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Publications [#251597] of Harris M. Cooper

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Peer-reviewed journal articles published

  1. Reach, K; Cooper, H (2004). Homework hotlines: Recommendations for successful practice. Theory Into Practice, 43(3), 234-241. [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/01/01)

    It is common for students to have difficulty completing homework in a timely and accurate manner. Many school districts and organizations offer homework hotlines to help students complete assignments. However, educators lack a clear description of what is necessary to establish and maintain an effective hotline. This article addresses four issues that need to be considered: (a) a definition of homework hotlines and some of their variations; (b) how the need for a hotline should be assessed; (c) a review of the literature on important considerations in developing a homework hotline; and (d) a look at past research on the effectiveness of hotlines and how they should be evaluated in the future. Throughout, the authors make recommendations based on current research and practices.

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