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Publications of Jean Hamilton    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Journal Articles

  1. Hamilton, JA; Yeates, M; Russo, NF (2005). The Energy Depletion Theory of the Excess of Depression Among Women. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
  2. Hamilton, J.A., Phillips, K., Green, A. (2004). Integral Medicine and Health. World Futures. The Journal of General Evolution, 60(4), 295-302, 60(4), 295-302.
  3. Hamilton, J. A., Russo, N. J. (2004). Women and Depression: Research, Theory, and Social Policy. Women and Depression: A Handbook for the Social, Behavioral, and Biomedical Sciences. (in press (expected early 2006)).  [author's comments]
  4. Hamilton, J. A. (November, 2002). Root Causes of Depression: Epidemiology and Risk Factors. (conferences, keyword “women"). [org]
  5. Lu, MC; Lange, L; Slusser, W; Hamilton, J; Halfon, N (2001). Provider encouragement of breast-feeding: evidence from a national survey.. Obstetrics and gynecology, 97(2), 290-295. [doi]  [abs]
  6. with Gartrell, N; Banks, A; Ree, N; Rodas, C; Deck, A (2000). The National Lesbian Family Study:3. Interviews with mothers of five-year-olds. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(4), 542-548. [doi]  [abs]
  7. Gartrell; N; Banks; A; Hamilton; al, JAE (1999). The National Lesbian Family Study:2. Interviews with Mothers of Toddlers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 69(3), 362-369. [doi]  [abs]
  8. Hamilton, J.A. (May, 1996). Sex differences in medications: Implications. Continuing Medical Education Syllabus and Scientific Proceedings in Summary Form, 84. (The 149th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association).
  9. Jensvold, M. F., & Hamilton, J. A. (1996). Sex and gender effects in psychopharmacology: contributory factors and implications for pharmacotherapy. Bailliere's Clinical Psychiatry. International Practice and Research, 2(4), 647-665. (Reviewed publication, with special issue Psychiatric Issues in Women edited by U. Halbreich, published by W.B. Saunders, N.Y.).
  10. Gartrell; N; Hamilton; A, J; Banks; al, AE (1996). The National Lesbian Family Study: I. Interviews with prospective mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 66(2), 272-281. [doi]  [abs]
  11. Hamilton, JA (1996). Effects of sex and steroid hormones on pharmacokinetics. Journal of Women's Health, 5(3), 239-241. (Also to be reprinted in NY Psychiatric Nursing, for CME in 2002). [doi]
  12. Hamilton, JA; Jensvold, MF (1995). Introduction: Feminist psychopharmacology. Women and Therapy, 16(1), 1-7. [Gateway.cgi], [doi]
  13. Hamilton, JA; Jensvold, MF (1995). Sex and gender as critical variables in feminist psychopharmacology research and pharmacotherapy. Women and Therapy. Psychopharmacology from a Feminist Perspective, in a special issue of Women and Therapy, 16(1), 9-30. (Also released as a book, Hamilton, J. A., Jensvold, M., Rothblum, E., & Cole, E. (Eds.) (199X). Psychopharmacology from a feminist perspective, Haworth Press, Binghamton, N.Y.). [Gateway.cgi], [doi]  [abs]
  14. Hamilton, J. A. (February 16, 1995). Gender: A critical variable in women's health care and research. Proceedings of the Conference, Women's Health and Research: Applying the National Agenda, 39-43. [htm]
  15. Yonkers, K. & Hamilton, J. A. (1995). Psychotropic medications [on sex-related differences in pharmacokinetics of]. Psychiatry Update: Annual Review, 13, 147-178.
  16. Hamilton, J.A., & Jensvold, M. (1995). Feminist psychopharmacology. Women and Therapy, 16, 1-7.
  17. Hamilton, JA (1994). "Going to extremes" (Special Issue "In Sickness and in Health"). Women's Review of Books, XI(10-11), 15-16.
  18. Jensvold, MF; Hamilton, JA; Mackey, B (1994). Inclusion of women in clinical trials: How about the woman scientists?. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, 49(4), 110-112.  [abs]
  19. Shuman; W, D; Hamilton; A, J; Daley; E, C; al, E (1994). The health effects of jury service. Law and Psychology Review, (a University of Alabama Law Review), 18, 267-307. (Reprinted as: Chapter in Wexler, D. B., & Winick, B. (Eds.) (199X). Law in a Therapeutic Key. Carolina Academic Press, Durham, N. C.).
  20. Hamilton, J. A., & Gallant, S. (1993). Premenstrual Syndromes: A health psychology critique of biomedically-oriented research. Psychophysiological Disorders, 383-489.
  21. Hamilton, JA (1993). Feminist theory and health psychology: Tools for an egalitarian, woman-centered approach to women's health. Journal of Women's Health, 2(1), 49-54. [doi]  [abs]
  22. Hamilton, JA; Halbreich, U (1993). Special aspects of neuropsychiatric illness in women: With a focus on depression. Annual Review of Medicine, 44, 355-364. [doi]  [abs]
  23. Hurt, SW; Schnurr, PP (1992). Late luteal phase dysphoric disorder.. Psychosomatic medicine, 54(6), 723-728. [doi]
  24. Hamilton, J.A., & Dolkart, J. L. (March, 1992). Working paper on legal reform in the area of sexual harassment: Contributions from social science. Proceedings of the Sex and Power Issues in the Workplace Conference, 181-200.
  25. Hamilton, J.A. (1992). Special report. Medical research: The forgotten 51%. Medical and Health Annual, 317-322.
  26. Shuman; W, D; Hamilton; A, J; al, E (1992). Jury service -- it may change your mind: Perceptions of fairness by jurors and nonjurors. Southern Methodist University (SMU) Law Review, (Dallas, TX), 46(2), 431-461.
  27. Hamilton, JA (1992). Biases in women's health research. Women & Therapy, 12(4), 91-101. [doi]
  28. Jensvold, MF; Reed, K; Jarrett, DB; Hamilton, JA (1992). Menstrual cycle-related depressive symptoms treated with variable antidepressant dosage: A case report and case series. Journal of Women's Health, 1(2), 109-115.
  29. Gallant, SJ; Popiel, DA; Hoffman, DH; Chakraborty, PK; Hamilton, JA (1992). Daily ratings of premenstrual symptoms, II: Differentiating women with severe symptoms from women with normal menstrual cycles. Psychosomatic Medicine, 54(2), 167-181. [doi]  [abs]
  30. Gallant, SJ; Popiel, DA; Hoffman, DH; Chakraborty, PK; Hamilton, JA (1992). Daily ratings of premenstrual symptoms, I: Awareness effects. Psychosomatic Medicine, 54(2), 149-166. [doi]  [abs]
  31. with Polikoff, N. D. (1991). Educating judges about lesbian and gay parenting: A simulation. Law and sexuality: A review of lesbian and gay legal issues, 1, 173-236. (J. Hamilton, Work Group Member).
  32. Hamilton, JA; Jensvold, M (1991). Pharmacotherapy for complicated depressions in women. Psychiatric Times, 8(5), 1, & 47-53.
  33. Sparks, C; Hamilton, JA (1991). Psychological issues related to alternative insemination. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 22(4), 308-314. [doi]  [abs]
  34. Gallant, SJ; Hamilton, JA; Popiel, DA; Morokoff, PJ; Chakraborty, PK (1991). Daily moods and symptoms: Effects of awareness of study focus, gender, menstrual-cycle phase, and day of the week. Health Psychology, 10(3), 180-189. [doi]  [abs]
  35. Hamilton, JA; Gallant, SJ (1990). Debate on late luteal phase dysphoric disorder.. The American journal of psychiatry, 147(8), 1106-1107. [doi]
  36. Hamilton, J.A. (1990). Hormone-related issues. Research on Women’s Health in Context.
  37. Hamilton; A, J; Alagna, G; J, S (1990). Problematic aspects of diagnosing premenstrual phase dysphoria: Recommendations for psychological research and practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 21(1), 60-68. [doi]  [abs]
  38. Hamilton, JA (1989). Postpartum psychiatric syndromes.. The Psychiatric clinics of North America, 12(1), 89-103. [doi]  [abs]
  39. Hamilton, JA (1989). Emotional consequences of victimization and discrimination in "special populations" of women.. The Psychiatric clinics of North America, 12(1), 35-51. [doi]  [abs]
  40. Hamilton, JA (1989). Suggestions to improve the nomenclature of postpartum psychiatric disorders: A personal view. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 10(SUPPL. 2), 3-14.  [abs]
  41. Hamilton, JA (1989). Reproductive pharmacology: Perspectives on gender as a complex variable in clinical research. Social Pharmacology, 3, 181-200.
  42. Hamilton; A, J; Alagna, G; S; Lloyd; C (1989). Evidence for a menstrual-linked artifact in determining rates of depression. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 177(6), 359-365. [doi]  [abs]
  43. Koppelman, MCS; Parry, BL; Hamilton, JA (1988). Dr. Koppelman and colleagues reply [comment]. American Journal of of Psychiatry, 145(8), 1044-1045.
  44. Hamilton, JA (1988). Statement on discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation. American Journal of of Psychiatry, 145(11), 1494. (Committee on Occupational Psychiatry (J. Hamilton, Consultant), American Psychiatric Association).
  45. Alagna, G; J, S; Hamilton; A, J (1988). Controversy over a diagnosis of premenstrual dysphoria. The Health Psychologist, 10(2), x.
  46. Alagna, G; J, S; Hamilton; A, J (1988). On a premenstrual psychiatric diagnosis: What's in a name?. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 19(3), 271-278. [doi]  [abs]
  47. Hamilton, JA; Parry, BL (1988). The menstrual cycle in context, II: Human gonadal steroid hormone variability. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 49(12), 480-484.  [abs]
  48. Hamilton; A, J; Alagna, G; S; Pinkel (1988). Urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin in menstruating women. Biological Psychiatry, 24(7), 845-852. [doi]
  49. Hamilton, JA; Parry, BL; Blumenthal, SJ (1988). The menstrual cycle in context, I: Affective syndromes associated with reproductive hormonal changes. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 49(12), 474-480.  [abs]
  50. Hamilton; A, J; Alagna, G; S (1988). Premenstrual symptom changes and plasma beta-endorphin/beta-lipotropin throughout the menstrual cycle. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 13(6), 505-514. [doi]  [abs]
  51. Hamilton, J.A. (Fall/Spring, 1987/1988). Is media coverage on the diagnostic controversy an index of history in-the-making for women in science?. Coalition Report: Newsletter of the National Coalition for Women's Mental Health, 9-11. (Available from Women's Studies ASU, Tempe, AZ 85287).
  52. Hamilton, JA; Alagna, SW; King, LS; Lloyd, C (1987). The emotional consequences of gender-based abuse in the workplace: New counseling programs for sex discrimination. Women and Therapy, 6(1-2), 155-182. [doi]
  53. Koppelman, MC; Parry, BL; Hamilton, JA; Alagna, SW; Loriaux, DL (1987). Effect of bromocriptine on affect and libido in hyperprolactinemia.. The American journal of psychiatry, 144(8), 1037-1041. [doi]  [abs]
  54. Conrad, CD; Hamilton, JA (1987). Recurrent premenstrual decline in serum lithium concentration: Clinical correlates and treatment implications. Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey, 42(8), 514-517. [doi]
  55. DeRosis, H; Hamilton, JA; Morrison, E; Strauss, M (1987). Psychiatrist-patient sexual contact [comment]. American Journal of of Psychiatry, 144, 688-689.
  56. Hamilton, JA; Alagna, SW; King, LS; Lloyd, C (1987). The emotional consequences of gender-based abuse in the workplace: New counseling programs for sex discrimination. Women and Therapy, 6(1/2), 155-182. [doi]
  57. Hamilton, JA (1987). Cognitive-mediated and socio-environmental effects in pharmacology: Beyond placebo controls. Social Pharmacology, 1(4), 305-322.
  58. Koppelman, MCS; Parry, BL; Hamilton, JA; Alagna, SW; Loriaux, DL (1987). Effect of bromocriptine on libido and affect in hyperprolactinemia. American Journal of of Psychiatry, 144, 1037-1041.
  59. Loewenstein, RJ; Hamilton, JA; Alagna, SW; Reid, N; DeVries, M (1987). Experiential Sampling in the Study of Multiple Personality Disorder. American Journal of of Psychiatry, 44(1), 19-24. (Reprinted: under the title "Capturing alternate personalities: The use of experience sampling in multiple personality disorder" in M. DeVries, (Ed.) (199X), The Experience of Psychopathology. Investigating mental disorders in their natural settings (pp.157-166). New York: Cambridge University Press). [doi]  [abs]
  60. Siever, LJ; Insel, TR; Hamilton, JA; Nurnberger, JI; Alterman, I; Murphy, DL (1987). Eye-tracking, attention and amphetamine challenge. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 21(2), 129-135. [doi]  [abs]
  61. DeRosis, H; Hamilton, JA; Morrison, E; Strauss, M (1986). Sex Contact Survey. Psychiatric News, 2.
  62. Conrad, CD; Hamilton, JA (1986). Recurrent premenstrual decline in serum lithium concentration: clinical correlates and treatment implications.. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 25(6), 852-853. [doi]
  63. Hamilton, JA (1986). An overview of the clinical rationale for advancing gender-related psychopharmacology and drug abuse research.. NIDA research monograph. Women and Drugs: A New Era for Research, 65, 14-20.
  64. Hamilton, J. A. & King, L (1986). Sexual discrimination and harassment in the workplace: Impact on women's health. Roundtable Report, 10(6), 1-2. (Available from Women and Health Roundtable, Washington, D.C.).
  65. Conrad, CD; Hamilton, JA (1986). Recurrent premenstrual decline in lithium concentration: Clinical correlates and treatment implications. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 26(6), 852-853.
  66. Alagna, SW; Hamilton, JA (1986). Social stimulus perception and self-evaluation: Effects of menstrual cycle phase. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 10(4), 327-338. [doi]  [abs]
  67. Hamilton, J. A., Alagna, S. W., Parry B. L., Herz, E., Blumenthal, S., & Conrad, C. (1985). An Update on Premenstrual depressions: Evaluation and treatment. The Psychiatric Implications of Menstruation, 3-19.
  68. Siever, LJ; Insel, TR; Hamilton, JA; Aloi, J; Murphy, DL (1985). A comparison between the growth hormone responses to amphetamine and clonidine [comment]. Psychiatry Research, 16(1), 79-82. [doi]
  69. Hamilton, JA; Parry, B (1984). Clarification [comment]. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, 39(1), 3.
  70. Hamilton, JA; Hirschfeld, RMA (1984). An additional recommendation on reporting depression [comment]. American Journal of of Psychiatry, 141(9), 1134-1135. [doi]
  71. Hamilton, JA; Alagna, SW; Pinkel, S (1984). Gender differences in antidepressant and activating-drug effects on self-perceptions. Journal of Affective Disorders, 7(3-4), 235-243. [doi]  [abs]
  72. Hamilton, JA; Parry, BL; Alagna, SW; Blumenthal, S; Herz, E (1984). Premenstrual mood changes: A [feminist] guide to evaluation and treatment. Psychiatric Annals, 14(6), 426-435.
  73. Hamilton, JA; Lloyd, C; Alagna, SW; Phillips, K; Pinkel, S (1984). Gender, depressive subtypes, and gender-age effects on antidepressant response: Hormonal hypotheses. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 20(3), 475-480.
  74. Hamilton, JA; Haier, RJ; Buchsbaum, MS (1984). Intrinsic enjoyment and boredom coping scales: Validation with personality, evoked potential and attention measures. Personality and Individual Differences, 5(2), 183-193. [doi]  [abs]
  75. Hamilton, JA; Parry, B (1983). Sex-related differences in clinical drug response: Implications for women's health. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association, 38(5), 126-132.
  76. Hamilton, JA; Aloi, J; Mucciardi, B; Murphy, DL (1983). Human plasma B-endorphin through the menstrual cycle. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 19(4), 586-587.
  77. Hamilton, JA (1983). Development of interest and enjoyment in adolescence. Part I. Attentional capacities. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 12(5), 355-362. [doi]  [abs]
  78. Insel, TR; Hamilton, JA; Guttmacher, LB; Murphy, DL (1983). D-amphetamine in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychopharmacology, 80(3), 231-235. [doi]  [abs]
  79. Hamilton, JA (1983). Development of interest and enjoyment in adolescence. Part II. Boredom and psychopathology. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 12(5), 363-372. [doi]  [abs]
  80. Hamilton, JA (1982). Model utility in postpartum psychosis. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 18(3), 184-187.
  81. Hamilton, J.A. (1981). Attention, personality and the self-regulation of mood: Absorbing interest and boredom. Progress in Experimental Personality Research, 10, 281-315.
  82. with Cauthen, DB; Adams, RL; De La Rosa, R; Meyer, GG; Holcomb, JH (1980). Medical students and family practice: A prospective study. Texas Medicine, 76(7), 57-60.
  83. Dunbar, C; Edwards, V; Gede, E; Hamilton, J; Sniderman, MS; Smith, V; Whitfield, M (1979). Successful coping styles in professional women.. Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, 24(1), 43-46. [doi]  [abs]
  84. with Holcomb, JH; Holcomb, HH; de la Pena, A (1977). Selective attention and eye movements while viewing reversible figures. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 44, 639-644.
  85. Holcomb, JH; Hamilton, JA (1976). Attention and rewards in the control of psychophysiologic states. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 27, 54-61.
  86. with Meyer, G; Adams, R; Holcomb, JH (1976). Preference for family practice among entering medical students. Texas Medicine, 72, 86-90.


  1. with Hamilton, JA; Russo, NF (2006). Women and depression: Research, theory, and social policy. In C. M. Keyes & S. H. Goodman (Ed.).  Women and Depression: A Handbook for the Social, Behavioral, and Biomedical Sciences (pp. 479-522). Cambridge University Press. [doi]  [abs]
  2. J.A. Hamilton & M. Yeates ((book proposal)). Why Are Women Tired and Depressed?.  [author's comments]
  3. (1996 (Eds.)). Psychopharmacology of Women.. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association Press.  [author's comments]
  4. (1995 (Eds.)). Psychopharmacology from a Feminist Perspective.. Binghamton, N.Y.: Haworth Press.
  5. Blumenthal, S. J., Barry, P., Hamilton, J., & Sherwin, B. (Eds.) (1991). Forging a Women's Health Research Agenda: Conference Proceeding.. Washington, DC: National Women's Health Resource Center.
  6. with McGrath, E., Keita, G. P., Strickland, B. R., & Russo, N. F. (1990). Women and depression. Risk factors and treatment issues.. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.  (J. Hamilton, Work Group member.)
  7. Hamilton, J., Alagna, S., & King, L (1988). Sexual harassment and employment discrimination against women. A consumer handbook for women who are harmed, and for those who care.. Washington, D.C.: Institute for Research on Women's Health.
  8. Hamilton, J. A., & Sparks, C. H. (1988). Protection Against Infection for Women Using Alternative Insemination.. Washington, D.C.: Institute for Research on Women's Health.
  9. Hamilton, J.A.; Work Group member (1987). National Lesbian Health Care Survey. Mental Health Implications.  (Submitted to the NIMH, DHHS, Rockville, MD (ADAMHA, PHS, U.S. DHHS printing for administrative use. Available from the National Lesbian and Gay Health Foundation, & the Survey Research Laboratory, Virginia Commonwealth University.)

Chapters in Books

  1. Hamilton, J. A. "Medical Research." The reader’s guide to U.S. women’s history. Ed. W. Mankiller, G. Mink, M. Navarro, B. Smith & G. Steinem Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflen, 1998: 362-365.
  2. Piraino, A., & Hamilton, J. A. "Sex-related differences in pharmacokinetics." Textbook of Women's Health. Ed. L. A. Wallis Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Raven, 1998: 133-1421.
  3. with Grant, M., & Jensvold, M.F. "Sex and treatment of depressions: When does it matter?." Psychopharmacology of Women: Sex, Gender and Hormonal Considerations. Ed. Jensvold, M.F., Halbreich, U., & Hamilton, J.A. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1996: 241-260.
  4. Hamilton, J. A. "How to include women in clinical trials: Debate in the U.S. and international implications." Gender and Health: An International Perspective. Ed. C. Sargent & C. Brettell Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1996: 292-325.
  5. Shrier, D. K., & Hamilton, J. A. "Therapeutic interventions and resources." Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Academia: Psychiatric Issues. Ed. D. K. Shrier Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1996: 95-112.
  6. Hamilton, J. A. & Yonkers, K. "Sex differences in pharmacokinetics of psychotropic medications: Part I, Physiological basis for effects." Psychopharmacology of Women: Sex, Gender and Hormonal Considerations. Ed. M.F. Jensvold, U. Halbreich & J.A. Hamilton Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1996: 11-42.
  7. Jensvold, M. F., Hamilton, J. A., Halbreich, U. "Gender-sensitive psychopharmacology: An overview." Psychopharmacology of Women: Sex, Gender and Hormonal Considerations. Ed. M.F. Jensvold, U. Halbreich & J.A. Hamilton Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1996: 241-260.
  8. Yonkers, K. & Hamilton, J. A. "Sex differences in pharmacokinetics of psychotropic medications: Part II, Effects on selected psychotropics." Psychopharmacology of Women: Sex, Gender and Hormonal Considerations. Ed. M.F. Jensvold, U. Halbreich & J.A. Hamilton Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1996: 43-72.
  9. Jensvold, M. F., Hamilton, J. A., Halbreich, U. "Future directions in Research: Methodological considerations in menstrual studies and gender-sensitive pharmacology." Psychopharmacology of Women: Sex, Gender and Hormonal Considerations. Ed. M.F. Jensvold, U. Halbreich & J.A. Hamilton Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1996: 415-430.
  10. Hamilton, J. A. "Sex and gender as critical variables in psychotropic drug research." Racism and Sexism and Mental Health. Ed. B. Brown, P. Rieker, & C. Willie Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995: 297-350.  [author's comments]
  11. Hamilton, J. A. & Yonkers, K. A. "Managing medication [on sex differences in clinical pharmacology]." The Women's Complete Healthbook. Ed. R. P. Epps & S. C. Stewart MJF Books, 1995: 661-672.  [author's comments]
  12. Hamilton, J. A. "Feminist theory and health psychology: Tools for an egalitarian, woman-centered approach to women's health." Reframing Women's Health: Multidisciplinary Research and Practice. Ed. A. Dan Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1994: 56-66.  [author's comments]
  13. Hamilton, J. A. "Health aspects of gender discrimination."  June, 1993 [vidoerecording] (Media, VHS, 84 minutes: featuring talks by Leah Dickstein, Jean Hamilton, Sharyn Lenhart), Bethesda MD: BioConferences International
  14. Hamilton, J. A., & Jensvold, M. "Personality, psychopathology and depressions in women." Personality and Psychopathology: Feminist Reappraisals. Ed. L. Brown & M. Ballou New York: Guilford Press, 1992: 116-143.
  15. Hamilton, J.A. (ed.) "Clinical pharmacology panel report." Forging a Women's Health Research Agenda. Ed. S.J. Blumenthal, P. Barry, J. Hamilton, & B. Sherwin Conference ProceedingsWashington, DC: National Women's Health Resource Center, 1991: 1-27.
  16. Hamilton, J. A., & Alagna, S. W. "Toward a clinical research perspective." The Premenstrual Syndrome. Ed. L. H. Gise, N. G. Kase, & R. I. Berkowitz New York: Churchill-Livingstone, 1988: 35-46.
  17. Hamilton, J. A., Alagna, S. W., King, L. S., & Lloyd, C. "The emotional consequences of gender-based abuse in the workplace: New counseling programs for sex discrimination (REPRINTED FROM JOURNAL)." Women, power and therapy. Ed. M. Braude New York: Haworth, 1988: 155-182.
  18. Hamilton, J. A., & Conrad, C. D. "Toward a developmental psychopharmacology: The physiological basis of age, gender, and hormonal effects on drug responsivity." Basic Handbook of Child Psychiatry. Ed. J. D. Noshpitz New York: Basic Books, 1987: 66-81.
  19. Hamilton, J. A., Alagna, S. W., & Sharpe, K. "Cognitive approaches to understanding and treating premenstrual depressions." New Findings in Premenstrual Syndrome. Ed. H. Osofsky Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1985: 69-84.
  20. DeLisi, L. E., Murphy, D. L., Hamilton, J. A., Goldin, L. R., Karoum, F., & Wyatt, R. J. "Elevated phenylethylamine excretion in women." Neuropsychopharmacology of the Trace Amines. Ed. A. A. Boulton, L. Maitre, P. R. Biecu, & P. Reiderer New Jersey: The Human Press, 1985: 379-386.
  21. Hamilton, J.A. "Avoiding methodological and policy-making biases in gender-related research." Report of the Public Health Service Task Force on Women's Health. Washington, DC: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1985: IV 54-64.
  22. Hamilton, J. A., & Alagna, S. W. "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Cognitive Approaches in Context." New Findings in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Ed. T. Insel Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1984: 90-102.
  23. with Csikszentmihalyi, M.., Holcomb, J. H., & Csikszentmihalyi, I. "Enjoying work: surgery." Beyond Boredom and Anxiety. Ed. M. Csikszentmihalyi San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1975: 123-129.

Articles Submitted

  1. Gallant, S., Hamilton, J. A., Lake, R. C. et al. (1999). Project summary report: "Sex, Stress and Responses to Phenylpropanolamine and Caffeine", 1-30. (Submitted to NIH).  [author's comments]

Book Reviews

  1. Hamilton, J.A. (1992). ["Women, Work and Health: Stress and Opportunities" (Review of M. Frankenhaeser et al., 1991)]. Contemporary Psychology, 37(11), 1127-1129.
  2. Hamilton, J.A. (1987). [Premenstrual syndrome and thyroid dysfunction by Brayshaw and Brayshaw [Comment]]. Integrative Psychiatry, 5, 179-180.
  3. Hamilton, J.A. (May/June, 1984). [A commentary on "Premenstrual Tension" by H.W. Lahmeyer]. Integrative Psychiatry (May/June), 144-116., 144-116.
  4. Hamilton, J.A. (1984). [Psychobiology in context: reproductive related events in men's and women's lives]. Contemporary Psychiatry, 3(1), 12-16.

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