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Publications [#251585] of Harris M. Cooper

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Peer-reviewed journal articles published

  1. Van Matre, JC; Valentine, JC; Cooper, H (2000). Effect of students’ after-school activities on teachers’ academic expectancies. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25(2), 167-183. [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/01/01)

    Teacher expectancies can have an impact on students’ academic achievement. These expectancies can be based on diverse student characteristics, only one of which is past academic performance. The present study investigated three student individual differences that teachers may use when forming academic expectancies: the sex of the student, the family socioeconomic status (SES) of the student, and the student’s after-school activities. Results indicated teachers held higher grade, graduation, and college attendance expectancies for females than for males and for middle-SES than low-SES students. Also, students who participated in extracurricular activities were expected to achieve more academically than either students who were employed after school or who did nothing after school. The latter two groups did not elicit different teacher expectancies. Interactions revealed that (a) lowest expectations were held for low-SES males who did nothing after school and (b) the difference in graduation expectancies between the SES groups was only half as great for students who took part in extracurricular activities than it was for students who had no involvements after school or who had jobs. © 2000 Academic Press.

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