Curriculum Vitae
David C. RubinClick here for a printer-ready version, or
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Box 90086, Durham, NC 27708-0086
- Education
Ph.D. | Harvard University | 1974 |
M.A. | Harvard University | 1972 |
Special Student | Massachusetts Inst. of Technology | 1969 |
BS | Carnegie-Mellon University | 1968 |
- Areas of Research
- Professional Experience / Employment History
- Aarhus University
- International Fellow, Center on Autobiographical Memory Research, 2010 - present
- Duke University
- Juanita M. Kreps Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience, 2008 - present
- Affiliated Faculty, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, 1999 - present
- Professor, Psychology, 1987 - present
- Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, 1981-1987
- Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, 1978-1981
- Duke University Medical Center
- Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development, 1983 - present
- Lawrence University
- Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, 1974-1978
- Harvard University
- Teaching Fellow, 1970-1974
- NASA: Electronics Research Center
- Aerospace Engineer, Materials & Structures, GS-9, 1968-1970
- Research & development in optics
- Visiting Positions
- Visiting Research Professor, University of Aarhus, 2005-2006
- Visiting Professor, University of Aarhus, 2002-2003
- Visiting Scientist, Berlin, Fall 1999
- Erskine Fellow, University of Canterbury, Spring 1999
- Fellow-in-Residence, Wassenaar,The Netherlands, 1991-1992
- Visiting Scientist, Applied Psychology Unit, 1985-1986
- Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
Elected a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Psychologists, Society of Experimental Psychologists, December, 2012
Honorary Doctorate (Doctorem Psychologiae Honoris Causa), University of Aarhus, September, 2012
Annual Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series,, Unknown, November, 2009
Juanita M. Kreps named chair, Duke University, June, 2008
Division 1-Society for General Psychology-William James Book Award, American Psychological Association
- Selected Grant Support
- The neural correlates of autobiographical memory., NIA, R01 AG023123 for $1,559,250. 9/04-8/10.
- A model of autobiographical memory & its changes in PTSD., NIMH, R01 MH066079 for $1,655,500. 6/04-5/10; 7/10-4/15 for $3,304,415..
- Neuroimaging of autobiographical memory. National Institute of Mental Health, National Research Service Award for Daniel Greenberg’s predoctoral training, NIMH, $26,880. 8/03-7/04.
- Relationship between memory, stress, and health, National Institute of Mental Health, National Research Service Award for Adriel Boals' postdoctoral training, $109,776. 9/02-8/05.
- Memory, Language, Culture, National Institutes of Health.
- Episodic memory: An fMRI study of an integrated neural response, McDonnell-Pew Cognitive Neuroscience Program individual grant for $102,708. 7/96 – 4/05.
- Olfactory cuing of autobiographical memory: An fMRI study of an integrated neural response, Olfactory Research Fund, Ltd. grant for $27,405. 4/96 - 4/97.
- Conferences Organized
- Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. November 28, 2012, November 2012
- Professional Service
- University Committee
- Committee for the Future of Psychology at Duke, 2004 - 2005
- Chair/Director
- member, Deparment, November 2012
- Department Committee
- Reappointment Committee for Elizabethe Marsh, 2005 - 2006
- Promotion Committee for Nestor Schmajuk, 2004 - 2005
- Other
- Affiliations
- Other service, January-December 2003
- Selected Recent Invited Talks
- Event Memory versus Knowledge: The Dichotomy Underlying Episodic and Semantic Memory., Invited talk. Aarhus, Denmark, September, 2012
- The role of autobiographical memory in posttraumatic stress disorder, Invited keynote address. Clinical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory conference, Aarhus, Denmark, June, 2012
- Autobiographical memory in posttraumatic stress disorder, Invited talk. Norwegian Center for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies, Oslo, Norway, May, 2012
- Issues in mental time travel, Discussion for the meeting of the Emory Cognition Project Conference on Mental time travel? Bringing the past into the present, Emory University, Atlanta., October, 2011
- Autobiographical memory in posttraumatic stress disorder. In the symposium on Autobiographical memory: From order to disorder, 5th International Conference on Memory, University of York, England., August, 2011
- Cultural life scripts and autobiographical memory, Discussant for symposium. 5th International Conference on Memory, University of York, England., August, 2011
- Involuntary memories in posttraumatic stress disorder. In the symposium on Involuntary autobiographical memories, 5th International Conference on Memory, University of York, England., August, 2011
- Autobiographical Memory in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Invited presentation. Symposium on Emotion, trauma, and autobiographical memory. 12th European Congress of Psychology. Istanbul, Turkey, July, 2011
- How memory for stressful events affects identity, Invited Speaker. Conference on Is an Interdisciplinary Field of Memory Studies Possible? New School for Social Research, New York., February, 2011
- The basic systems theory of autobiographical memory, Invited keynote address. Conference on Theoretical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark., June, 2010
- Components of belief. Response to Barbara Herrnstein Smith’s Deep reading: Science, religion, and the incoherence of belief, Darwin Across the Disciplines Symposium. Duke University, Durham., November, 2009
- Counter to our theories, involuntary memories for an event are as frequent as voluntary memories, Poster presented. 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston., November, 2009
- The basic systems of autobiographical memory, Changes in autobiographical memory with posttraumatic stress disorder: A basic systems approach, and Narrative search in autobiographical memory: The role of life scripts and negative, non-scripted events., Annual Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series: University of Alberta, Edmonton, March, 2009
- The plausibility of forgotten childhood traumas, Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Cognition Group, Duke University, Durham, NC, March, 2009
- How cultural life scripts organize autobiographical memory, Invited talk. Marial Center Conference on Culture, Family and Communicative Memory, Emory University, Atlanta., December, 2008
- The role of autobiographical memory in understanding posttraumatic stress disorder, Invited Seminar. Emory University, Atlanta, December, 2008
- Autobiographical memory, Invited talk at conference on Autobiographical Memory – A bio-social approach. Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities. Essen, May 2006
- Autobiographical memory, Invited speaker. Conference on Perspectives on Memory and Cognition. Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, June 2006
- Autobiographical memory for traumatic events, Invited colloquium. Institut für Psychologie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, May 2006
- Basic systems in the transmission of oral traditions, Invited colloquium, Epic and History, Ancient and Medieval Research Group, Cogut Center for the Humanities. Brown University, Providence, November 2006
- Behavioral, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging evidence for a basic systems approach to episodic memory, Invited colloquium. Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, February 2006
- Bridging Individual Memory and Collective Remembering: Conceptual Foundations, Workshop presentation. Washington University, St. Louis, May 2006
- Evidence for a basic systems approach to autobiographical memory, Invited colloquium. Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Dallas, May 2006
- The Role of Memory in Oral Literature, Invited guest speaker. Conference on Advances in Oral Literature Research, 35th Anniversary of the Spanish Department at the Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, November 2006
- A basic systems approach to autobiographical memory, Invited colloquium. Institute of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, November 2005
- A basic systems approach to episodic memory, 46th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, November 2005
- Forgetting, James S. McDonnell Science of Memory: Concepts, Organizational Conference, Palisades, New York, September 2005
- Bridging Individual Memory and Collective Remembering: Conceptual Foundations, Workshop presentation. Washington University, St. Louis, May 2005
- Memories for historic and traumatic events: A cross-sectional survey study, Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, May 2005
- Autobiographical memory: An integration of basic systems, Invited Colloquium at the Krasnow Institute, George Mason University, April 2005
- Dysfunctional integration of trauma memories in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): When the trauma becomes a key to identity, 34th Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Manchester, September 2004
- The role of structure in the marketplace of ideas: Lessons from oral traditions, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, May 2004
- A multimodal memory model, Lunchbox Seminar at Duke University, Durham, January 2004
- Neural correlates of autobiographical memory retrieval using a Galton-Crovitz word-cuing paradigm, 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 2003
- Predicting Recollection and a Belief of Autobiographical Memories, 44th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, November 2003
- Why do we remember?, International Conference on Reminiscence and Life Review, Vancouver, October 2003
- A multimodal memory model for applied research in memory and cognition. Invited Keynote Address., 5th Biennial Meeting of hte Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Aberdeen University, Scotland., 6 July 2003
- Cultural lifescripts: A new way of predicting recall from autobiographical memory, 5th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Aberdeen University, Scotland, July 2003
- Flashbulb memories: Examining recall for tragedy, 5th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Aberdeen University, Scotland, July 2003
- Visual imagery and narrative reasonings: Two systems that structure memories. Invited Address. Memory between image and narrative., Invited Address. Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Institute for Advance Study, Berlin, 6 June 2003
- The role of life scripts in autobiographical memory., Research on Cognition and Conscious Symposium, Institute for Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 6 April 2003
- Memory in oral traditions: A view from cognitive psychology., University of Helsinki, Finland, February 2003
- Autobiographical memory: A life span approach, Psychology Department, University of Aalborg, Denmark, February 2003
- Memory in Oral Traditions: An Update, Colloquium. Institute for Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, September 2002
- The Neural Basis of Autobiographical Memory, Colloquium. Centre for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, University of Aarhus, Denmark, September 2002
- The Structure of Autobiographical Memory, Colloquium. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, April 2002
- Bilingual Autobiographical Memory, Invited Talk. Processing and Storage of Linguistic Information in Bilinguals. Center for Language and Communication of the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, March 2002
- Memory: Bridging Neuroscience and Phenomonology, Invited Talk. Brain and Cognition Conference. Aarhus University, Denmark, February 2002
- The Role of Narrative in Memory, Invited Talk. Memory and Narrative: An International Cross-Disciplinary Conference, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, October 2001
- How Multiple Systems Produce Memory in Oral Traditions, Colloquium. Center for Cognitive Science, Ohio State, March 2000
- How Multiple Systems Produce Personal Memories, Colloquium. Humanities Institute, Ohio State, March 2000
- Autobiographical Memory, Colloquium. Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, December 1999
- The Reminiscence Bump in Autobiographical Memory, Invited Presentation. 2nd Tsukuba International Conference on Memory, Tsukuba, Japan, December 1999
- Inter and Intra Individual Analyses of Autobiographical Memory, Koc University, Istanbul, November 1999
- Inter and Intra Indvidual Analyses of Autobiographical Memory, Colloquium. Koc University, Istanbul, November 1999
- On the phenomenal qualities of memory, Colloquium. Institute for Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, November 1999
- On the Phenomenal Qualities of Memory, Institute for Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, November 1999
- Memory and Language in Oral Traditions, Colloquium. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, October 1999
- Memory and Language in Oral Traditions, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, October 1999
- A new method for the study or autobiographical memory, Colloquium. Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, September 1999
- A New Method for the Study or Autobiographical Memory, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, September 1999
- Remembering Reliving, and Believing Autobiographical Memories, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellingtron, New Zealand, April 1999
- Remembering, reliving, and believing autobiographical memories, Colloquium. Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, April 1999
- Retention functions, Colloquium. Psychology Department, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, April 1999
- Retention Functions, Psychology Department, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, April 1999
- The neural basis of recollection, Colloquium. Neuroscience Research Centre, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, April 1999
- The Neural Basis of Recollection, Neuroscience Research Centre, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, April 1999
- Cognitibe systems needed for autobiographical recollection, Colloquium. Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 1999
- Cognitive Systems Needed for Autobiographical Recollection, Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 1999
- The Roles of consciousness in autobiographical memory, Invited Presentation. Conference on Narrative and consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, February 1999
- The Roles of Consciousness in Autobiographical Memory, Conference on Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, February 1999
- Behavioral and neural systems underlying for recollecting, Colloquium. Cornell University, January 1999
- Brhavioral and Neural Systems Underlying for Recollecting, Cornell University, January 1999
- Memory in oral traditions, Cornell University, January 1999
- Memory in Oral Traditions, Colloquium. Cornell University, January 1999
- Memory in oral traditions, Colloquium. Washington University, December 1998
- Memory for oral traditions, Colloquium. University of Western Ontario, Longon, Ontario, September 1997
- Memory for personal and public events experienced over a lifetime, Invited Address. Presidential Miniconvention Symposium: Psychology and the aging revolution. 105th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, August 1997
- Memory in oral traditions: The cognitive psychology of epic, ballads, and counting-out rhymes, Invited Address. 105th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, August 1997
- Complex memory systems, Invited Address. Symposium on Memory Systems, Babes-Bolyal University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 1997
- Serial recall of oral traditions and culturally important texts, Invited Address. 8th Annual Meeting of the Armadillo Conference, University of Texas, Dallas, May 1997
- Autobiographical memory, Invited Address. Southeastern Workers in Memory, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, April 1997
- Memory in the oral traditions of children and adults, Colloquium. Harvard University, Cambridge, March 1997
- A reminiscence effect occurs in the recall of both public and private events: A review of theory and data, Colloquium. Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit, February 1997
- Autobiographical memory, Invited Contribution. Conference on Cognition, Aging, and Survey Measurement, February 1997
- Memory for public and private events is best in early adulthood, Colloquium. Denison University, Granville, Ohio, February 1997
- Memory for oral traditions, Colloquium. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, April 1996
- A biologically inspired model of autobiographical memory, Invited Address. Biologically Inspired Autonomous Systems: Computation, Cognition, and Action, Duke University, Durham, March 1996
- Autobiographical memories across the lifespan, Colloquium. Philips Scholar, Distinguished Visitors Program, Haverford College, Haverford, March 1996
- Fundamentals of forgetting functions, Colloquium. Emory University, Atlanta, October 1995
- Memory for life events and public events across the lifespan, Colloquium. Emory University, Altlanta, October 1995
- Ruminations on reminiscence, Invited Keynote Address. 1st Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Vancouver, July 1995
- A quantitative study of retention functions, Colloquium. The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, September 1994
- A series of four lectures on autobiographical memory for the program The Psychology of Memory for Swiss graduate students, Sonloup, Switzerland, September 1994
- The distribution of autobiographical memories over the lifespan: Developmental questions, Colloquium. The Carolina Consortium on Human Development, Chapel Hill, September 1994
- The distribution of autobiographical memories over the lifespan, Colloquium. Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, August 1994
- Memory for oral traditions, Invited Address. Conferinta Natinala de psihologie, Bucharest, May 1994
- Two series of two lectures on autobiographical memory, sponsored by the McDonnell Foundation Program for the Advancement of Psychology in Romania, one given at Bucharest University, Bucharest and the other at Cluj University, Cluj, May 1994
- Memory for oral traditions, Colloquium. Duke University, Durham, September 1992
- Recall of song, verse, and oral traditions, Colloquium. University of Colorado, Boulder, September 1992
- Where memory works well: Lessons from oral traditions, Invited Address. 100th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 1992
- Life-span organization of autobiographical memories, Symposium. 25th International Conference of Psychology, Brussels, July 1992
- A serial recall model of oral traditions, Colloquium. Institute for Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, June 1992
- Interpretations of reminiscence, Colloquium. Psychogerontology Centre, University of Aarhus Psychiatric Hospital, Risskov, Denmark, June 1992
- An analysis of stability and change in oral traditions, Invited Paper. Interdisciplinary Symposium on Literature, Discourse, and Cognition, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, February 1992
- An experimental psychologist looks at oral traditions and literacy, Colloquium. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 1991
- Memory and the Oral Transmission of Literature, Workshop. Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Wassenaar, The Netherlands, December 1991
- Oral traditions and memory: Implications for and from imagery reseach, Colloquium, Universita Degli Studi Di Padova, Padua, Italy, October 1991
- Thought and memory in oral traditions, Invited Address. 93rd Annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, March 1991
- Flashbulb memories: Perspectives and models, Invited Address. Emory Cognition Project: Conference on Affect and Flashbulb Memories, Atlanta, February 1990
- Constraints and the stability of recall, Invited Address. 34th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC, March 1989
- Multiple constraints and recall, Colloquium, The Open University, Milton Keynes, England, July 1986
- The role of memory in the transmission of three oral traditions, Colloquium, University of York, York, England, May 1986
- Combining probabilities: Lessons from traditions, Colloquium, Oxford University, Oxford, England, March 1986
- Memory for the oral traditions of Durham, Colloquium, University of Durham, Durham, England, February 1986
- Oral traditions as memory systems: On the role of memory in epic, ballads, and children's rhymes, Colloquium, The Chaucer Club. Medical Research Center: Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, England, November 1985
- Hierarchies in space and time, Invited Paper, The Second Emory Cognition Project Conference. Real Events Remembered: Ecological Approaches to the Study of Memory, Atlanta, October 1985
- Cognition in and out of the laboratory. Chair, Issues of regularity and control, The Third George A. Talland Memorial Conference on Memory and Aging, New Seabury, MA, March 1985
- Oral traditions as memory systems, Colloquium, Emory University, Atlanta, March 1985
- Autobiographical memory, Chair, Aging: Changes in autobiographical memory, 92nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, August 1984
- Autobiographical memory, Colloquium, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 1984
- On the distribution of autobiographical memories across the lifespan, Colloquium, Florida State University, Tallahassee, September 1982
- Noesis, poesis, and the residue of our oral-aural past, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation symposium, The ecology of cognition: Biological, cultural, and historical perspectives, Tanglewood Park, Clemmons, SC, April 1982
- Autobiographical memory, Colloquium, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, March 1982
- Mapping memory: An empirical approach, Colloquium, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, February 1982
- Oral traditions from Homer to the schoolyard: Implications for the way psychology views memory, Colloquium, Washington College, Chestertown, MD, February 1980
- Memory for prose, Psi Chi colloquium, Meredith College, Raleigh, October 1979
- A contribution to the round table on transmission and form in oral traditions, Invited paper for theTwelfth Congress of the International Musicological Society, Berkeley, August 1977
- Publications (listed separately)
Last modified: 2025/03/13