Psychology and Neuroscience Post Docs Database
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Research Interests for Caroline Smith

Research Interests:

Recent Publications   (search)
  1. Smith, CJ; Rendina, DN; Kingsbury, MA; Malacon, KE; Nguyen, DM; Tran, JJ; Devlin, BA; Raju, RM; Clark, MJ; Burgett, L; Zhang, JH; Cetinbas, M; Sadreyev, RI; Chen, K; Iyer, MS; Bilbo, SD, Microbial modulation via cross-fostering prevents the effects of pervasive environmental stressors on microglia and social behavior, but not the dopamine system., Molecular Psychiatry (May, 2023) [doi[abs]
  2. Bilbo, S; Smith, C; Rendina, D; Kingsbury, M; Malacon, K; Nguyen, D; Tran, J; Devlin, B; Raju, R; Clark, M; Burgett, L; Zhang, J; Cetinbas, M; Sadreyev, R; Chen, K; Iyer, M, Microbial modulation prevents the effects of pervasive environmental stressors on microglia and social behavior, but not the dopamine system., Res Sq (February, 2023) [doi[abs]
  3. Smith, CJ; Lintz, T; Clark, MJ; Malacon, KE; Abiad, A; Constantino, NJ; Kim, VJ; Jo, YC; Alonso-Caraballo, Y; Bilbo, SD; Chartoff, EH, Prenatal opioid exposure inhibits microglial sculpting of the dopamine system selectively in adolescent male offspring., Neuropsychopharmacology, vol. 47 no. 10 (September, 2022), pp. 1755-1763 [doi[abs]
  4. Edlow, AG; Glass, RM; Smith, CJ; Tran, PK; James, K; Bilbo, S, Placental Macrophages: A Window Into Fetal Microglial Function in Maternal Obesity., International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, vol. 77 (October, 2019), pp. 60-68 [doi[abs]
  5. Smith, CJ; Bhanot, A; Norman, E; Mullett, JE; Bilbo, SD; McDougle, CJ; Zürcher, NR; Hooker, JM, A Protocol for Sedation Free MRI and PET Imaging in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder., Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 49 no. 7 (July, 2019), pp. 3036-3044 [doi[abs]

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