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Publications [#340475] of John E. Staddon

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Commentaries/Book Reviews

  1. Staddon, JER (1999). [On Responsibility in Science and Law], 16, 146-174.
    (last updated on 2025/03/28)

    Respon’sible, liable to be called to account or render satisfaction: answerable: capable of dis-charging duty: able to pay.2 The old Chambers’s dictionary gives a behavioristic view of re-sponsibility: in terms of action, not thought or belief. “Lust in the heart” is not equated to lust in flagrante. It is this view I shall explore in this paper, rather than the more subjective notion of moral responsibility, as in “I feel moral responsibility (i.e., guilt) for not doing anything to save the Tutsis [Hutus, ethnic Albanians, etc.].”...

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