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Refereed Publications

  1. Wong, S. T. and Bernick, L. A. and Portillo, C. and Stewart, A. and Taylor, D. and Duderrstadt, K. and Gilliss, C. L., Implementing a nurse information system in a nurse-managed primary care practice: a process in progress., Clinical excellence for nurse practitioners : the international journal of NPACE, vol. 3 no. 2 (March, 1999), pp. 123-7, ISSN 1085-2360
    (last updated on 2011/01/30)

    As part of a larger project, a nurse-managed primary care clinic (Valencia Pediatric and Family Practice) sought to implement a nursing information system for the purposes of (1) patient record keeping, (2) capturing advanced practice nursing interventions and outcomes and transforming them into standardized language, (3) project data management, and (4) evaluating advanced practice nursing care thereby improving and standardizing quality of care. This article represents the background information for selection of a data management system and early experiences of implementation.

    Database Management Systems • Humans • Information Services • Medical Records Systems, Computerized • Nurse Administrators • Nurse Practitioners • Outcome Assessment (Health Care) • Primary Health Care • Program Evaluation • San Francisco • organization & administration • organization & administration*