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Publications [#270939] of James A. Blumenthal

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Journal Articles

  1. Barefoot, JC; Helms, MJ; Mark, DB; Blumenthal, JA; Califf, RM; Haney, TL; O'Connor, CM; Siegler, IC; Williams, RB (1996). Depression and long-term mortality risk in patients with coronary artery disease.. The American Journal of Cardiology, 78(6), 613-617. [8831391], [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/01/01)

    Previous research has established that patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) have an increased risk of death if they are depressed at the time of hospitalization. Follow-up periods have been short in these studies; therefore, the present investigation examined this phenomenon over an extended period of time. Patients with established CAD (n = 1,250) were assessed for depression with the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and followed for subsequent mortality. Follow-up ranged up to 19.4 years. SDS scores were associated with increased risk of subsequent cardiac death (p = 0.002) and total mortality (p < 0.001) after controlling for initial disease severity and treatment. Patients with moderate to severe depression had a 69% greater odds of cardiac death and a 78% greater odds of mortality from all causes than nondepressed patients. Increased risk was not confined to the initial months after hospitalization. Patients with high SDS scores at baseline still had a higher risk of cardiac death > 5 years later (p < 0.005). Compared with the nondepressed, patients with moderate to severe depression had an 84% greater risk 5 to 10 years later and a 72% greater risk after > 10 years. Patients with mild depression had intermediate levels of risk in all models. The heightened long-term risk of depressed patients suggests that depression may be persistent or frequently recurrent in CAD patients and is associated with CAD progression, triggering of acute events, or both.

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