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Publications [#253845] of James Shah

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Journal Articles

  1. vanDellen, MR; Shah, JY; Leander, NP; Delose, JE; Bornstein, JX (2015). In good company: managing interpersonal resources that support self-regulation.. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 41(6), 869-882. [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/11/25)

    Effective self-regulation could involve not only managing internal resources for goal pursuit but also the often-fleeting interpersonal resources that can support goal attainment. In five studies, we test whether people who are effective self-regulators tend to position themselves in social environments that best afford self-regulatory success. Results indicated individual differences in self-regulatory effectiveness predict stronger preferences to spend time with, collaborate with, and be informed by others who were (a) high in self-control or self-regulation themselves or (b) instrumental to one's goal pursuit. These preferences for supportive social environments appeared to be both targeted and strategic. Together, the findings suggest that effective self-regulation may involve positioning oneself in social environments that support goal pursuit and increase one's chances of success.

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