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Publications [#358346] of Felipe De Brigard

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Papers Published

  1. O'Neill, K; Liu, A; Yin, S; Brady, T; De Brigard, F (2022). Effects of category learning strategies on recognition memory.. Memory & cognition, 50(3), 512-526. [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/11/25)

    Extant research has shown that previously acquired categorical knowledge affects recognition memory, and that differences in category learning strategies impact classification accuracy. However, it is unknown whether different learning strategies also have downstream effects on subsequent recognition memory. The present study investigates the effect of two unidimensional rule-based category learning strategies - learning (a) with or without explicit instruction, and (b) with or without supervision - on subsequent recognition memory. Our findings suggest that acquiring categorical knowledge increased both hits (Experiments 1 and 2) and false-alarms (Experiment 1) for category-congruent items regardless of the particular strategy employed in initially learning these categories. There were, however, small processing speed advantages during recognition memory for both explicit instruction and supervised practice relative to neither (Experiment 2). We discuss these findings in the context of how prior knowledge influences recognition memory, and in relation to similar findings showing schematic effects on episodic memory.

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