Hayano, J; Hinderliter, A (2000). Exercise and weight loss reduce blood pressure in men and women with mild hypertension: effects on cardiovascular, metabolic, and hemodynamic functioning.. Arch Intern Med, 160(13), 1947-1958. [10888969], [doi]  [abs]
    35. McFetridge, JA; Sherwood, A (2000). Hemodynamic and sympathetic nervous system responses to stress during the menstrual cycle.. AACN Clin Issues, 11(2), 158-167. [11235428], [doi]  [abs]
    36. RA Carels, JA Blumenthal, A Sherwood (2000). Emotional responsivity during daily life: relationship to psychosocial functioning and ambulatory blood pressure.. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology, 36(1), 25-33.  [abs]
    37. Carels, RA; Sherwood, A; Szczepanski, R; Blumenthal, JA (2000). Ambulatory blood pressure and marital distress in employed women.. Behav Med, 26(2), 80-85. [11147293], [doi]  [abs]
    38. Sherwood, A; Johnson, K; Blumenthal, JA; Hinderliter, AL (1999). Endothelial function and hemodynamic responses during mental stress.. Psychosom Med, 61(3), 365-370. [10367618], [doi]  [abs]
    39. Sherwood, A; McFetridge, J; Hutcheson, JS (1998). Ambulatory impedance cardiography: a feasibility study.. J Appl Physiol (1985), 85(6), 2365-2369. [9843565], [doi]  [abs]
    40. Carels, RA; Sherwood, A; Blumenthal, JA (1998). Psychosocial influences on blood pressure during daily life.. Int J Psychophysiol, 28(2), 117-129. [9545650], [doi]  [abs]
    41. Carels, RA; Sherwood, A; Blumenthal, JA (1998). High anxiety and white coat hypertension.. JAMA, 279(3), 197-198. [9438737], [doi]
    42. Carels, RA; Szczepanski, R; Blumenthal, JA; Sherwood, A (1998). Blood pressure reactivity and marital distress in employed women.. Psychosom Med, 60(5), 639-643. [9773771], [doi]  [abs]
    43. Sherwood, A; Girdler, SS; Bragdon, EE; West, SG; Brownley, KA; Hinderliter, AL; Light, KC (1997). Ten-year stability of cardiovascular responses to laboratory stressors.. Psychophysiology, 34(2), 185-191. [9090268], [doi]  [abs]
    44. Sherwood, A; May, CW; Siegel, WC; Blumenthal, JA (1995). Ethnic differences in hemodynamic responses to stress in hypertensive men and women.. Am J Hypertens, 8(6), 552-557. [7662238], [doi]  [abs]
    45. Sherwood, A; Hinderliter, AL; Light, KC (1995). Physiological determinants of hyperreactivity to stress in borderline hypertension.. Hypertension, 25(3), 384-390. [7875764], [doi]  [abs]
    46. A Sherwood, JR Turner (1995). Hemodynamic responses during psychological stress: implications for studying disease processes.. International journal of behavioral medicine, 2(3), 193-218. [doi]  [abs]
    47. Sherwood, A; Royal, SA; Hutcheson, JS; Turner, JR (1992). Comparison of impedance cardiographic measurements using band and spot electrodes.. Psychophysiology, 29(6), 734-741. [1461960], [doi]  [abs]
    48. Sherwood, A; Davis, MR; Dolan, CA; Light, KC (1992). Cardiovascular reactivity assessment: effects of choice of difficulty on laboratory task responses.. Int J Psychophysiol, 12(1), 87-94. [1740406], [doi]  [abs]
    49. Sherwood, A; Carter, LS; Murphy, CA (1991). Cardiac output by impedance cardiography: two alternative methodologies compared with thermodilution.. Aviat Space Environ Med, 62(2), 116-122. [2001207]  [abs]
    50. Sherwood, A; Dolan, CA; Light, KC (1990). Hemodynamics of blood pressure responses during active and passive coping.. Psychophysiology, 27(6), 656-668. [2100351], [doi]  [abs]
    51. Sherwood, A; Allen, MT; Fahrenberg, J; Kelsey, RM; Lovallo, WR; van Doornen, LJ (1990). Methodological guidelines for impedance cardiography.. Psychophysiology, 27(1), 1-23. [2187214], [doi]  [abs]
    52. Sherwood, A; Allen, MT; Murrell, D; Obrist, PA (1988). Motor preparation aspects of cardiovascular reactivity to psychological challenge.. Int J Psychophysiol, 6(4), 263-272. [3225203], [doi]  [abs]
    53. Blumenthal, JA; Hart, A; Sherwood, A; Doraiswamy, M; Herman, S; Watkins, L; Hinderliter, A; Gullette, E; Krishnan, KR (2001). Depression and vascular function in older adults. Evaluating the benefits of exercise in a new study at Duke University.. N C Med J, 62(2), 95-98. [11270312]

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