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Publications [#288058] of John E. Staddon

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Journal Articles

  1. Staddon, JER (1974). Temporal control, attention and memory. Psychological Review, 81(5), 375-391. [doi]
    (last updated on 2025/03/28)

    Notes that animals do not usually respond for food at times when it is not available (e.g., the time just after food delivery on periodic schedules). Consequently, food acquires inhibitory aftereffects (inhibitory temporal control) on such schedules so that its omission elevates subsequent response rate (omission effect). Previous data, results of an experiment with 4 male White Carneaux pigeons, and arguments are presented to show that temporal control depends on the properties of memory and attention. Maintained reinforcement-omission effects reflect temporal overshadowing of neutral events (e.g., food omission) by more salient and memorable events (e.g., food). Disinhibition of delay and reinforcement-magnitude context effects can also be analyzed in these terms. (65 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved). © 1974 American Psychological Association.

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