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Publications of Nestor A Schmajuk    :chronological  alphabetical  combined  bibtex listing:

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Journal Articles

  1. J.A. Larrauri, M.Z. Rosenthal, E.D. Levin, F.J. McClernon, N.A. Schmajuk (2012). Effects of unexpected changes in visual scenes on the human acoustic startle response and prepulse inhibition. Behavioural Processes 89 (2012) 1– 7, 89(1– 7).
  2. Kutlu, M.G. & Schmajuk,N.A. (2011). Deactivation and reactivation of the inhibitory power of a conditioned inhibitor: Testing the predictions of an attentional-associative model. Learning and Behavior, On line.
  3. N.A. Schmajuk & Kutlu, M.G. (2010). Latent inhibition and compound conditioning: A reply to Holmes and Harris (2009).. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 37(2), 254-260..
  4. Kutlu, M.G., & Schmajuk, N.A. (2010). Attentional and associative mechanisms and the special status of interventions.. . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, In Press.
  5. E. Quintero, E. Díaz, J.P. Vargas, N. Schmajuk, J.C. López, and L.G. De la Casa. (2010). Effects of Context Novelty vs. Familiarity on Latent Inhibition with a Conditioned Taste Aversion Procedure.. Behavioral Processes., 86(2), 242-249.
  6. N.A. Schmajuk (2009). A computational model reveals classical conditioning mechanisms underlying visual signal detection in rats. Behavioral Processes, 82, 340-351.
  7. N.A. Schmajuk (2009). Interpreting patterns of brain activation in human fear conditioning with an attentional-associative learning model.. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123, 851-855.
  8. N.A. Schmajuk, Bates, M., and Aziz, D (2009). Attentional-associative interactions in creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 21, 92-103.
  9. N.A. Schmajuk (2009). Attenuation of auditory startle and prepulse inhibition by unexpected changes in ambient illumination through dopaminergic mechanisms. Behavioural Brain Research, 197, 251-261.
  10. N.A. Schmajuk (2009). Attentional and error-correcting associative mechanisms in classical conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 35, 407-418.
  11. N.A. Schmajuk (2009). The computational nature of associative learning.. Behavioral Brain Science, 32, 223-224.
  12. N.A. Schmajuk (2008). Attentional, associative, and configural mechanisms in extinction. Psychological Review, 115, 640-676.
  13. N.A. Schmajuk (2008). Computational models of classical conditioning. Scholarpedia, 3, 1664.
  14. N.A. Schmajuk (2008). Kamin blocking. Scholarpedia, 3(5), 3542.
  15. N.A. Schmajuk, Larrauri, J.A., and LaBar, K. (2007). Reinstatement of conditioned fear: An attentional-associative model.. Behavioral Brain Research,, 177, 242–253.
  16. N.A. Schmajuk, Larrauri, J.A. (2007). Associative models describe both causal learning and conditioning. Behavioral Processes.
  17. Schmajuk, N.A., Larrauri, J.A., Hagenbuch, N., Levin, E. D., Feldon, J., and Yee, B.K. (2006). Startle and pre-pulse inhibition as a function of background noise: A computational and experimental analysis. . Behavioural Brain Research, 170, 182-196..
  18. Schmajuk, N.A. and Larrauri, J.A. (2006). Experimental challenges to theories of classical conditioning: Application of a computational model of storage and retrieval. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32, 1-30.
  19. with Gray, J. A., Larrauri, J. A (2005). A pre-clinical study showing how dopaminergic drugs administered during pre-exposure can impair or facilitate latent inhibition.. Psychopharmacology, 177, 272-279.
  20. with Larrauri, J.A. (2005). ). A neural network model of pre-pulse inhibition of the startle response.. Behavioral Neuroscience.
  21. N.A. Schmajuk (2005). Brain-behaviour relationships in latent inhibition: A computational model.. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 29, 1001-1029.
  22. N.A. Schmajuk and Voicu, H. (2002). Latent Learning, Detours, Short Cuts and Cognitive Mapping. Behavioral Processes, 59, 67-86.
  23. N.A. Schmajuk, Cox, L., and Gray, J.A. (2001). Nucleus Accumbens, Entorhinal Cortex and Latent Inhibition: A Neural Network Approach. Behavioral Brain Research, 118, 123-141.
  24. Schmajuk, N.A. (2001). Hippocampal Dysfunction in Schizophrenia. Hippocampus, 11, 599-613.
  25. Voicu, H., and Schmajuk, N.A. (2001). Exploration, Navigation, and Cognitive Mapping. Adaptive Behavior, 8(3-4), 207-224.
  26. Voicu, H., and Schmajuk, N.A. (2001). Three-dimensional cognitive mapping with a neural network. Robots and Autonomous Systems, 35, 23-36.
  27. N.A. Schmajuk, Christiansen, B.A., and Cox, L. (2000). Haloperidol Reinstates Latent Inhibition Impaired by Hippocampal Lesions: Data and Theory. Behavioral Neuroscience, 114, 659-670.
  28. Voicu, H., and Schmajuk, N.A. (2000). Three-Dimensional Cognitive Mapping with a Neural Network. Robots and Autonomous Systems.
  29. Buhusi, C.V., and Schmajuk, N.A. (1999). Timing in Simple Conditioning and Occasion Setting: A Neural Network Approach. Behavioral Processes, 45, 33-57.
  30. Schmajuk, N.A., Szymanski, A., and Axelrad, E.T. (1999). Adaptive Communication in Animals and Robots. Signal Processing, 74, 71-87.
  31. Schmajuk, N.A., Lamoureux, J., and Holland, P.C. (1998). Occasion setting and stimulus configuration: A neural network approach. Psychological Review, 105, 3-32.
  32. Schmajuk, N.A. and Zanutto, B.S. (1998). Escape, avoidance, and imitation: A neural network approach. Adaptive Behavior, 6, 63-129.
  33. Buhusi, C.V., Gray, J.A., and Schmajuk, N.A. (1998). The perplexing effects of hippocampal lesions on latent inhibition: A neural network solution. Behavioral Neuroscience, 112, 316-351.
  34. Schmajuk, N.A., Buhusi, C.V., and Gray, J.A. (1998). The pharmacology of latent inhibition: A neural network approach. Behavioral Pharmacology, 9, 711-730.
  35. Schmajuk, N.A., and Buhusi, C. (1997). Occasion setting, stimulus configuration, and the hippocampus. Behavioral Neuroscience, 111, 235-258.
  36. Schmajuk, N.A. and Buhusi, C.V. (1997). Spatial and temporal cognitive mapping: A neural network approach. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 1, 109-114.
  37. Gray, J.A., Buhusi, C.V., and Schmajuk, N.A. (1997). The transition from automatic to controlled processing. Neural Networks, 10, 1257-1268.
  38. Schmajuk, N.A., Lam, Y.W., and Gray, J.A. (1996). Latent inhibition: A neural network approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 22, 321-349.
  39. Buhusi, C., and Schmajuk, N.A. (1996). Attention, configuration, and hippocampal function. Hippocampus, 6, 621-642.
  40. Schmajuk, N.A., Buhusi, C., Gray, J.A. (1996). An attentional-configural model of classical conditioning. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 40, 358-358.
  41. Schmajuk, N.A., Lam, P., and Christiansen, B.A. (1994). Hippocampectomy disrupts latent inhibition of the rat eyeblink conditioning. Physiology and Behavior, 55, 597-601.
  42. Gelenbe, E., Schmajuk, N.A., Staddon, J., Reif, J. (1994). Autonomous search by robots and animals: A survey. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 22, 23-34.
  43. N.A. Schmajuk (1993). Connectionist approaches to the mind. Contemporary Psychology, 38, 146-147.
  44. Schmajuk, N.A. and Blair, H.T. (1993). Place learning and the dynamics of spatial navigation: An adaptive neural network. Adaptive Behavior, 1, 355-387.
  45. Schmajuk, N.A., Thienne, A.D., and Blair, H.T. (1993). Maps, routes, and the hippocampus: A neural network approach. Hippocampus, 3, 387-400.
  46. Schmajuk, N.A. and Blair, H.T. (1993). Stimulus configuration, place learning, and the hippocampus. Behavioral Brain Research, 59, 103-117.
  47. Schmajuk, N.A. and DiCarlo, J.J. (1992). Stimulus configuration, classical conditioning, and the hippocampus. Psychological Review, 99, 268-305.
  48. Schmajuk, N.A. and Thienne, A.D. (1992). Purposive behavior and cognitive mapping: An adaptive neural network. Biological Cybernetics, 67, 165-174.
  49. Quinn, K.J., Schmajuk, N.A., Baker, J.F., and Peterson, B.W. (1992). Simulation of adaptive mechanisms in the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Biological Cybernetics, 67, 103-112.
  50. Quinn, K.J., Schmajuk, N.A., Jain, A., Baker, J.F., and Peterson, B.W. (1992). Vestibuloocular reflex arc analysis using an experimentally constrained neural network. Biological Cybernetics, 67, 113-122.
  51. Christiansen, B.A. and Schmajuk, N.A. (1992). Hippocampectomy disrupts the topography of the rat eyeblink conditioned response during acquisition and extinction of classical conditioning. Brain Research, 595, 206-214.
  52. Schmajuk, N.A. and Di Carlo, J.J. (1991). A neural network approach to hippocampal function in classical conditioning. Behavioral Neuroscience, 105, 82-110.
  53. N.A. Schmajuk (1990). Role of the hippocampus in temporal and spatial navigation: An adaptive neural network. Behavioral Brain Research, 39, 205-229.
  54. Schmajuk, N.A. and Christiansen, B.A. (1990). Eyeblink conditioning in rats. Physiology and Behavior, 48, 755-758.
  55. Schmajuk, N.A. and Moore, J.W. (1989). Effects of hippocampal manipulations on the classically conditioned nictitating membrane response: Simulations by an attentional-associative model. Behavioral Brain Research, 32, 173-189.
  56. Grossberg, S. and Schmajuk, N.A. (1989). Neural dynamics of adaptive timing and temporal discrimination during associative learning. Neural Networks, 2, 79-102.
  57. Schmajuk, N.A. and Moore, J.W. (1988). The hippocampus and the classically conditioned nicitating membrane response: A real-time attentional-associative network. Psychobiology, 46, 20-35.
  58. Hobson, J.A. and Schmajuk, N.A. (1988). Brain state and plasticity: An integration of the reciprocal interaction model for sleep cycle oscillation with an attentional model of the hippocampal function. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 126, 209-244.
  59. Grossberg, S., Levine, D., and Schmajuk, N.A. (1988). Predictive regulation of associative learning in a neural networks by reinforcement and attentive feedback. International Journal of Neurology, 21-22, 83-104.
  60. N.A. Schmajuk (1987). Animal models for schizophrenia: The hippocampally lesioned animal. Schizophrenia Bullein, 13, 317-327.
  61. N.A. Schmajuk (1987). Classical conditioning, signal detention, and evolution. Behavioral Processes, 14, 277-289.
  62. Grossberg, S. and Schmajuk, N.A. (1987). Neural dynamics of Pavlovian conditioning: Conditioned reinforcement, habituation, and opponent processing. Psychobiology, 15, 195-240.
  63. N.A. Schmajuk (1986). Un modelo atencional de los efectos de las lesiones hipocampales sobre el condicionamiento clasico. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia, 8, 425-449.
  64. N.A. Schmajuk (1985). Psychological theories of hippocampal function. Physiological Psychology, 12, 166-183.
  65. Schmajuk, N.A. and Moore, J.W. (1985). Real-time attentional models for classical conditioning and the hippocamus. Physiological Psychology, 13, 278-290.
  66. Schmajuk, N.A. and Isaacson, R.L. (1984). Classical contingencies in rats with hippocampal lesions. Physiology and Behavior, 33, 889-894.
  67. Schmajuk, N.A., Spear, N.E., and Isaacson, R.L. (1983). Absence of overshadowing in rats with hippocampal lesions. Physiological Psychology, 11, 59-62.
  68. Schmajuk, N.A. and Segura, E.T. (1982). Behavioral regulation of water balance in the toad. Herpetologica, 38, 296-301.
  69. Segura, E.T., Bronstein, A., and Schmajuk, N.A. (1981). Effect of breathing upon blood pressure and heart rate in the toad. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 143, 223-227.
  70. Schmajuk, N.A., Segura, E.T., and Rivero, M.M. (1981). Efecto de constraste negativo y conducta explorativa (Negative contrast effect and exploratory behavior). Revta. Soc. Arg. Biol..
  71. Schmajuk, N.A., Segura, E.T., and Rudiaz, A. (1981). Reward down shift in toads. Behavioral and Neural Biology, 33, 519-523.
  72. Schmajuk, N.A. and Segura, E.T. (1981). Teorias y modelos de la funcion hippocampal (Theories and models of hippocampal function). Acta. Physiol. Latinoamericana, 31, 261-282.
  73. Schmajuk, N.A., Segura, E.T., and Reboreda, J.C. (1980). Appetitive conditioning and discriminatory learning in toads. Behavioral and Neural Biology, 28, 392-397.
  74. Schmajuk, N.A. and Segura, E.T. (1980). Behavioral changes along escape learning in toads. Acta Physio Latinoam, 3(30), 211-216.
  75. N.A. Schmajuk (1980). Modelos del aprendizaje operante (Models of operant learning). Revta del Inst. de Cib. de la Soc. Cient. Arg., Ano IV, 2.
  76. Schmajuk, N.A., Segura, E.t., and Ruidiaz, A. (1980). Recompensa y aprendizaje en el sapo (Reward and learning in the toad). Revta. Soc. Arg. Biol..
  77. N.A. Schmajuk (1979). Cibernetica y comportamiento (Cybernetics and behavior). Revta. del Inst. de Cib. de la Soc. Cient. Arg., Ano IV, 1, 5-16.
  78. N.A. Schmajuk (1978). Control de la circulacion (Blood circulation control). Revta. del Inst. Cib. de la Soc. Cient. Arg., Ano III, 1, 19-37.
  79. Schmajuk, N.A., Segura, E.T., and Palacio, G. (1978). Simulacion del aprendizaje de escape en sapos (Computer simulation of escape learning in toads). Revta. del Inst. de Cib. de la Soc. Cient. Arg., Ano III, 2, 46-58.
  80. N.A. Schmajuk (July, 1977). Desarrollo de una protesis de mano (Design for a hand prosthesis). Revta. Tel. Electronica, 775, 488-492.
  81. Segura, E.T. and Schmajuk, N.A. (1977). A functional design for a primitive brain. Revta. del Inst. Cib. de la Soc. Cient. Arg, Ano II, 2, 37-70.
  82. Schmajuk, N.A. and Segura, E.T. (1973). Estudio cibernetico del funcionamiento de un cerebro primitive (A cybernetic study of a primitive brain). Interdisciplina, Ano 4, 8, 491-505.
  83. Schmajuk, N.A. and Segura, E.T. (1971). Modelos de comportamiento sexual de los anuros (Models of the sexual behavior of anurans). Revta. Soc. Argent. Biol., 47, 40-50.


  1. N.A. Schmajuk (Editor) (2010). Computational Models of Conditioning.. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press..
  2. N.A. Schmajuk (2010). Mechanisms in Classical Conditioning: A Computational Approach.. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  3. N.A. Schmajuk (Editor) Computational Models of Conditioning.. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  4. N.A. Schmajuk (2002). Latent Inhibition and Its Neural Substrates: From Animal Experiments to Schizophrenia.. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic.
  5. Schmajuk, N.A. and Holland, P.C. (1998). Occasion Setting, Associative Learning and Cognition in Animals.. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  6. N.A. Schmajuk (1997). Animal Learning and Cognition: A neural network approach.. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Chapters in Books

  1. N.A. Schmajuk "From Latent Inhibition to Retrospective Revaluation: An Attentional-Associative model." Inhibition: Cognition, Neuroscience, and Applications to Schizophrenia, I. Weiner and B.Lubow (Eds.). 2010
  2. N.A. Schmajuk "A computational model that provides an associative interpretation of outcome additivity and maximality effects on blocking. E. Alonso and E. Mondragon (Eds.)." Computational Neuroscience for Advancing Artificial Intelligence: Models, Methods and Applications,. 2010
  3. N.A. Schmajuk "Attention, associations, and configurations in conditioning." Computational Models of Conditioning. Ed. N.A. Schmajuk Cambridge University Press, 2010
  4. Larrauri, J.A., and N.A. Schmajuk "Prepulse Inhibition Mechanisms and Cognitive Processes: A Review and Model." "Neurotransmitter Interactions and Cognitive Function", E. D. Levin (Ed.). 2006
  5. N.A. Schmajuk "Hierachical Cognitive Mapping.." Animal Spatial Cognition: Behavioral, Comparative, and Computational Analyses.. Ed. Robert G. Cook (Ed.) Comparative Cognition Press., Fall, 2004
  6. Voicu, H. and Schmajuk, N.A. "Hierarchical Cognitive Mapping." Animal Spatial Cognition: Behavioral, Comparative, and Computational Analyses. Ed. Robert G. Cook Comparative Cognition Press, 2004
  7. N.A. Schmajuk "Conditioning." The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. Ed. M. Arbib 2nd editionCambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002
  8. N.A. Schmajuk and Voicu, H. "Cognitive Maps." The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. Ed. M. Arbib 2nd editionCambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002
  9. N.A. Schmajuk "Animal learning and adaptive autonomous agents." Proceedings of the NSF/DARPA Workshop on Development and Learning. Michigan State University, April 5-7, 2000
  10. N.A. Schmajuk "Neural Network Approaches to Classical Eyeblink Conditioning." Eyeblink Classical Conditioning: Applications in Humans. Ed. D.S. Woodruff-Pak & J.E. Steinmetz Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999: 19-50.
  11. N.A. Schmajuk "Occasion Setting and Learning." International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Ed. N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes Oxford: Elsevier Science, 1999
  12. Lamoureux, J.A., Buhusi, C.V., and Schmajuk, N.A. "A real-time theory of Pavlovian conditioning: Simple CSs and occasion seters." Occasion Setting: Associative Learning and Cognition in Animals. Ed. N.A. Schmajuk and P.C. Holland Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1998: 383-424.
  13. Schmajuk, N.A., Urry, D., and Zanutto, B.S. "The frightening complexity of avoidance: An adaptive neural network." Models of action: Mechanisms of Adaptive Behavior. Ed. Clive Wynne and J.E.R. Staddon Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates, 1998: 201-238.
  14. Schmajuk, N.A., Zanutto, B.S., and Buhusi, C.V. "Occasion setting and operant conditioning." Proceedings of the Joint Conference of Information Sciences, Vol. 2, Computational Intelligence, Neural Networks and Semiotics. Ed. P. Wang 1997: 38-41.
  15. N.A. Schmajuk "The Psychology of Robots." Proceedings of the IEEE. 1996: 1553-1561.
  16. Schmajuk, N.A. and Blair, H.T. "Time, space, and the hippocampus." Neurobehavioral plasticity: Learning, development, and response to brain insult. Ed. N.E. Spear, L.P. Spear, and M. Woodruff Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates, 1995
  17. N.A. Schmajuk "Conditioning." The Handbook of brain theory and neural networks. Ed. M. Arbib Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995
  18. N.A. Schmajuk "Cognitive Maps." The Handbook of brain theory and neural networks. Ed. M. Arbib Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995
  19. Schmajuk, N.A. and Holland, P.C. "Multiple response systems in classical conditioning." Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks. Washington, 1995: 700-703.
  20. Schmajuk, N.A. and Blair, H.T. "Dynamics of spatial navigation: An adaptive neural network." From Animals to Animats 2. Ed. J-A. Meyer, H.L. Roitblat, and S.W. Wilson Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994: 243-252.
  21. Schmajuk, N.A. "Behavioral dynamics of escape and avoidance: A neural network approach." From Animals to Animats 3. Ed. D. Cliff, P. Husbands, J-A. Meyer, & S.W. Wilson Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994: 118-127.
  22. N.A. Schmajuk "Stimulus configuration, classical conditioning, and spatial learning: Role of the hippocampus." Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks. San Diego, 1994: 723-728.
  23. Schmajuk, N.A. and DiCarlo, J. "Neural dynamics of hippocampal modulation of classical conditioning." Neural Network Models of Conditioning and Action. Ed. M. Comons, S. Grossberg, and J.E.R. Staddon Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates, 1991: 149-180.
  24. Gabriel, M. and Schmajuk, N.A. "Neural substrate of avoidance learning in rabbits." Neurocomputation and Learning: Foundations of Adaptive Networks. Ed. J.W. Moore and M. Gabriel Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991: 143-170.
  25. Schmajuk, N.A. and Tyberg, M. "The hippocampal-lesion animal model of schizophrenia." Animal Models in Psychiatry. Ed. A. Boulton, G. Baker, and M.T. Martin-Iverson Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, 1991
  26. N.A. Schmajuk "The hippocampus and the control of information storage in the brain." Dynamic Interactions in Neural Networks: Models and Data. Ed. M. Arbib and S.I. Amari New York: Springer Verlag, 1989: 53-72.
  27. Grossberg, S., Levine, D., and Schmajuk, N.A. "Associative learning and selective forgetting in a neural network regulated by reinforcement and attentive feedback." Motivation, Emotion, and Goal Direction in Neural Networks. Ed. D.S. Levine and S.J. Leven Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates, 1989
  28. Grossberg, S. and Schmajuk, N.A. "Neural dynamics of Pavlovian conditioning." Neural Network and Natural Intelligence. Ed. S. Grossberg Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988: 441-516.
  29. N.A. Schmajuk "SEAS: A dual memory architecture for computational cognitive mapping." Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1987: 644-654.
  30. Grossberg, S and Schmajuk, N.A. "A neural network architecture for attentionally-modulated Pavolian conditiong: Conditioned reinforcement, inhibition, and opponent processes." Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on neural networks. Ed. M. Caudill and C. Butler 1987: 795-804.
  31. Schmajuk, N.A. and Moore, J.W. "A real-time attentional associative network for classical conditioning of the rabbit's NMR." Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1986: 794-807.
  32. Schmajuk, N.A. and Segura, E.T. "A motivational and learning system." Applied Systems and Cybernetics. Ed. G.E. Lasker Pergamon Press, New York, 1981: 770-774.
  33. Schmajuk, N.A. and Segura, E.T. "Cybernetic approach to escape learning in toads." Current Topics in Cybernetics and Systems. Ed. J. Rose Springer Verlag, NY, 1978: 166-169.
  34. Segura, E.T. and Schmajuk, N.A. "Design for a primordial brain." Biocybernetics V. Fischer Verlag, 1973

Commentaries/Book Reviews

  1. N.A. Schmajuk (2002). [The Scientific Contributions of Richard Thompson]. Trends in Neurosciences, 25, 167-168.
  2. N.A. Schmajuk (2002). [Review of Model Systems and the Neurobiology of Associative Learning]. Neural Networks, 15, 147.
  3. N.A. Schmajuk (2002). [Model systems and the neurobiology of associative learning]. Trends in Neurosciences.
  4. N.A. Schmajuk (2002). [The scientific contributions of Richard Thompson]. Trends in Neurosciences, 25, 167-168.
  5. N.A. Schmajuk (2002). [Review of Model Systems and the Neurobiology of Associative Learning]. Neural Networks, 15, 147.
  6. N.A. Schmajuk (1998). [Special issue on biologically inspired models of navigation - Introduction]. Adaptive Behavior, 6, 369-370.
  7. N.A. Schmajuk (1996). [LTP and information storage in cortex]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 20, 629-631.
  8. Schmajuk, N.A. and Axelrad, E. (1995). [Communication and consciousness: A neural network conjecture]. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 18, 695-696.
  9. D. McFarland and T. Bosser (1994). [Review of Intelligent Behavior in Animals and Robots]. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 69, 429.
  10. Schmajuk, N.A. and Christiansen, B.A. (March, 1993). [Eyeblink conditioning in the restrained rat: A novel preparation]. Kopf Carrier.
  11. Schmajuk, N.A. and DiCarlo, J.J. (1991). [A hippocampal thoery of schizophrenia]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14, 47-49.
  12. N.A. Schmajuk (1987). [Real-time attentional models of hippocampal function]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, 130-131.
  13. N.A. Schmajuk (1984). [Information processing in the hippocampal formation]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7, 745-746.


  1. N.A. Schmajuk (2006). Attentional, Associative, and Configural Mechanisms in Classical Conditioning: A Computational Approach.
  2. Schmajuk, N.A. and Moore, J.W. (1987). Two attentional models of classical conditiong: Variations of CS effectiveness revisited. COINS Technical Report, #87-29.

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