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Publications [#359271] of Rick Hoyle

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Journal Articles

  1. Gehrt, TB; Nielsen, NP; Hoyle, RH; Rubin, DC; Berntsen, D (2021). Individual Differences in Autobiographical Memory: The Autobiographical Recollection Test Predicts Ratings of Specific Memories Across Cueing Conditions. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 11(1), 85-96. [doi]
    (last updated on 2024/05/03)

    The Autobiographical Recollection Test (ART; Berntsen et al., 2019) measures individual differences in autobiographical memory. We here examined whether the ART correlates with characteristics of people's specific autobiographical memories. Participants (Ns ≥ 475) completed the ART and rated recollective qualities of autobiographical memories cued by words (Study 1), by positive and negative emotional valence (Study 2), and by future and past temporal direction (Study 3). Scores on the ART consistently correlated with recollective qualities of specific memories and future thoughts, both immediately and after a 1-week delay. The magnitude of these correlations was at the same level as the correlations between individual memory items, underscoring the ability of the ART, as a trait measure to predict ratings of individual memories. The findings support the construct validity of the ART and demonstrate that people's evaluation of their autobiographical memory, in general, is reliably related to how they remember specific events.

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