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Ashley L. Harrell King, Assistant Professor of Sociology

Ashley L. Harrell King
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Teaching (Spring 2025):

  • Sociol 110.01, Sociological inquiry Synopsis
    Social sciences 139, TuTh 11:45 AM-01:00 PM

Ph.D.University of South Carolina, Columbia2017
Recent Publications   (More Publications)   (search)

  1. Harrell, A; Wolff, T (2023). Cooperation in Networked Collective-Action Groups: Information Access and Norm Enforcement in Groups of Different Sizes. Social Psychology Quarterly, 86(4), 476-496. [doi]  [abs]
  2. Harrell, A; Wolff, T (2023). Information-sharing and cooperation in networked collective action groups. PNAS Nexus, 2(12). [doi]  [abs]
  3. Harrell, A; Quinn, JM (2023). Shared Identities and the Structure of Exchange Distinctly Shape Cooperation. Social Forces, 102(1), 223-241. [doi]  [abs]
  4. Harrell, A; Greenleaf, AS (2023). Resource asymmetry reduces generosity and paying forward generosity, among the resource-advantaged and disadvantaged.. Social science research, 109, 102786. [doi]  [abs]
  5. Harrell, A (2021). How can I help you? Multiple resource availability promotes generosity with low-value (but not high-value) resources. Rationality and Society, 33(3), 341-362. [doi]  [abs]

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