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Publications [#143839] of James A. Blumenthal

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Papers Published

  1. W Jiang, JA Blumenthal, MW Hanson, RE Coleman, CM O'Connor, D Frid, JJ Morris Jr, RA Waugh (1995). Relative importance of electrode placement over number of channels in transient myocardial ischemia detection by Holter monitoring.. The American journal of cardiology, 76(5), 350-4.
    (last updated on 2013/05/16)

    To compare the efficacy of 3-channel ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring (Holter monitoring) with 2-channel Holter monitoring in the detection of transient myocardial ischemia (TMI), channels CM2, CM5, and modified II were studied. Sixty patients with documented coronary artery disease underwent 48-hour Holter monitoring during their normal daily life, followed by exercise stress testing in the laboratory monitored by means of radionuclide ventriculography and standard 12-lead electrocardiography. Analysis revealed that 3-channel Holter monitoring identified 24 patients with a total of 205 TMI episodes and a total ischemic burden of 371.00 mV-min. By itself, CM2 would have detected only 3 patients (13% of the TMI population), 6 TMI episodes (3% of the total TMI episodes), and a 2.4 mV-min ischemic burden (0.7% of the total ischemic burden). Modified II alone would have identified 17 patients (71% of the TMI population), 160 TMI episodes (78% of the total TMI episodes), and 307.24 mV-min of the ischemic burden (82% of the total ischemic burden). The combination of CM5/modified II identified 23 patients (96% of the TMI population), 201 TMI episodes (98% of the total TMI episodes), and 370.44 mV-min of the ischemic burden (98% of the total ischemic burden). These findings suggest that the electrode placement is more important than the absolute number of channels in the detection of TMI by Holter monitoring.

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