Publications by David J. Brady.
Papers Published
- Zhang, Z; Zhang, B; Yuan, X; Zheng, S; Su, X; Suo, J; Brady, DJ; Dai, Q, From compressive sampling to compressive tasking: retrieving semantics in compressed domain with low bandwidth, Photonix, vol. 3 no. 1 (December, 2022) [doi] [abs].
- Huang, Q; Hu, M; Brady, DJ, Array Camera Image Fusion using Physics-Aware Transformers, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol. 66 no. 6 (November, 2022) [doi] [abs].
- Yuan, X; Brady, DJ; Suo, J; Arguello, H; Rodrigues, M; Katsaggelos, AK, Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Learning for High-Dimensional Sensing, Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 16 no. 4 (June, 2022), pp. 603-607 [doi] .
- Hu, M; Brady, DJ, Array Camera Sampling Optimization, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2022) [abs].
- Wiley, L; Follansbee, J; Leslie, P; Furxhi, O; Pimpinella, R; Brady, D; Driggers, R, Target discrimination in the extended SWIR (eSWIR) band (2-2.5μm) compared to Vis, NIR, and SWIR in degraded visual environments, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 12106 (January, 2022) [doi] [abs].
- Revello, C; Driggers, R; Brady, D; Renshaw, K, Large area coverage using drone mounted multi-camera systems, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 12106 (January, 2022) [doi] [abs].
- Wang, C; Hu, M; Takashima, Y; Schulz, TJ; Brady, DJ, Snapshot ptychography on array cameras., Optics Express, vol. 30 no. 2 (January, 2022), pp. 2585-2598 [doi] [abs].
- Yuan, X; Ji, M; Wu, J; Brady, DJ; Dai, Q; Fang, L, A modular hierarchical array camera, Light: Science and Applications, vol. 10 no. 1 (December, 2021) [doi] [abs].
- Tan, Y; Zheng, H; Zhu, Y; Yuan, X; Lin, X; Brady, D; Fang, L, CrossNet++: Cross-Scale Large-Parallax Warping for Reference-Based Super-Resolution., Ieee Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 43 no. 12 (December, 2021), pp. 4291-4305 [doi] [abs].
- Park, J; Brady, DJ; Zheng, G; Tian, L; Gao, L, Review of bio-optical imaging systems with a high space-bandwidth product, Advanced Photonics, vol. 3 no. 4 (July, 2021) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Optical Processing for Artificial Neural Vision, 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, Cleo 2021 Proceedings (May, 2021) [abs].
- Schulz, TJ; Brady, DJ; Wang, C, Photon-limited bounds for phase retrieval., Optics Express, vol. 29 no. 11 (May, 2021), pp. 16736-16748 [doi] [abs].
- Yuan, X; Brady, DJ; Katsaggelos, AK, Snapshot Compressive Imaging: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Ieee Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 38 no. 2 (March, 2021), pp. 65-88 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Optical processing for artificial neural vision, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2021) [abs].
- Yamaguchi, K; Brady, DJ, Image quality improvement in Fresnel zone aperture-based lensless camera with ptychography-inspired reconstruction, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2021) [abs].
- Wang, C; Huang, Q; Cheng, M; Ma, Z; Brady, DJ, Deep Learning for Camera Autofocus, Ieee Transactions on Computational Imaging, vol. 7 (January, 2021), pp. 258-271 [doi] [abs].
- Siddons, DP; Kuczewski, AJ; Rumaiz, AK; Tappero, R; Idir, M; Nakhoda, K; Khanfri, J; Singh, V; Farquhar, ER; Sullivan, M; Abel, D; Brady, DJ; Yuan, X, A coded aperture microscope for X-ray fluorescence full-field imaging., Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 27 no. Pt 6 (November, 2020), pp. 1703-1706 [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, W; Zhang, H; Cao, L; Gehm, M; Jiang, Q; Brady, DJ; Jin, G, Resolution and sampling analysis in digital in-line holography with spherical wave illumination, Optical Engineering, vol. 59 no. 10 (October, 2020) [doi] [abs].
- Pang, W; Brady, DJ, Distributed focus and digital zoom, Engineering Research Express, vol. 2 no. 3 (September, 2020) [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, H; Liu, S; Cao, L; Brady, DJ, Noise suppression for ballistic-photons based on compressive in-line holographic imaging through an inhomogeneous medium., Optics Express, vol. 28 no. 7 (March, 2020), pp. 10337-10349 [doi] [abs].
- Wang, X; Zhang, X; Zhu, Y; Guo, Y; Yuan, X; Xiang, L; Wang, Z; Ding, G; Brady, D; Dai, Q; Fang, L, Panda: A gigapixel-level human-centric video dataset, Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (January, 2020), pp. 3265-3275 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Fang, L; Ma, Z, Deep learning for camera data acquisition, control, and image estimation, Advances in Optics and Photonics, vol. 12 no. 4 (January, 2020), pp. 787-846 [doi] [abs].
- Liu, Y; Yuan, X; Suo, J; Brady, DJ; Dai, Q, Rank Minimization for Snapshot Compressive Imaging., Ieee Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 41 no. 12 (December, 2019), pp. 2990-3006, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, W; Cao, L; Zhang, H; Jin, G; Brady, DJ, Signal decoupling in digital holography via compressive sensing, Ieee International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, vol. 2019-June (June, 2019), pp. 2414-2418 [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, W; Zhang, H; Brady, DJ; Jin, G; Cao, L, Compressive depth-resolved holographic microscope, Proceedings Digital Holography and Three Dimensional Imaging 2019 (May, 2019) [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, W; Zhang, H; Brady, DJ; Jin, G; Cao, L, Compressive depth-resolved holographic microscope, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (May, 2019) [abs].
- Pang, W; Brady, DJ, Field of view in monocentric multiscale cameras., Applied Optics, vol. 57 no. 24 (August, 2018), pp. 6999-7005 [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, W; Cao, L; Brady, DJ; Zhang, H; Cang, J; Zhang, H; Jin, G, Twin-Image-Free Holography: A Compressive Sensing Approach., Physical Review Letters, vol. 121 no. 9 (August, 2018), pp. 093902 [doi] [abs].
- Linnehan, R; Schindler, J; Perlovsky, L; Rangaswamy, M; Brady, D, Phenomenology-based waveform design using Cramer-Rao theory, 2004 International Waveform Diversity and Design Conference, Wdd 2004 Proceedings, vol. 2018-January (March, 2018), pp. 1-5, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Pang, W; Li, H; Ma, Z; Tao, Y; Cao, X, Parallel cameras, Optica, vol. 5 no. 2 (February, 2018), pp. 127-137, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, W; Cao, L; Zhang, H; Jin, G; Brady, D, Noise reduction in digital holography based on a filtering algorithm, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 10503 (January, 2018), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Pang, W; Brady, DJ, Configurable cameras with MMS architecture, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 10845 (January, 2018), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, W; Cao, L; Jin, G; Brady, D, Full field-of-view digital lens-free holography for weak-scattering objects based on grating modulation., Applied Optics, vol. 57 no. 1 (January, 2018), pp. A164-A171, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, H; Cao, L; Zhang, H; Zhang, W; Jin, G; Brady, DJ, Efficient block-wise algorithm for compressive holography., Optics Express, vol. 25 no. 21 (October, 2017), pp. 24991-25003 [doi] [abs].
- Chen, LS; Yue, T; Cao, X; Ma, Z; Brady, DJ, High-resolution spectral video acquisition, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, vol. 18 no. 9 (September, 2017), pp. 1250-1260, Zhejiang University Press [doi] [abs].
- Pang, W; Brady, DJ, Galilean monocentric multiscale optical systems., Optics Express, vol. 25 no. 17 (August, 2017), pp. 20332-20339 [doi] [abs].
- Yuan, X; Fang, L; Dai, Q; Brady, DJ; Liu, Y, Multiscale gigapixel video: A cross resolution image matching and warping approach, 2017 Ieee International Conference on Computational Photography, Iccp 2017 Proceedings (June, 2017), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Amsden, JJ; Gehm, ME; Russell, ZE; Chen, EX; Di Dona, ST; Wolter, SD; Danell, RM; Kibelka, G; Parker, CB; Stoner, BR; Brady, DJ; Glass, JT, Coded Apertures in Mass Spectrometry., Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry (Palo Alto, Calif.), vol. 10 no. 1 (June, 2017), pp. 141-156 [doi] [abs].
- Zhao, Y; Yue, T; Chen, L; Wang, H; Ma, Z; Brady, DJ; Cao, X, Heterogeneous camera array for multispectral light field imaging., Optics Express, vol. 25 no. 13 (June, 2017), pp. 14008-14022 [doi] [abs].
- Zhu, R; Richard, JT; Brady, DJ; Marks, DL; Everitt, HO, Compressive sensing and adaptive sampling applied to millimeter wave inverse synthetic aperture imaging., Optics Express, vol. 25 no. 3 (February, 2017), pp. 2270-2284, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Gollub, JN; Yurduseven, O; Trofatter, KP; Arnitz, D; F Imani, M; Sleasman, T; Boyarsky, M; Rose, A; Pedross-Engel, A; Odabasi, H; Zvolensky, T; Lipworth, G; Brady, D; Marks, DL; Reynolds, MS; Smith, DR, Large Metasurface Aperture for Millimeter Wave Computational Imaging at the Human-Scale., Scientific Reports, vol. 7 (February, 2017), pp. 42650 [doi] [abs].
- Pang, W; Brady, DJ, Parallel MMS gigapixel imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers, vol. Part F46-COSI 2017 (January, 2017), OSA [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, W; Cao, L; Cang, J; Jin, G; Brady, D, Resolution enhancement with a grating in lens-less digital holographic imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers, vol. Part F47-DH 2017 (January, 2017), OSA [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D, Recent advances in gigapixel cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers, vol. Part F46-COSI 2017 (January, 2017), OSA [doi] [abs].
- Odinaka, I; Kaganovsky, Y; Greenberg, JA; Hassan, M; Politte, DG; O'Sullivan, JA; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Spectrally grouped total variation reconstruction for scatter imaging using ADMM, 2015 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Nss/Mic 2015 (October, 2016), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Cao, X; Yue, T; Lin, X; Lin, S; Yuan, X; Dai, Q; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Computational Snapshot Multispectral Cameras: Toward dynamic capture of the spectral world, Ieee Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 33 no. 5 (September, 2016), pp. 95-108, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Yuan, X; Liao, X; Llull, P; Brady, D; Carin, L, Efficient patch-based approach for compressive depth imaging., Applied Optics, vol. 55 no. 27 (September, 2016), pp. 7556-7564 [doi] [abs].
- Hassan, M; Greenberg, JA; Odinaka, I; Brady, DJ, Snapshot fan beam coded aperture coherent scatter tomography., Optics Express, vol. 24 no. 16 (August, 2016), pp. 18277-18289 [doi] [abs].
- Llull, P; Reeves, G; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Performance assessment of image translation-engineered point spread functions, Optics Infobase Conference Papers, vol. Part F7-COSI 2016 (July, 2016), OSA [doi] [abs].
- McCain, S; Feller, S; Brady, D, Gigapixel television, Optics Infobase Conference Papers, vol. Part F7-COSI 2016 (July, 2016), OSA [doi] [abs].
- Nichols, JM; Judd, KP; Olson, CC; Novak, K; Waterman, JR; Feller, S; McCain, S; Anderson, J; Brady, D, Range performance of the DARPA AWARE wide field-of-view visible imager., Applied Optics, vol. 55 no. 16 (June, 2016), pp. 4478-4484, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Greenberg, J; Iniewski, K; Brady, D, CZT detector modeling for coded aperture X-ray diffraction imaging applications, 2014 Ieee Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Nss/Mic 2014 (March, 2016), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Odinaka, I; Greenberg, JA; Kaganovsky, Y; Holmgren, A; Hassan, M; Politte, DG; O'Sullivan, JA; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture x-ray diffraction imaging with transmission computed tomography side-information, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 9783 (January, 2016), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Odinaka, I; Kaganovsky, Y; O'Sullivan, JA; Politte, DG; Holmgren, AD; Greenberg, JA; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Domain and range decomposition methods for coded aperture x-ray coherent scatter imaging, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 9847 (January, 2016), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Holmgren, AD; Odinaka, I; Greenberg, JA; Brady, DJ, Multi-view coded aperture coherent scatter tomography, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 9847 (January, 2016), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Greenberg, JA; Brady, DJ, Snapshot full-volume coded aperture x-ray diffraction tomography, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 9847 (January, 2016), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Greenberg, JA; Hassan, M; Brady, DJ; Iniewski, K, High precision, medium flux rate CZT spectroscopy for coherent scatter imaging, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 9847 (January, 2016), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Hassan, M; Holmgren, A; Greenberg, JA; Odinaka, I; Brady, D, Impact of detector geometry for compressive fan beam snapshot coherent scatter imaging, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 9847 (January, 2016), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Llull, P; Bange, L; Phillips, Z; Davis, K; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Characterization of the AWARE 40 wide-field-of-view visible imager, Optica, vol. 2 no. 12 (December, 2015), pp. 1086-1089, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Mrozack, A; MacCabe, K; Llull, P, Compressive tomography, Advances in Optics and Photonics, vol. 7 no. 4 (November, 2015), pp. 756-813, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Bange, LM; Brady, DJ, Feedback stitching for gigapixel video, Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 24 no. 6 (November, 2015), pp. 063006-063006, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng [doi] [abs].
- Kaganovsky, Y; Han, S; Degirmenci, S; Politte, DG; Brady, DJ; O’Sullivan, JA; Carin, L, Alternating minimization algorithm with automatic relevance determination for transmission tomography under poisson noise, Siam Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 8 no. 3 (September, 2015), pp. 2087-2132, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) [doi] [abs].
- Llull, P; Yuan, X; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Image translation for single-shot focal tomography, Optica, vol. 2 no. 9 (September, 2015), pp. 822-825, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Wang, L; Huang, J; Yuan, X; Krishnamurthy, K; Greenberg, J; Cevher, V; Rodrigues, MRD; Brady, D; Calderbank, R; Carin, L, Signal recovery and system calibration from multiple compressive poisson measurements, Siam Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 8 no. 3 (September, 2015), pp. 1923-1954, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) [doi] [abs].
- Tsai, T-H; Llull, P; Yuan, X; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Spectral-temporal compressive imaging., Optics Letters, vol. 40 no. 17 (September, 2015), pp. 4054-4057 [doi] [abs].
- Yuan, X; Tsai, TH; Zhu, R; Llull, P; Brady, D; Carin, L, Compressive hyperspectral imaging with side information, Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 9 no. 6 (September, 2015), pp. 964-976, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Chen, EX; Russell, ZE; Amsden, JJ; Wolter, SD; Danell, RM; Parker, CB; Stoner, BR; Gehm, ME; Glass, JT; Brady, DJ, Order of Magnitude Signal Gain in Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometry Via Aperture Coding., Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 26 no. 9 (September, 2015), pp. 1633-1640 [doi] [abs].
- Xie, Y; Tsai, T-H; Konneker, A; Popa, B-I; Brady, DJ; Cummer, SA, Single-sensor multispeaker listening with acoustic metamaterials., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 112 no. 34 (August, 2015), pp. 10595-10598 [doi] [abs].
- Tsai, T-H; Yuan, X; Brady, DJ, Spatial light modulator based color polarization imaging., Optics Express, vol. 23 no. 9 (May, 2015), pp. 11912-11926 [doi] [abs].
- Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ, Compressive sensing in the EO/IR., Applied Optics, vol. 54 no. 8 (March, 2015), pp. C14-C22 [doi] [abs].
- Russell, ZE; Chen, EX; Amsden, JJ; Wolter, SD; Danell, RM; Parker, CB; Stoner, BR; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Glass, JT, Two-dimensional aperture coding for magnetic sector mass spectrometry., Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 26 no. 2 (February, 2015), pp. 248-256 [doi] [abs].
- Chen, EX; Lian, W; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Task-driven Adaptive Sensing on Quadrupole Mass Filter Systems for Classification, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2015) [abs].
- Tsai, TH; Llull, P; Yuan, X; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Coded Aperture Compressive Spectral-Temporal Imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2015) [abs].
- Greenberg, JA; Lakshamanan, MN; Brady, DJ; Kapadia, A, Optimization of a coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging system for medical imaging, Proc. Spie 9412, Medical Imaging 2015: Physics of Medical Imaging,, vol. 94125E (January, 2015), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Kaganovsky, Y; Degirmenci, S; Han, S; Odinaka, I; Politte, DG; Brady, DJ; O'Sullivan, JA; Carin, L, Alternating minimization algorithm with iteratively reweighted quadratic penalties for compressive transmission tomography, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 9413 (January, 2015), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Llull, P; Yuan, X; Liao, X; Yang, J; Kittle, D; Carin, L; Sapiro, G; Brady, DJ, Temporal compressive sensing for video no. 9783319160412 (January, 2015), pp. 41-74, Springer International Publishing [doi] [abs].
- Yang, J; Liao, X; Yuan, X; Llull, P; Brady, DJ; Sapiro, G; Carin, L, Compressive sensing by learning a Gaussian mixture model from measurements., Ieee Transactions on Image Processing : a Publication of the Ieee Signal Processing Society, vol. 24 no. 1 (January, 2015), pp. 106-119 [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Furxhi, O; Brady, DJ, W-band imager without mechanical scanning based on an echelle spectrometer, International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Irmmw Thz (November, 2014), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Zhu, R; Furxhi, O; Marks, D; Brady, D, Millimeter wave surface and reflectivity estimation based on sparse time of flight measurements, International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Irmmw Thz (November, 2014), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Yang, J; Yuan, X; Liao, X; Llull, P; Brady, DJ; Sapiro, G; Carin, L, Video compressive sensing using Gaussian mixture models., Ieee Transactions on Image Processing : a Publication of the Ieee Signal Processing Society, vol. 23 no. 11 (November, 2014), pp. 4863-4878 [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Anderson, JG; Phillips, ZF; McCain, ST; Brady, DJ, Gigapixel whole-body microphotography, Frontiers in Optics, Fio 2014 (October, 2014) [abs].
- Marks, DL; Anderson, JG; Phillips, ZF; McCain, ST; Brady, DJ, Gigapixel whole-body microphotography, Frontiers in Optics, Fio 2014 (October, 2014) [doi] [abs].
- Hunt, J; Gollub, J; Driscoll, T; Lipworth, G; Mrozack, A; Reynolds, MS; Brady, DJ; Smith, DR, Metamaterial microwave holographic imaging system., Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 31 no. 10 (October, 2014), pp. 2109-2119 [doi] [abs].
- Yuan, X; Llull, P; Liao, X; Yang, J; Brady, DJ; Sapiro, G; Carin, L, Low-cost compressive sensing for color video and depth, Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (September, 2014), pp. 3318-3325, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Lakshmanan, MN; Kapadia, AJ; Sahbaee, P; Wolter, SD; Harrawood, BP; Brady, D; Samei, E, An X-ray scatter system for material identification in cluttered objects: A Monte Carlo simulation study, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms, vol. 335 (September, 2014), pp. 31-38, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs].
- Pang, S; Hassan, M; Greenberg, J; Holmgren, A; Krishnamurthy, K; Brady, D, Complementary coded apertures for 4-dimensional x-ray coherent scatter imaging., Optics Express, vol. 22 no. 19 (September, 2014), pp. 22925-22936 [doi] [abs].
- Chen, EX; Gehm, M; Danell, R; Wells, M; Glass, JT; Brady, D, Compressive mass analysis on quadrupole ion trap systems., Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 25 no. 7 (July, 2014), pp. 1295-1304 [doi] [abs].
- Kaganovsky, Y; Li, D; Holmgren, A; Jeon, H; MacCabe, KP; Politte, DG; O'Sullivan, JA; Carin, L; Brady, DJ, Compressed sampling strategies for tomography., Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 31 no. 7 (July, 2014), pp. 1369-1394 [doi] [abs].
- Furxhi, O; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Echelle crossed grating millimeter wave beam scanner., Optics Express, vol. 22 no. 13 (June, 2014), pp. 16393-16407 [doi] [abs].
- Mrozack, A; Heimbeck, M; Marks, DL; Richard, J; Everitt, HO; Brady, DJ, Adaptive millimeter-wave synthetic aperture imaging for compressive sampling of sparse scenes., Optics Express, vol. 22 no. 11 (June, 2014), pp. 13515-13530 [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Llull, PR; Phillips, Z; Anderson, JG; Feller, SD; Vera, EM; Son, HS; Youn, S-H; Kim, J; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Nichols, JM; Judd, KP; Duncan, MD; Waterman, JR; Stack, RA; Johnson, A; Tennill, R; Olson, CC, Characterization of the AWARE 10 two-gigapixel wide-field-of-view visible imager., Applied Optics, vol. 53 no. 13 (May, 2014), pp. C54-C63 [doi] [abs].
- Xie, Y; Tsai, TH; Brady, DJ; Cummer, SA, Compressive acoustic imaging with metamaterials., The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 135 no. 4 (April, 2014), pp. 2394 [doi] [abs].
- Greenberg, JA; Hassan, M; Krishnamurthy, K; Brady, D, Structured illumination for tomographic X-ray diffraction imaging., The Analyst, vol. 139 no. 4 (February, 2014), pp. 709-713 [doi] [abs].
- Youn, SH; Son, HS; Marks, DL; Shaw, JM; McLaughlin, PO; Feller, SD; Brady, DJ; Kim, J, Optical performance test and validation of microcameras in multiscale, gigapixel imagers., Optics Express, vol. 22 no. 3 (February, 2014), pp. 3712-3723 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Compressive millimeter wave and X-ray tomography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2014) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Roadmap for commercial gigapixel cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2014) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Roadmap for commercial gigapixel cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2014) [abs].
- Holmgren, AD; Maccabe, KP; Tornai, MP; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture x-ray scatter tomography, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 9020 (January, 2014), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Compressive millimeter wave and X-ray tomography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2014) [abs].
- Lakshmanan, MN; Kapadia, AJ; Harrawood, BP; Brady, D; Samei, E, X-ray coherent scatter imaging for surgical margin detection: A Monte Carlo study, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 9033 (January, 2014), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Greenberg, JA; Brady, DJ, Structured illumination for compressive x-ray diffraction tomography, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 9020 (January, 2014), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Greenberg, J; Krishnamurthy, K; Brady, D, Compressive single-pixel snapshot x-ray diffraction imaging., Optics Letters, vol. 39 no. 1 (January, 2014), pp. 111-114, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Arce, GR; Brady, DJ; Carin, L; Arguello, H; Kittle, DS, Compressive coded aperture spectral imaging: An introduction, Ieee Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 31 no. 1 (January, 2014), pp. 105-115, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Greenberg, JA; Krishnamurthy, K; Lakshmanan, M; MacCabe, K; Wolter, S; Kapadia, A; Brady, D, Coding and sampling for compressive x-ray diffraction tomography, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 8858 (December, 2013), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Lipworth, G; Hunt, J; Mrozack, A; Brady, D; Smith, DR, Simulations of 2D metamaterial apertures for coherent computational imaging, 2013 Ieee International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems, Comcas 2013 (December, 2013), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Mrozack, A; Krishnamurthy, K; Lipworth, G; Smith, DR; Brady, DJ, Imaging of diffuse objects with dispersive imagers, International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Irmmw Thz (December, 2013), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Son, HS; Marks, DL; Hahn, J; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, Design of a spherical focal surface using close-packed relay optics: erratum., Optics Express, vol. 21 no. 22 (November, 2013), pp. 27284-27285 [doi] [abs].
- Nakamura, T; Kittle, DS; Youn, SH; Feller, SD; Tanida, J; Brady, DJ, Autofocus for a multiscale gigapixel camera., Applied Optics, vol. 52 no. 33 (November, 2013), pp. 8146-8153 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Marks, DL; MacCabe, KP; O'Sullivan, JA, Coded apertures for x-ray scatter imaging., Applied Optics, vol. 52 no. 32 (November, 2013), pp. 7745-7754 [doi] [abs].
- Greenberg, JA; Krishnamurthy, K; Brady, D, Snapshot molecular imaging using coded energy-sensitive detection., Optics Express, vol. 21 no. 21 (October, 2013), pp. 25480-25491 [doi] [abs].
- Lipworth, G; Mrozack, A; Hunt, J; Marks, DL; Driscoll, T; Brady, D; Smith, DR, Metamaterial apertures for coherent computational imaging on the physical layer., Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 30 no. 8 (August, 2013), pp. 1603-1612 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs].
- Rajwade, A; Kittle, D; Tsai, TH; Brady, D; Carin, L, Coded hyperspectral imaging and blind compressive sensing, Siam Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 6 no. 2 (July, 2013), pp. 782-812, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) [doi] [abs].
- MacCabe, KP; Holmgren, AD; Tornai, MP; Brady, DJ, Snapshot 2D tomography via coded aperture x-ray scatter imaging., Appl Opt, vol. 52 no. 19 (July, 2013), pp. 4582-4589 [23842254], [doi] [abs].
- Kapadia, AJ; Lakshmanan, MN; Krishnamurthy, K; Sahbaee, P; Chawla, A; Wolter, S; Maccabe, K; Brady, D; Samei, E, Monte-Carlo simulations of a coded-aperture X-ray scatter imaging system for molecular imaging, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 8668 (June, 2013), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Hagen, N; Durham, M; Brady, DJ, Wide-field compact catadioptric telescope spanning 0.7-14 μm wavelengths., Applied Optics, vol. 52 no. 18 (June, 2013), pp. 4334-4342 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs].
- Llull, P; Liao, X; Yuan, X; Yang, J; Kittle, D; Carin, L; Sapiro, G; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture compressive temporal imaging., Optics Express, vol. 21 no. 9 (May, 2013), pp. 10526-10545 [1302.2575v1], [doi] [abs].
- Kittle, DS; Marks, DL; Son, HS; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, A testbed for wide-field, high-resolution, gigapixel-class cameras., Rev Sci Instrum, vol. 84 no. 5 (May, 2013), pp. 053107 [23742532], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Wide-field astronomical multiscale cameras, The Astronomical Journal, vol. 145 no. 5 (May, 2013), pp. 128-128, IOP Publishing [doi] [abs].
- Kittle, DS; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Automated calibration and optical testing of the AWARE-2 gigapixel multiscale camera, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 8660 (April, 2013), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Marks, DL; Feller, S; Gehm, M; Golish, D; Vera, E; Kittle, D, Petapixel photography and the limits of camera information capacity, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 8657 (April, 2013), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Tsai, T-H; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture snapshot spectral polarization imaging., Applied Optics, vol. 52 no. 10 (April, 2013), pp. 2153-2161 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs].
- Son, HS; Johnson, A; Stack, RA; Shaw, JM; McLaughlin, P; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ; Kim, J, Optomechanical design of multiscale gigapixel digital camera., Applied Optics, vol. 52 no. 8 (March, 2013), pp. 1541-1549 [23478755], [doi] [abs].
- Zhu, R; Tsai, TH; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture snapshot spectral imager based on liquid crystal spatial light modulator, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [doi] [abs].
- Mrozack, A; Heimbeck, M; Marks, DL; Richard, J; Everitt, HO; Brady, DJ, Adaptive scanning for synthetic aperture imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [doi] [abs].
- Krishnamurthy, K; Mrozack, A; Maggioni, M; Brady, D, Multiscale, dictionary-based speckle denoising, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, A wide-field catadioptric monocentric multiscale telescope with all-spherical glass optics, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [doi] [abs].
- Vera, E; Golish, D; Gong, Q; Kittle, D; Feller, S; Brady, D; Gehm, M, Efficient model-based tonemapping of high dynamic range gigapixel images, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [doi] [abs].
- Vera, E; Golish, D; Gong, Q; Kelly, K; Kittle, D; Feller, S; Brady, D; Gehm, M, Color image formation for multiscale gigapixel imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [doi] [abs].
- Llull, P; Liao, X; Yuan, X; Yang, J; Kittle, D; Carin, L; Sapiro, G; Brady, DJ, Compressive sensing for video using a passive coding element, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [doi] [abs].
- MacCabe, KP; Holmgren, AD; Greenberg, JA; Brady, DJ, Coding for X-ray scatter imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Compressive tomography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [doi] [abs].
- Krishnamurthy, K; Mrozack, A; Maggioni, M; Brady, D, Multiscale, dictionary-based speckle denoising, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [abs].
- Vera, E; Golish, D; Gong, Q; Kittle, D; Feller, S; Brady, D; Gehm, M, Efficient model-based tonemapping of high dynamic range gigapixel images, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [abs].
- Vera, E; Golish, D; Gong, Q; Kelly, K; Kittle, D; Feller, S; Brady, D; Gehm, M, Color image formation for multiscale gigapixel imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [abs].
- Zhu, R; Tsai, TH; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture snapshot spectral imager based on liquid crystal spatial light modulator, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [abs].
- MacCabe, KP; Holmgren, AD; Greenberg, JA; Brady, DJ, Coding for X-ray scatter imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, A wide-field catadioptric monocentric multiscale telescope with all-spherical glass optics, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Optical design for computational imaging instruments (invited paper), Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [abs].
- Llull, P; Liao, X; Yuan, X; Yang, J; Kittle, D; Carin, L; Sapiro, G; Brady, DJ, Compressive sensing for video using a passive coding element, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [abs].
- Mrozack, A; Heimbeck, M; Marks, DL; Richard, J; Everitt, HO; Brady, DJ, Adaptive scanning for synthetic aperture imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2013) [abs].
- Yuan, X; Yang, J; Llull, P; Liao, X; Sapiro, G; Brady, DJ; Carin, L, Adaptive temporal compressive sensing for video, 2013 Ieee International Conference on Image Processing, Icip 2013 Proceedings (January, 2013), pp. 14-18 [repository], [doi] [abs].
- Yang, J; Yuan, X; Liao, X; Llull, P; Sapiro, G; Brady, DJ; Carin, L, Gaussian mixture model for video compressive sensing, 2013 Ieee International Conference on Image Processing, Icip 2013 Proceedings (January, 2013), pp. 19-23, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Iliopoulos, AS; Hu, J; Pitsianis, N; Sun, X; Gehm, M; Brady, D, Big snapshot stitching with scarce overlap, 2013 Ieee High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, Hpec 2013 (January, 2013), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Hunt, J; Driscoll, T; Mrozack, A; Lipworth, G; Reynolds, M; Brady, D; Smith, DR, Metamaterial apertures for computational imaging., Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 339 no. 6117 (January, 2013), pp. 310-313 [23329043], [doi] [abs].
- Chen, S; Li, P; Brady, D; Lehman, B, Determining the optimum grid-connected photovoltaic inverter size, Solar Energy, vol. 87 no. 1 (January, 2013), pp. 96-116, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs].
- Son, HS; Marks, DL; Youn, SH; Brady, DJ; Kim, J, Alignment and assembly strategies for AWARE-10 gigapixel-scale cameras, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 8836 (2013), SPIE [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs].
- Son, HS; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ; Kim, J, Oversampled triangulation of AWARE-10 monocentric ball lens using an auto-stigmatic microscope, Optics Express, vol. 21 no. 19 (2013), pp. 22206-22214 [doi] [abs].
- Youn, SH; Marks, DL; McLaughlin, PO; Brady, DJ; Kim, J, Efficient testing methodologies for microcameras in a gigapixel imaging system, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 8788 (2013), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Youn, SH; Son, HS; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, Wide-field microscopy using microcamera arrays, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 8589 (2013), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Son, HS; McLaughlin, PO; Feller, SD; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, A common scalable microcamera design for 2, 10, and 40 gigapixel class multiscale cameras, Frontiers in Optics, Fio 2012 (December, 2012) [abs].
- Yue, T; Hao, Q; Brady, DJ, Distributed binary geometric sensor arrays for low-data-throughput human gait biometrics, Proceedings of the Ieee Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (October, 2012), pp. 457-460, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Golish, DR; Vera, EM; Kelly, KJ; Gong, Q; Jansen, PA; Hughes, JM; Kittle, DS; Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME, Development of a scalable image formation pipeline for multiscale gigapixel photography., Optics Express, vol. 20 no. 20 (September, 2012), pp. 22048-22062 [doi] [abs].
- MacCabe, K; Krishnamurthy, K; Chawla, A; Marks, D; Samei, E; Brady, D, Pencil beam coded aperture x-ray scatter imaging, Optics Express, vol. 20 no. 15 (July, 2012), pp. 16310-16320 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Gibbons, R, Computational imaging, Optical Engineering, vol. 51 no. 7 (July, 2012), pp. 071401-071401, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng [Gateway.cgi], [doi] .
- Kim, MH; Rushmeier, H; Dorsey, J; Harvey, TA; Prum, RO; Kittle, DS; Brady, DJ, 3D imaging spectroscopy for measuring hyperspectral patterns on solid objects, Acm Transactions on Graphics, vol. 31 no. 4 (July, 2012), pp. 1-11, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs].
- Zheng, N; Schmidler, SC; Marks, D; Brady, D, Computer experiment and global optimization of layered monocentric lens systems, Optik, vol. 123 no. 14 (July, 2012), pp. 1249-1259, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs].
- Kittle, DS; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Design and fabrication of an ultraviolet-visible coded aperture snapshot spectral imager, Optical Engineering, vol. 51 no. 7 (July, 2012), pp. 071403-071403, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng [doi] [abs].
- Tremblay, EJ; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ; Ford, JE, Design and scaling of monocentric multiscale imagers., Applied Optics, vol. 51 no. 20 (July, 2012), pp. 4691-4702 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME; Stack, RA; Marks, DL; Kittle, DS; Golish, DR; Vera, EM; Feller, SD, Multiscale gigapixel photography., Nature, vol. 486 no. 7403 (June, 2012), pp. 386-389 [22722199], [doi] [abs].
- Kapadia, A; Samei, E; Harrawood, B; Sahbaee, P; Chawla, A; Tan, Z; Brady, D, SU-E-I-77: X-Ray Coherent Scatter Diffraction Pattern Modeling in GEANT4., Med Phys, vol. 39 no. 6Part5 (June, 2012), pp. 3642-3643 [doi] [abs].
- Heimbeck, MS; Marks, DL; Brady, D; Everitt, HO, Terahertz interferometric synthetic aperture tomography for confocal imaging systems., Optics Letters, vol. 37 no. 8 (April, 2012), pp. 1316-1318 [doi] [abs].
- Golish, D; Vera, E; Kelly, K; Gong, Q; Jansen, P; Hughes, J; Kittle, DS; Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME, Challenges in gigapixel multiscale image formation, Imaging Systems and Applications, Isa 2012 (January, 2012) [abs].
- Prasad, S; Zhang, Q; Plemmons, R; Brady, D, Statistical performance bounds for coded-aperture compressive spectral-polarimetric imaging, Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, Cosi 2012 (January, 2012), pp. CTu3B.1 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Focus in multiscale imaging systems, Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, Cosi 2012 (January, 2012), pp. CM2B.1 [doi] [abs].
- Golish, D; Vera, E; Kelly, K; Gong, Q; Jansen, P; Hughes, J; Kittle, DS; Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME, Challenges in gigapixel multiscale image formation, Imaging Systems and Applications, Isa 2012 (January, 2012), pp. JW3A.4 [doi] [abs].
- Mrozack, A; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture spectroscopy with denoising through sparsity., Optics Express, vol. 20 no. 3 (January, 2012), pp. 2297-2309 [22330469], [doi] [abs].
- McCain, ST; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ; Krishnamurthy, K; Willett, R, Coded-aperture Raman imaging for standoff explosive detection, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 8358 (January, 2012), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Golish, D; Vera, E; Kelly, K; Gong, Q; Jansen, P; Hughes, J; Kittle, DS; Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME, Challenges in gigapixel multiscale image formation, Imaging Systems and Applications, Isa 2012 (2012) .
- Marks, DL; Son, HS; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, Engineering a gigapixel monocentric multiscale camera, Optical Engineering, vol. 51 no. 8 (2012), pp. 083202-1, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng [Gateway.cgi], [doi] .
- Reynolds, ; Megan, ; Brady, D, Bringing You More Than the Weekend: Union Membership and Self-Rated Health in the U.S., Social Forces, vol. 90 no. 3 (2012), pp. 1023-1049, Oxford University Press (OUP) [pdf], [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, Q; Plemmons, R; Kittle, D; Brady, D; Prasad, S, Reconstructing and segmenting hyperspectral images from compressed measurements, Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, Evolution in Remote Sensing (December, 2011), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Kittle, D; Zhang, Q; Plemmons, R; Brady, D; Prasad, S, Joint segmentation and reconstruction of coded aperture hyperspectral data, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Xu, Q; Shi, K; Li, H; Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Brady, D; Psaltis, D; Liu, Z, In-line holographic CARS microscopy, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Mrozack, A; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture spectroscopy with regularization via convex optimization, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ; Tremblay, EJ; Ford, JE, Optimizing microcamera aperture in gigapixel monocentric multiscale cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Kittle, D; Marks, DL; Kim, MH; Rushmeier, H; Brady, DJ, Design and fabrication of a UV-visible coded aperture spectral imager (CASI), Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Lim, S; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, High pixel count holography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Dennis healy, ISP, MONTAGE and MOSAIC, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- MacCabe, KP; Kittle, DS; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Image coding for compressive focal tomography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Lim, S; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Sparse aperture holographic synthesis with multiple speckle realizations, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Son, HS; Marks, DL; Tremblay, E; Ford, JE; Hahn, J; Stack, RA; Johnson, A; McLaughlin, P; Shaw, JM; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, A multiscale, wide field, gigapixel camera, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Golish, D; Vera, E; Kelly, K; Gong, Q; Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME, Image formation in multiscale optical systems, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Marks, DL; Son, HS; Tremblay, EJ; Ford, JE; McLaughlin, PO; Gehm, ME; Stack, RA; Feller, SD; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, Optical testing of the AWARE wide field 2-gigapixel multiscale camera, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2011) [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Sampling geometries and resolution limits for compressive MMW and terahertz imaging, Irmmw Thz 2011 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (December, 2011), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Lim, S; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Sampling and processing for compressive holography [Invited]., Applied Optics, vol. 50 no. 34 (December, 2011), pp. H75-H86 [22193030], [doi] [abs].
- Li, S; Moskal, J; Kokar, MM; Brady, D, An implementation of collaborative adaptation of cognitive radio parameters using an ontology and policy based approach, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 69 no. 2-3 (December, 2011), pp. 283-296, Springer Nature [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Tremblay, EJ; Ford, JE; Brady, DJ, Microcamera aperture scale in monocentric gigapixel cameras., Applied Optics, vol. 50 no. 30 (October, 2011), pp. 5824-5833 [22015411], [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, Q; Plemmons, RJ; Kittle, D; Brady, D; Prasad, S, Joint segmentation and reconstruction of hyperspectral images from a single snapshot, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 8048 (September, 2011) [doi] [abs].
- Xu, Q; Shi, K; Li, H; Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Brady, D; Psaltis, D; Liu, Z, In-line holographic CARS microscopy, 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics: Laser Science to Photonic Applications, Cleo 2011 (September, 2011) [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Lim, S, Gigapixel holography, 2011 Ico International Conference on Information Photonics, Ip 2011 (August, 2011), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Son, HS; Marks, DL; Hahn, J; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, Design of a spherical focal surface using close-packed relay optics., Optics Express, vol. 19 no. 17 (August, 2011), pp. 16132-16138 [21934976], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Marks, DL, Coding for compressive focal tomography., Applied Optics, vol. 50 no. 22 (August, 2011), pp. 4436-4449 [21833119], [doi] [abs].
- Hahn, J; Marks, DL; Choi, K; Lim, S; Brady, DJ, Thin holographic camera with integrated reference distribution., Applied Optics, vol. 50 no. 24 (August, 2011), pp. 4848-4854 [21857709], [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, Q; Plemmons, R; Kittle, D; Brady, D; Prasad, S, Joint segmentation and reconstruction of hyperspectral data with compressed measurements., Applied Optics, vol. 50 no. 22 (August, 2011), pp. 4417-4435 [doi] [abs].
- Gehm, ME; Golish, DR; Vera, EM; Hahn, J; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Image formation challenges in the MOSAIC platform, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 8056 (July, 2011), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Lim, S; Choi, K; Hahn, J; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Image-based registration for synthetic aperture holography., Optics Express, vol. 19 no. 12 (June, 2011), pp. 11716-11731 [21716403], [doi] [abs].
- Kianirad, E; Gamache, RW; Brady, D; Alshawabkeh, AN, Equivalent quasi-static estimation of dynamic penetration force for near surface soil characterization, Geotechnical Special Publication no. 211 GSP (May, 2011), pp. 2325-2334, American Society of Civil Engineers [doi] [abs].
- Chen, S; Li, P; Brady, D; Lehman, B, Optimum inverter sizing in consideration of irradiance pattern and PV incentives, Conference Proceedings Ieee Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition Apec (May, 2011), pp. 982-988, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Tang, Y; Vlahovic, B; Brady, DJ, Metallic nano-structures for polarization-independent multi-spectral filters., Nanoscale Research Letters, vol. 6 no. 1 (May, 2011), pp. 394 [21711927], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Reply to "Comments on multiple aperture cameras, Applied Optics, vol. 50 no. 11 (April, 2011), pp. 1587-1592, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Hahn, J; Lim, S; Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Brady, DJ, Video-rate compressive holographic microscopic tomography., Optics Express, vol. 19 no. 8 (April, 2011), pp. 7289-7298 [21503040], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Close-up imaging using microcamera arrays for focal plane synthesis, Optical Engineering, vol. 50 no. 3 (March, 2011), pp. 033205-033205, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ; Tremblay, EJ; Ford, JE, Optimizing microcamera aperture in gigapixel monocentric multiscale cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2011) [abs].
- Son, HS; Marks, DL; Tremblay, E; Ford, JE; Hahn, J; Stack, RA; Johnson, A; McLaughlin, P; Shaw, JM; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, A multiscale, wide field, gigapixel camera, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2011) [abs].
- Golish, D; Vera, E; Kelly, K; Gong, Q; Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME, Image formation in multiscale optical systems, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2011) [abs].
- Son, HS; Marks, DL; Tremblay, E; Ford, JE; Hahn, J; Stack, RA; Johnson, A; McLaughlin, P; Shaw, JM; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, A multiscale, wide field, gigapixel camera, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2011) [doi] [abs].
- Kittle, D; Zhang, Q; Plemmons, R; Brady, D; Prasad, S, Joint segmentation and reconstruction of coded aperture hyperspectral data, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2011) [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ; Tremblay, EJ; Ford, JE, Optimizing microcamera aperture in gigapixel monocentric multiscale cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2011) [doi] [abs].
- Golish, D; Vera, E; Kelly, K; Gong, Q; Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME, Image formation in multiscale optical systems, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2011) [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ; Tremblay, EJ; Ford, JE, Optimizing microcamera aperture in gigapixel monocentric multiscale cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (2011), Optical Society of America [abs].
- Golish, D; Vera, E; Kelly, K; Gong, Q; Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME, Image formation in multiscale optical systems, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (2011), Optical Society of America [abs].
- Son, HS; Marks, DL; Tremblay, E; Ford, JE; Hahn, J; Stack, RA; Johnson, A; McLaughlin, P; Shaw, JM; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, A multiscale, wide field, gigapixel camera, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (2011), Optical Society of America [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ; Tremblay, EJ; Ford, JE, Optimizing microcamera aperture in gigapixel monocentric multiscale cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (2011) .
- Son, HS; Marks, DL; Tremblay, E; Ford, JE; Hahn, J; Stack, RA; Johnson, A; McLaughlin, P; Shaw, JM; Kim, J; Brady, DJ, A multiscale, wide field, gigapixel camera, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (2011) .
- Westphal, A; Rulkov, NF; Ayers, J; Brady, D; Hunt, M, Controlling a lamprey-based robot with an electronic nervous system, Smart Structures and Systems, vol. 7 no. 6 (2011), pp. 471-484 [abs].
- Westphal, A; Rulkov, NF; Ayers, J; Brady, D; Hunt, M, Controlling a lamprey-based robot with an electronic nervous system, Smart Structures and Systems, vol. 8 no. 1 (2011), pp. 39-52 [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Mrozack, A; Choi, K, Sparse aperture coding for compressive sampling, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 7818 (December, 2010), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Fernandez-Cull, C; Brady, D; Wikner, DA; Mait, JN, Sparse fourier sampling in millimeter-wave compressive holography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2010) [abs].
- Brady, D; Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Hahn, J; Lim, S, Compressive holography of di®use scatterers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2010) [abs].
- Guo, J; Leong, HS; Lindquist, RG; Brady, DJ, Integrated nano-hole array surface plasmon resonance biochemical sensor, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2010) [abs].
- Hahn, J; Lim, S; Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Compressive holographic microscopy, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2010) [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Gigagon: A monocentric lens design imaging 40 gigapixels, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2010) [abs].
- Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Hahn, J; Lim, S; Marks, DL; Schulz, TJ; Brady, DJ, Compressive holography of diffuse objects., Applied Optics, vol. 49 no. 34 (December, 2010), pp. H1-10 [21124522], [doi] [abs].
- Zambrano-Nuñez, M; Marengo, EA; Brady, D, Cramer-rao study of scattering systems in one-dimensional space, Proceedings of the Iasted International Conference on Antennas, Radar and Wave Propagation, Arp 2010 (December, 2010), pp. 58-64, ACTA Press [doi] [abs].
- Kittle, D; Choi, K; Wagadarikar, A; Brady, DJ, Multiframe image estimation for coded aperture snapshot spectral imagers., Applied Optics, vol. 49 no. 36 (December, 2010), pp. 6824-6833 [21173812], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Hahn, J; Horisaki, R; Brady, DJ, Computational photography and compressive holography, 2010 Ieee International Conference on Computational Photography, Iccp 2010 (November, 2010), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Chen, S; Li, P; Brady, D; Lehman, B, The impact of irradiance time behaviors on inverter sizing and design, 2010 Ieee 12th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, Compel 2010 (October, 2010), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Tang, Y; Vlahovic, B; Brady, DJ, Light propagating in metal sub-wavelength-hole arrays, Nano, vol. 5 no. 5 (October, 2010), pp. 295-300, World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt [doi] [abs].
- Zheng, N; Hagen, N; Brady, DJ, Analytic-domain lens design with proximate ray tracing., Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 27 no. 8 (August, 2010), pp. 1791-1802 [20686583], [doi] [abs].
- Horisaki, R; Choi, K; Hahn, J; Tanida, J; Brady, DJ, Generalized sampling using a compound-eye imaging system for multi-dimensional object acquisition., Optics Express, vol. 18 no. 18 (August, 2010), pp. 19367-19378 [repository], [doi] [abs].
- Cull, CF; Wikner, DA; Mait, JN; Mattheiss, M; Brady, DJ, Millimeter-wave compressive holography., Applied Optics, vol. 49 no. 19 (July, 2010), pp. E67-E82 [20648123], [doi] [abs].
- Fernandez-Cull, C; Wikner, DA; Mattheiss, M; Mait, JN; Brady, D, Sparse sampling and enhanced axial resolution in millimeter-wave holographic imaging, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 7670 (June, 2010), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Xu, Q; Shi, K; Li, H; Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Brady, D; Psaltis, D; Liu, Z, Inline holographic coherent anti-Stokes Raman microscopy., Optics Express, vol. 18 no. 8 (April, 2010), pp. 8213-8219 [repository], [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ, Compressive video sensors using multichannel imagers., Applied Optics, vol. 49 no. 10 (April, 2010), pp. B9-17 [20357845], [doi] [abs].
- Cull, CF; Choi, K; Brady, DJ; Oliver, T, Identification of fluorescent beads using a coded aperture snapshot spectral imager., Applied Optics, vol. 49 no. 10 (April, 2010), pp. B59-B70 [20357842], [doi] [abs].
- Wagadarikar, AA; Marks, DL; Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Brady, DJ, Imaging through turbulence using compressive coherence sensing., Optics Letters, vol. 35 no. 6 (March, 2010), pp. 838-840 [20237616], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Gigagon: A monocentric lens design imaging 40 gigapixels, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2010) [abs].
- Guo, J; Leong, HS; Lindquist, RG; Brady, DJ, Integrated nano-hole array surface plasmon resonance biochemical sensor, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2010) [doi] [abs].
- Fernandez-Cull, C; Brady, D; Wikner, DA; Mait, JN, Sparse fourier sampling in millimeter-wave compressive holography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2010) [doi] [abs].
- Potuluri, P; Brady, DJ; Guenther, B; Cull, E; Qi, Y; Chapman, K, Point of dispense drug verification using coded aperture raman spectroscopy and image analysis, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2010) [doi] [abs].
- Potuluri, P; Brady, DJ; Guenther, B; Cull, E; Qi, Y; Chapman, K, Point of dispense drug verification using coded aperture raman spectroscopy and image analysis, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2010) [abs].
- Fernandez-Cull, C; Brady, D; Wikner, DA; Mait, JN, Millimeter-wave imaging using k-space compression, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2009) [abs].
- Wagadarikar, A; Marks, D; Choi, K; Brady, D, Compressive coherence sensing, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2009) [abs].
- Hagen, N; Brady, DJ, Aberration correction in multiscale lenses, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2009) [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Multiscale optical systems, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2009) [abs].
- Lim, S; Horisaki, R; Choi, K; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Experimental demonstrations of compressive holography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2009) [abs].
- Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Coding and signal inference in compressive holography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (December, 2009) [abs].
- Marengo, EA; Zambrano-Nuñez, M; Brady, D, Cramer-Rao study of one-dimensional scattering systems: Part I: Formulation, Proceedings of the 6th Iasted International Conference on Antennas, Radar, and Wave Propagation, Arp 2009 (December, 2009), pp. 1-8 [abs].
- Marengo, EA; Zambrano-Nuñez, M; Brady, D, Cramer-Rao study of one-dimensional scattering systems: Part II: Computer simulations, Proceedings of the 6th Iasted International Conference on Antennas, Radar, and Wave Propagation, Arp 2009 (December, 2009), pp. 9-13 [abs].
- Choi, K; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture computed tomography, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 7468 (December, 2009), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Feigin, J; Brady, D, Joint transmitter/receiver I/Q imbalance compensation for direct conversion OFDM in packet-switched multipath environments, Ieee Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57 no. 11 (November, 2009), pp. 4588-4593, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Valchev, DG; Brady, D, Three-dimensional multipath shape factors for spatial modeling of wireless channels, Ieee Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8 no. 11 (November, 2009), pp. 5542-5551, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Mahalanobis, A; Neifeld, M; Bhagavatula, VK; Haberfelde, T; Brady, D, Off-axis sparse aperture imaging using phase optimization techniques for application in wide-area imaging systems., Applied Optics, vol. 48 no. 28 (October, 2009), pp. 5212-5224 [doi] [abs].
- Hagen, N; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture DUV spectrometer for standoff Raman spectroscopy, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 7319 (September, 2009), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D, Rich Democracies, Poor People: How Politics Explain Poverty, Rich Democracies, Poor People: How Politics Explain Poverty (September, 2009), pp. 1-264, Oxford University Press [doi] [abs].
- Valchev, DG; Brady, D, Multipath directivity and spatial selectivity in three-dimensional wireless channels, Ieee Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57 no. 7 (August, 2009), pp. 2147-2154, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Choi, K; Marks, DL; Horisaki, R; Lim, S, Compressive holography., Optics Express, vol. 17 no. 15 (July, 2009), pp. 13040-13049 [19654708], [doi] [abs].
- Fernandez, CA; Wagadarikar, A; Brady, DJ; McCain, SC; Oliver, T, Fluorescence microscopy with a coded aperture snapshot spectral imager, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 7184 (June, 2009), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Hagen, N, Multiscale lens design., Optics Express, vol. 17 no. 13 (June, 2009), pp. 10659-10674 [19550462], [doi] [abs].
- Portnoy, AD; Brady, DJ, Resolution and interpolation of multichannel long wave infrared camera data, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 7246 (May, 2009), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Wagadarikar, AA; Pitsianis, NP; Sun, X; Brady, DJ, Video rate spectral imaging using a coded aperture snapshot spectral imager., Optics Express, vol. 17 no. 8 (April, 2009), pp. 6368-6388 [19365462], [doi] [abs].
- Portnoy, A; Pitsianis, N; Sun, X; Brady, D; Gibbons, R; Silver, A; Te Kolste, R; Chen, C; Dillon, T; Prather, D, Design and characterization of thin multiple aperture infrared cameras., Applied Optics, vol. 48 no. 11 (April, 2009), pp. 2115-2126 [19363550], [doi] [abs].
- Zheng, N; Hagen, N; John, R; Brady, DJ, A static multiplex Fabry-Perot spectrometer, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 7249 (March, 2009), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Multiscale optical systems, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2009) [doi] [abs].
- Choi, K; Horisaki, R; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Coding and signal inference in compressive holography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2009) [doi] [abs].
- Fernandez-Cull, C; Brady, D; Wikner, DA; Mait, JN, Millimeter-wave imaging using k-space compression, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2009) [doi] [abs].
- Hagen, N; Brady, DJ, Aberration correction in multiscale lenses, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2009) [doi] [abs].
- Lim, S; Horisaki, R; Choi, K; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Experimental demonstrations of compressive holography, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2009) [doi] [abs].
- Uttam, S; Goodman, NA; Neifeld, MA; Kim, C; John, R; Kim, J; Brady, D, Optically multiplexed imaging with superposition space tracking, Optics Express, vol. 17 no. 3 (2009), pp. 1691-1713 [doi] [abs].
- Wagadarikar, AA; Pitsianis, NP; Sun, X; Brady, DJ, Spectral image estimation for coded aperture snapshot spectral imagers, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 7076 (December, 2008), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, D, Spatio-temporal sampling for video, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 7076 (December, 2008), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Marcia, RF; Kim, C; Eldeniz, C; Kim, J; Brady, DJ; Willett, RM, Superimposed video disambiguation for increased field of view., Optics Express, vol. 16 no. 21 (October, 2008), pp. 16352-16363 [18852741], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy, Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy (August, 2008), pp. 1-510, JOHN WILEY & SONS INC [doi] [abs].
- McCain, ST; Willett, RM; Brady, DJ, Multi-excitation Raman spectroscopy technique for fluorescence rejection., Optics Express, vol. 16 no. 15 (July, 2008), pp. 10975-10991 [18648412], [doi] [abs].
- Gehm, ME; Kim, MS; Fernandez, C; Brady, DJ, High-throughput, multiplexed pushbroom hyperspectral microscopy., Optics Express, vol. 16 no. 15 (July, 2008), pp. 11032-11043 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Dogariu, A; Fiddy, MA; Mahalanobis, A, Computational optical sensing and imaging: introduction to the feature issue., Applied Optics, vol. 47 no. 10 (April, 2008), pp. COSI1-COSI2 [18382555], [doi] .
- Portnoy, AD; Pitsianis, NP; Sun, X; Brady, DJ, Multichannel sampling schemes for optical imaging systems., Applied Optics, vol. 47 no. 10 (April, 2008), pp. B76-B85 [18382553], [doi] [abs].
- Tumbar, R; Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Robust, common path, phase shifting interferometer and optical profilometer., Applied Optics, vol. 47 no. 10 (April, 2008), pp. B32-B43 [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Willett, R; Pitsianis, N; Schulz, T; Gibbons, R; Te Kolste, R; Carriere, J; Chen, C; Prather, D; Brady, D, Thin infrared imaging systems through multichannel sampling., Applied Optics, vol. 47 no. 10 (April, 2008), pp. B1-10 [18382544], [doi] [abs].
- Wagadarikar, A; John, R; Willett, R; Brady, D, Single disperser design for coded aperture snapshot spectral imaging., Applied Optics, vol. 47 no. 10 (April, 2008), pp. B44-B51 [18382550], [doi] [abs].
- Portnoy, AD; Brady, DJ, Quantitative performance metrics with long wave infrared multiple aperture cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2008) [doi] [abs].
- Portnoy, AD; Brady, DJ, Quantitative performance metrics with long wave infrared multiple aperture cameras, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2008) [abs].
- Fernandez, C; Lim, S; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ; McCain, ST, High-throughput, multiplex aperture-coded raman spectrometer for biomedical diagnostics, Biomedical Optics, Biomed 2008 (January, 2008), pp. BTuF15 [doi] [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Hsieh, C; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, Very-high-resolution tandem Fabry-Perot etalon cylindrical beam volume hologram spectrometer for diffuse source spectroscopy., Optics Letters, vol. 33 no. 1 (January, 2008), pp. 31-33 [doi] [abs].
- Healy, D; Brady, DJ, Compression at the physical interface: The A-to-I and MONTAGE programs, Ieee Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 25 no. 2 (January, 2008), pp. 67-71, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Athale, R; Healy, DM; Brady, DJ; Neifeld, MA, Reinventing the camera, Optics and Photonics News, vol. 19 no. 3 (January, 2008), pp. 32-37, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Marcia, RF; Kim, C; Kim, J; Brady, DJ; Willett, RM, Fast disambiguation of superimposed images for increased field of view, Proceedings International Conference on Image Processing, Icip (2008), pp. 2620-2623, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Uttam, S; Goodman, NA; Neifeld, MA; Changsoon, K; Jungsang, K; Brady, DJ, Optically multiplexed imaging with superposition space tracking, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 7096 (2008) [doi] [abs].
- Linnehan, R; Schindler, J; Brady, D; Kozma, R; Deming, R; Perlovsky, L, Resolving wall ambiguities using angular diverse synthetic arrays, Ieee International Conference on Neural Networks Conference Proceedings (December, 2007), pp. 2758-2763, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Mahalanobis, A; Reyner, C; Patel, H; Haberfelde, T; Brady, D; Neifeld, M; Kumar, BVKV; Rogers, S, IR performance study of an adaptive coded aperture "diffractive imaging" system employing MEMS "eyelid shutter" technologies, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6714 (December, 2007), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, An ultra-high resolution spectrometer with successive combination of a Fabry-Perot etalon and a cylindrical beam volume hologram, Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, 2007, Cleo 2007 (December, 2007), IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Gehm, ME; John, R; Brady, DJ; Willett, RM; Schulz, TJ, Single-shot compressive spectral imaging with a dual-disperser architecture., Optics Express, vol. 15 no. 21 (October, 2007), pp. 14013-14027 [doi] [abs].
- Zheng, Y; Brady, DJ; Agarwal, PK, Localization using boundary sensors: An analysis based on graph theory, Acm Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 3 no. 4 (October, 2007), pp. 21-es, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) [doi] [abs].
- Linnehan, R; Schindler, J; Brady, D; Kozma, R; Deming, R; Perlovsky, L, Dynamic logic applied to SAR data for parameter estimation behind walls, Ieee National Radar Conference Proceedings (September, 2007), pp. 850-855, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Willett, RM; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ, Multiscale reconstruction for computational spectral imaging, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6498 (August, 2007), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Wagadarikar, AA; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ, Performance comparison of aperture codes for multimodal, multiplex spectroscopy., Applied Optics, vol. 46 no. 22 (August, 2007), pp. 4932-4942 [17676097], [doi] [abs].
- Feller, SD; Chen, H; Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME; Hsieh, C; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A, Multiple order coded aperture spectrometer., Optics Express, vol. 15 no. 9 (April, 2007), pp. 5625-5630 [doi] [abs].
- Fernandez, C; Guenther, BD; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Sullivan, ME, Longwave infrared (LWIR) coded aperture dispersive spectrometer., Optics Express, vol. 15 no. 9 (April, 2007), pp. 5742-5753 [doi] [abs].
- Fang, J-S; Hao, Q; Brady, DJ; Guenther, BD; Hsu, KY, A pyroelectric infrared biometric system for real-time walker recognition by use of a maximum likelihood principal components estimation (MLPCE) method., Optics Express, vol. 15 no. 6 (March, 2007), pp. 3271-3284 [OE.15.003271], [doi] [abs].
- Willett, RM; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; John, R, Compressive spectral imaging and multiscale reconstruction methods, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, An ultra-high resolution volume holographic spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Multidimensional spatial and coherence imaging using single shot spectral imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Pitsianis, N; Sun, X; Brady, D, Compressive measurements for video, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- Willett, RM; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; John, R, Compressive spectral imaging and multiscale reconstruction methods, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ; Sun, X, The MONTAGE least gradient image reconstruction, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- Portnoy, A; Shankar, M; Pitsianis, N; Brady, D; Gibbons, R; Silver, A; Keller, D; Chen, C; Prather, D, Depth of field with multi-aperture LWIR imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Eftekhar, AA; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, An ultra-high resolution tandem fabry-perot etalon cylindrical beam volume hologram spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- McCain, ST; Willett, RM; Brady, DJ, Coded-excitation Raman spectroscopy for Raman signal estimation in highly fluorescent media, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- Mahalanobis, A; Neifeld, M; Kumar, BVKV; Brady, D; Haberfelde, T; Muise, R, Multiplexed point spread functions for image formation with application to large area sensing and surveillance, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] .
- Mahalanobis, A; Neifeld, M; Kumar, BVKV; Brady, D; Haberfelde, T; Muise, R, Multiplexed point spread functions for image formation with application to large area sensing and surveillance, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) .
- Portnoy, A; Shankar, M; Pitsianis, N; Brady, D; Gibbons, R; Silver, A; Keller, D; Chen, C; Prather, D, Depth of field with multi-aperture LWIR imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [abs].
- Shankar, M; Pitsianis, N; Sun, X; Brady, D, Compressive measurements for video, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [abs].
- Kim, MS; Gehm, M; Brady, D, Hyperspectral imager based on coded-aperture spectroscopy, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Eftekhar, AA; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, An ultra-high resolution tandem fabry-perot etalon cylindrical beam volume hologram spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, An ultra-high resolution volume holographic spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Multidimensional spatial and coherence imaging using single shot spectral imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [abs].
- Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ; Sun, X, The MONTAGE least gradient image reconstruction, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [abs].
- McCain, ST; Willett, RM; Brady, DJ, Coded-excitation Raman spectroscopy for Raman signal estimation in highly fluorescent media, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [abs].
- Brady, DJ; John, R; Gehm, M; Schulz, T; Willett, R, Optical designs for compressive single shot spectral imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- John, R; Brady, DJ; Willett, R; Gehm, M; Schulz, T, A snap-shot dual-disperser imager for compressive hyperspectral imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [doi] [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, An ultra-high resolution spectrometer with successive combination of a Fabry-Perot etalon and a cylindrical beam volume hologram, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2007) [abs].
- Cull, EC; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Hsieh, CR; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A, Dispersion multiplexing with broadband filtering for miniature spectrometers., Applied Optics, vol. 46 no. 3 (January, 2007), pp. 365-374 [17228382], [doi] [abs].
- Linnehan, R; Brady, D; Schindler, J; Perlovsky, L; Rangaswamy, M, On the design of SAR apertures using the Cramér-Rao bound, Ieee Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 43 no. 1 (January, 2007), pp. 344-355, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Goodwin, S; Carlson, J; Rogers, S; Kim, J; Kim, C; Brady, D; Stoner, BR, Dynamic aperture optical arrays based on polymeric MEMS actuators for large scale coding elements with application in visible to MWIR, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6714 (2007), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Information systems for biosensing (December, 2006), pp. 107-119, Springer Netherlands [doi] .
- Schultz, J; Mrksich, M; Bhatia, SN; Brady, DJ; Ricco, AJ; Walt, DR; Wilkins, CL, Biosensing: International research and development, Biosensing (December, 2006), pp. 1-387, Springer Netherlands [doi] [abs].
- Linnehan, R; Schindler, J; Brady, D, Evaluation and tuning of a SAR detector using sparse-array spotlight mode simulations, 2006 Ieee Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop Proceedings, Sam 2006 (December, 2006), pp. 315-319, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Guo, J; Adato, R; Brady, DJ, Single-shot subpixel response measurement with an aperture array pixel mask., Optics Letters, vol. 31 no. 23 (December, 2006), pp. 3441-3443 [OL.31.003441], [doi] [abs].
- Hao, Q; Brady, DJ; Guenther, BD; Burchett, JB; Shankar, M; Feller, S, Human tracking with wireless distributed pyroelectric sensors, Ieee Sensors Journal, vol. 6 no. 6 (December, 2006), pp. 1683-1695, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [JSEN.2006.884562], [doi] [abs].
- Dillon, T; Marchena, E; Chen, C; Brady, D; Prather, D, Microlens fabrication using HEBS glass for compact high-resolution IR imaging system, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6327 (November, 2006), pp. 632770 -, SPIE [12.681222], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Leith-Upatnieks holography in computational sensors, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6311 (November, 2006), pp. 63111 -, SPIE [12.686729], [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Willett, R; Pitsianis, NP; Te Kolste, R; Chen, C; Gibbons, R; Brady, DJ, Ultra-thin Multiple-channel LWIR Imaging Systems, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6294 (November, 2006), pp. 629411 -, SPIE [12.681386], [doi] [abs].
- Agarwal, PK; Brady, D; Matoušek, J, Segmenting object space by geometric reference structures, Acm Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 2 no. 4 (November, 2006), pp. 455-465, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) [1218556.1218557], [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Burchett, JB; Hao, Q; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ, Human-tracking systems using pyroelectric infrared detectors, Optical Engineering, vol. 45 no. 10 (October, 2006), pp. 106401-106401, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng [1.2360948], [doi] [abs].
- Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ; Portnoy, A; Sun, X; Suleski, T; Fiddy, MA; Feldman, MR; Tekolste, RD, Compressive imaging sensors, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6232 (September, 2006), pp. 62320 -, SPIE [12.666451], [doi] [abs].
- Hamza, AB; Brady, DJ, Reconstruction of reflectance spectra using robust nonnegative matrix factorization, Ieee Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 54 no. 9 (September, 2006), pp. 3637-3642, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [TSP.2006.879282], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME, Compressive imaging spectrometers using coded apertures, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6246 (August, 2006), pp. 62460 -, SPIE [12.667605], [doi] [abs].
- Fang, J-S; Hao, Q; Brady, DJ; Guenther, BD; Hsu, KY, Real-time human identification using a pyroelectric infrared detector array and hidden Markov models., Optics Express, vol. 14 no. 15 (July, 2006), pp. 6643-6658 [doi] [abs].
- McCain, ST; Gehm, ME; Wang, Y; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ, Multimodal multiplex Raman spectroscopy optimized for in vivo chemometrics, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 6093 (June, 2006), pp. 60930 -, SPIE [12.646755], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Gehm, M; McCain, S; Guenther, B; Pitsianis, N; Adibi, A, Integrated sensing and processing of Raman spectra for in vivo BAC measurement, Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 30 no. 6 (June, 2006), pp. 274A-274A, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING .
- Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ, High-throughput hyperspectral microscopy, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6090 (May, 2006), pp. 609007 -, SPIE [12.644828], [doi] [abs].
- Neifeld, MA; Mahalanobis, A; Brady, DJ, Task-specific sensing--introduction., Applied Optics, vol. 45 no. 13 (May, 2006), pp. 2857-2858 [AO.45.002857], [doi] [abs].
- Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, Analysis of slitless holographic spectrometers implemented by spherical beam volume holograms., Applied Optics, vol. 45 no. 13 (May, 2006), pp. 2955-2964 [AO.45.002955], [doi] [abs].
- Burchett, J; Shankar, M; Hamza, AB; Guenther, BD; Pitsianis, N; Brady, DJ, Lightweight biometric detection system for human classification using pyroelectric infrared detectors., Applied Optics, vol. 45 no. 13 (May, 2006), pp. 3031-3037 [16639451], [doi] [abs].
- Lepage, K; Thomson, DJ; Kraut, S; Brady, DJ, Multitaper scan-free spectrum estimation using a rotational shear interferometer., Applied Optics, vol. 45 no. 13 (May, 2006), pp. 2940-2954 [AO.45.002940], [doi] [abs].
- Portnoy, AD; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ; Guo, J; Fiddy, MA; Feldman, MR; Te Kolste, RD, Thin digital imaging systems using focal plane coding, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 6065 (April, 2006), pp. 60650 -, SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Zheng, Y; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ, Nonadaptive group testing based fiber sensor deployment for multiperson tracking, Ieee Sensors Journal, vol. 6 no. 2 (April, 2006), pp. 490-494, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [JSEN.2006.870159], [doi] [abs].
- Guo, J; Wang, G; Brady, DJ, Super-resolution mapping of flow velocity distribution in nanofluidic channels, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- McCain, ST; Willett, R; Brady, DJ, Coded-excitation Raman spectroscopy for ethanol chemometrics of tissue, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Willett, R; Pitsianis, N; Brady, D; Schulz, T; Gibbons, B; Te Kolste, B; Carriere, J; Chen, C, Ultra-thin multi-aperture LWIR imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, A compact Fabry-Perot grating cascaded spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Compressive sampling in spectral imaging systems, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- Guo, J; Wang, G; Brady, DJ, Super-resolution Mapping of Flow Velocity Distribution in Nanofluidic Channels, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, A Compact Fabry-Perot Grating Cascaded Spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Fernandez, C; Guenther, BD; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Sullivan, ME, Longwave Infrared (LWIR) Coded Aperture Dispersive Spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Shankar, M; Willett, R; Pitsianis, N; Brady, D; Schulz, T; Gibbons, B; Te Kolste, B; Carriere, J; Chen, C, Ultra-thin multi-aperture LWIR imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Compressive sampling in spectral imaging systems, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Guo, J; Wang, G; Brady, DJ, Super-resolution mapping of flow velocity distribution in nanofluidic channels, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Guo, J; Wang, G; Brady, DJ, Super-resolution mapping of flow velocity distribution in nanofluidic channels, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- McCain, ST; Willett, R; Brady, DJ, Coded-excitation Raman spectroscopy for ethanol chemometrics of tissue, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, A compact Fabry-Perot grating cascaded spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, A compact fabry-perot grating cascaded spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, A compact fabry-perot grating cascaded spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, A compact fabry-perot grating cascaded spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Guo, J; Wang, G; Brady, DJ, Super-resolution mapping of flow velocity distribution in nanofluidic channels, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Guo, J; Wang, G; Brady, DJ, Super-resolution mapping of flow velocity distribution in nanofluidic channels, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Gehm, ME; Portnoy, AD; Brady, DJ, Dual-disperser design for single-shot computational spectral imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- Fernandez, C; Guenther, BD; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Sullivan, ME, Longwave infrared (LWIR) coded aperture dispersive spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Wagadarikar, AA; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ, Evaluation of aperture codes for high throughput spectroscopy, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- Fernandez, C; Guenther, BD; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Sullivan, ME, Longwave infrared (LWIR) coded aperture dispersive spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Portnoy, AD; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ, Pushbroom hyperspectral imaging with a coded aperture, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- Feller, SD; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Hsieh, C; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A, Multiple order coded aperture (MOCA) spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- Fernandez, C; Guenther, BD; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Sullivan, ME, Longwave infrared (LWIR) coded aperture dispersive spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [abs].
- Fernandez, C; Guenther, BD; Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ; Sullivan, ME, Longwave infrared (LWIR) coded aperture dispersive spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2006) [doi] [abs].
- McCain, ST; Gehm, ME; Wang, Y; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ, Raman spectroscopy: Large-aperture raman spectroscopy for quantitative chemometrics, Optics and Photonics News, vol. 17 no. 12 (January, 2006), pp. 42 [doi] [abs].
- Badieirostami, M; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, A Tandem Fabry-Perot volume hologram spectrometer with high resolution, Conference Proceedings Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting Leos (January, 2006), pp. 290-291, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Fang, J-S; Hao, Q; Brady, DJ; Shankar, M; Guenther, BD; Pitsianis, NP; Hsu, KY, Path-dependent human identification using a pyroelectric infrared sensor and fresnel lens arrays., Optics Express, vol. 14 no. 2 (January, 2006), pp. 609-624 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Micro-optics and megapixels, Optics and Photonics News, vol. 17 no. 11 (January, 2006), pp. 24-29, The Optical Society [OPN.17.11.000024], [doi] [abs].
- Fang, Jian-Shuen and Hao, Qi and Brady, David J. and Guenther, Bob D. and Hsu, Ken Y., Real-time human identification using a pyroelectric infrared detector array and hidden Markov models, Optics Express, vol. 14 no. 15 (2006), pp. 6643 - 6658 [OE.14.006643] [abs].
- Chen, AG-S; Brady, DJ, Surface-stabilized holography in an azo-dye-doped liquid crystal, Opt. Lett. (Usa), vol. 17 no. 17 (2006), pp. 1231-1233, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Gehm, ME; Pitsianis, N; Sun, X, Compressive sampling strategies for integrated microspectrometers, Proceedings of Spie the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 6232 (2006), pp. 62320, SPIE [12.666124], [doi] [abs].
- Gehm, ME; McCain, ST; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ; Potuluri, P; Sullivan, ME, Static two-dimensional aperture coding for multimodal, multiplex spectroscopy, Applied Optics, vol. 45 no. 13 (2006), pp. 2965-2974 [16639444], [doi] [abs].
- McCain, ST; Gehm, ME; Wang, Y; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ, Coded aperture Raman spectroscopy for quantitative measurements of ethanol in a tissue phantom, Applied Spectroscopy, vol. 60 no. 6 (2006), pp. 663-671 [16808868], [doi] [abs].
- Potuluri, P; Sullivan, ME; Wang, Y; Brady, DJ, Diffuse spectroscopy for inhomogeneous metal nanoparticle assays, Proceedings of Spie the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 6080 (2006), pp. 60800, SPIE [12.645319], [doi] [abs].
- Linnehan, R; Brady, D; Schindler, J; Perlovsky, L; Rangaswamy, M, Using Cramér-Rao theory for multiple agents, 2005 International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi Agent Systems, Kimas'05: Modeling, Exploration, and Engineering, vol. 2005 (December, 2005), pp. 444-448, IEEE [KIMAS.2005.1427122], [doi] [abs].
- Guo, J; Portnoy, A; Brady, DJ, Diffraction-limited impulse response image reconstruction with a single imaging pixel, 2005 Osa Topical Meeting on Information Photonics, Ip 2005 (December, 2005) [abs].
- Linnehan, R; Brady, D; Schindler, J; Perlovsky, L; Rangaswamy, M, Multi-dimensional aperture design and analysis for SAR using the Cramér-rao theorem, Ieee Camsap 2005 First International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi Sensor Adaptive Processing, vol. 2005 (December, 2005), pp. 4-7, IEEE [CAMAP.2005.1574169], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Feldman, M; Pitsianis, N; Guo, JP; Portnoy, A; Fiddy, M, Compressive optical montage photography, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 5907 (December, 2005), pp. 1-7, SPIE [12.613213], [doi] [abs].
- Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ; Sun, X, Sensor-layer image compression based on the quantized cosine transform, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 5817 (November, 2005), pp. 250-257 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Burchett, J; Feller, SD; Jones, B; Swagart, R; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ, Biometric tracking with coded pyroelectric sensor clusters, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 5796 (October, 2005), pp. 174-185, SPIE [12.606557], [doi] [abs].
- Kraus, CL; Salazar, NC; Mitchell, JR; Florin, WD; Guenther, B; Brady, D; Swartzwelder, SH; White, AM, Inconsistencies between actual and estimated blood alcohol concentrations in a field study of college students: do students really know how much they drink?, Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 29 no. 9 (September, 2005), pp. 1672-1676 [16205367], [doi] [abs].
- Zheng, Y; Brady, DJ; Sullivan, ME; Guenther, BD, Fiber-optic localization by geometric space coding with a two-dimensional gray code., Applied Optics, vol. 44 no. 20 (July, 2005), pp. 4306-4314 [16045218], [doi] [abs].
- Portnoy, AD; Guo, JP; Brady, DJ, Super-resolved point source tracking using birefringent impulse response coding, edited by Blair, S; Chakraborty, U; Chen, SH; Cheng, HD; Chiu, DKY; Das, S; Denker, G; Duro, R; Romay, MG; Hung, D; Kerre, EE; VaLeong, H; Lu, CT; Lu, J; Maguire, L; Ngo, CW; Sarfraz, M; Tseng, C; Tsumoto, S; Ventura, D; Wang, PP; Yao, X; Zhang, CN; Zhang, K, Proceedings of the 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Vols 1 3 (January, 2005), pp. 1327-1329, JOINT CONFERENCE INFORMATION SCIENCES .
- McCain, ST; Gehm, ME; Wang, Y; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ, Coded-aperture, multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy for ethanol detection in biological samples, edited by Blair, S; Chakraborty, U; Chen, SH; Cheng, HD; Chiu, DKY; Das, S; Denker, G; Duro, R; Romay, MG; Hung, D; Kerre, EE; VaLeong, H; Lu, CT; Lu, J; Maguire, L; Ngo, CW; Sarfraz, M; Tseng, C; Tsumoto, S; Ventura, D; Wang, PP; Yao, X; Zhang, CN; Zhang, K, Proceedings of the 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Vols 1 3 (January, 2005), pp. 1385-1388, JOINT CONFERENCE INFORMATION SCIENCES .
- Mait, JN; Prather, DW; Brady, DJ, Diffractive generation of non-redundant images for a multi-aperture, thin, high-resolution camera, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Guo, J; Portnoy, A; Brady, DJ, Diffraction-limited impulse response image reconstruction with a single imaging pixel, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Linnehan, R; Brady, D; Schindler, J; Perlovsky, L; Rangaswamy, M, Using Cramér-Rao theory for SAR waveform design, Ieee National Radar Conference Proceedings, vol. 2005-January no. January (January, 2005), pp. 217-221, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Jones, DB; Swagart, RG; Burchett, JB; Guenther, BD; Feller, SD; Brady, DJ, Large area pyroelectric motion tracking system, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Gehm, ME; McCain, ST; Wang, Y; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ, Multimodal, multiplex Raman spectrometer for weak, incoherent sources, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Fiddy, MA; Suleski, TJ; Brady, DJ; Pitsianis, NP, Compressive sampling for feature specific compact imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Portnoy, AD; Guo, J; Pitsianis, NP; Guenther, B; Brady, DJ; Te Kolste, RD; Feldman, MR; Fiddy, MA; Suleski, TJ, Multi-aperture visible high resolution thin imager, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ; Sun, X, The quantized cosine transform for sensor-layer image compression, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Hsieh, C; Momtahan, O; Karbaschi, A; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, Compact spectral diversity filters for diffuse source spectroscopy using spherical beam volume holograms, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Fiddy, MA; Shahid, U; Suleski, TJ, Compressive optical MONTAGE photography initiative: Noise and error analysis, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Peters, AE; Gehm, ME; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ, Multiplex design for high-performance microspectrometers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Shankar, M; Burchett, JB; Feller, SD; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ, Human motion tracking system using coded Fresnel lens arrays, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Gibbons, RC; Gilstrap, JA; Mait, JN; Prather, DW; Guo, J; Brady, DJ, Design of a thin multi-aperture infrared imager, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- Guo, J; Portnoy, A; Brady, DJ, Diffraction-limited impulse response image reconstruction with a single imaging pixel, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ; Sun, X, The quantized cosine transform for sensor-layer image compression, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ; Sun, X, The quantized cosine transform for sensor-layer image compression, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Shankar, M; Jones, DB; Swagart, RG; Burchett, JB; Guenther, BD; Feller, SD; Brady, DJ, Large area pyroelectric motion tracking system, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Mait, JN; Prather, DW; Brady, DJ, Diffractive generation of non-redundant images for a multi-aperture, thin, high-resolution camera, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Hsieh, C; Momtahan, O; Karbaschi, A; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, Compact spectral diversity filters for diffuse source spectroscopy using spherical beam volume holograms, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Guo, J; Portnoy, A; Brady, DJ, Diffraction-limited impulse response image reconstruction with a single imaging pixel, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Peters, AE; Gehm, ME; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ, Multiplex design for high-performance microspectrometers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Gehm, ME; McCain, ST; Wang, Y; Pitsianis, NP; Brady, DJ, Multimodal, multiplex Raman spectrometer for weak, incoherent sources, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Portnoy, AD; Guo, J; Pitsianis, NP; Guenther, B; Brady, DJ; Te Kolste, RD; Feldman, MR; Fiddy, MA; Suleski, TJ, Multi-aperture visible high resolution thin imager, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Gibbons, RC; Gilstrap, JA; Mait, JN; Prather, DW; Guo, J; Brady, DJ, Design of a thin multi-aperture infrared imager, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Fiddy, MA; Suleski, TJ; Brady, DJ; Pitsianis, NP, Compressive sampling for feature specific compact imagers, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Shankar, M; Burchett, JB; Feller, SD; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ, Human motion tracking system using coded Fresnel lens arrays, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Gehm, ME; Brady, DJ, Tomographic hyperspectral imaging without a missing-cone, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [doi] [abs].
- McCain, ST; Gehm, ME; Wang, Y; Pitsianis, NP; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Multimodal, multiplex, Raman spectroscopy of alcohol in diffuse, fluorescent media, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Feller, SD; Burchett, JB; Hao, Q; Fang, JS; Shankar, M; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ, Human characterization and tracking using pyroelectric sensors, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Fiddy, MA; Shahid, U; Suleski, TJ, Compressive optical MONTAGE photography initiative: Noise and error analysis, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2005) [abs].
- Hsieh, C; Momtahan, O; Karbaschi, A; Adibi, A; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Role of recording geometry in the performance of spectral diversity filters with spherical beam volume holograms., Optics Letters, vol. 30 no. 2 (January, 2005), pp. 186-188 [OL.30.000186], [doi] [abs].
- Cull, EC; Gehm, ME; McCain, ST; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ, Multimodal optical spectrometers for remote chemical detection, Proceedings of Spie the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 5778 no. PART I (2005), pp. 376-382, SPIE [12.606574], [doi] [abs].
- Cull, EC; Gehm, ME; Guenther, BD; Brady, DJ, Standoff raman spectroscopy system for remote chemical detection, Proceedings of Spie the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 5994 (2005), pp. 59940, SPIE [12.626170], [doi] [abs].
- McCain, ST; Gehm, ME; Wang, Y; Pitsianis, NP; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Multimodal, multiplex, Raman spectroscopy of alcohol in diffuse, fluorescent media, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging Proceedings of Spie, vol. 5864 (2005), pp. 1-9 [doi] [abs].
- Burchett, JB; Shankar, M; Feller, SD; Brady, DJ, Efficient human pose tracking using multiplex sensing, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 5403 no. PART 2 (December, 2004), pp. 418-426, SPIE [12.546788], [doi] [abs].
- Hsieh, C; Momtahan, O; Karbaschi, A; Adibi, A; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Implementation of spectral diversity filters using spherical beam volume holograms, Conference Proceedings Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting Leos, vol. 1 (December, 2004), pp. 192-193 [abs].
- Potuluri, P; Gehm, M; Sullivan, M; Brady, D, Measurement-efficient optical wavemeters., Optics Express, vol. 12 no. 25 (December, 2004), pp. 6219-6229 [19488267], [doi] [abs].
- Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Karbaschi, A; Adibi, A; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Spherical beam volume holograms for spectroscopic applications: modeling and implementation., Applied Optics, vol. 43 no. 36 (December, 2004), pp. 6557-6567 [AO.43.006557], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Pitsianis, NP; Sun, X, Reference structure tomography., Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 21 no. 7 (July, 2004), pp. 1140-1147 [15260245], [doi] [abs].
- Karbaschi, A; Hsieh, C; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A; Sullivan, M; Brady, D, Qualitative demonstration of spectral diversity filtering using spherical beam volume holograms., Optics Express, vol. 12 no. 13 (June, 2004), pp. 3018-3024 [OPEX.12.003018], [doi] [abs].
- Gehm, ME; McCain, ST; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Static, multimodal, multiplex spectrometer design for weak, incoherent sources, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2004) [abs].
- Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Momeni, B; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, Modeling and Experimental Characterizing the Filter Function of Holographic Spectral Diversity Filters for Multimodal Multiplex Spectroscopy, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2004) [abs].
- Hsieh, C; Momtahan, O; Karbaschi, A; Adibi, A; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Implementation of Efficient Fourier-transform Holographic Spectrometer, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2004) [abs].
- McCain, ST; Gehm, ME; Wang, L; Xu, Z; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Multimodal, multiplex Raman spectrometry for detection of ethanol in blood and tissue, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2004) [abs].
- Bouchereau, F; Brady, D, Bounds on range-resolution degradation using RSSI measurements, Ieee International Conference on Communications, vol. 6 (January, 2004), pp. 3246-3250 [doi] [abs].
- Zheng, Y; Brady, DJ; Guenther, BD; Pitsianis, NP, Fiber optical web for object localization by geometric space coding, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2004) [abs].
- Shankar, M; Hao, Q; Burchett, J; Brady, DJ, Visibility modulation using Reference Structures for human motion tracking, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2004) .
- Momtahan, O; Hsieh, CR; Karbaschi, A; Adibi, A; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Spherical beam holograms for spectroscopic applications: Modeling and implementation, Osa Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, vol. 96 A (January, 2004), pp. 431-432 [abs].
- Sendaula, MH; Biswas, SK; Teter, JP; Brady, DJ, A control system for a hybrid linear actuator for a flush deck hatch, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, vol. 3 (January, 2004), pp. 2051-2056 [doi] [abs].
- Potuluri, P. and Gehm, M.E. and Sullivan, M.E. and Brady, D.J., Measurement-efficient optical wavemeters, Opt. Express (USA), vol. 12 no. 25 (2004) [abs].
- Astratov, V.N. and Ashili, S.P. and Franchak, J.P. and Saltzman, A.J. and Sullivan, M.E. and Brady, D.J. and Filin, S.V. and Puzynin, A.I. and Samoilov, V.N. and Moroz, A., Polycrystalline low index contrast opals: Towards novel multimodal spectroscopy of diffusive sources of light, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), vol. vol.2 (2004), pp. 2 pp. vol.2 - [abs].
- Karbaschi, A. and Hsieh, C. and Momtahan, O. and Adibi, A. and Sullivan, M.E. and Brady, D.J., Qualitative demonstration of spectral diversity filtering using spherical beam volume holograms, Opt. Express (USA), vol. 12 no. 13 (2004) [abs].
- Basty, S; Neifeld, MA; Brady, D; Kraut, S, Nonlinear estimation for interferometric imaging, Optics Communications, vol. 228 no. 4-6 (December, 2003), pp. 249-261, Elsevier BV [doi] [abs].
- Bouchereau, F; Brady, D, Bounds on wireless location estimation of mobile transmitters in a time varying acoustic underwater channel, Oceans Conference Record (Ieee), vol. 1 (December, 2003), pp. 6 [abs].
- Sinha, A; Brady, D, Size and shape recognition using measurement statistics and random 3D reference structures., Optics Express, vol. 11 no. 20 (October, 2003), pp. 2606-2618 [doi] [abs].
- Potuluri, P; Xu, M; Brady, D, Imaging with random 3D reference structures., Optics Express, vol. 11 no. 18 (September, 2003), pp. 2134-2141 [doi] [abs].
- Gopinathan, U; Brady, D; Pitsianis, N, Coded apertures for efficient pyroelectric motion tracking., Optics Express, vol. 11 no. 18 (September, 2003), pp. 2142-2152 [doi] [abs].
- Xu, Z; Wang, Z; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ; Foulger, SH; Adibi, A, Multimodal multiplex spectroscopy using photonic crystals, Opt. Express (Usa), vol. 11 no. 18 (September, 2003), pp. 2126-2133 [doi] [abs].
- Potuluri, P; Gopinathan, U; Adleman, J; Brady, D, Lensless sensor system using a reference structure., Optics Express, vol. 11 no. 8 (April, 2003), pp. 965-974 [doi] [abs].
- Gopinathan, U; Shankar, M; Pitsianis, N; Brady, DJ, Efficient motion sensing system using pyroelectric sensors, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2003) [abs].
- Potuluri, P; Xu, M; Brady, DJ, Three dimensional imaging using reference structures, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2003) [abs].
- Hsieh, C; Karbaschi, A; Momtahan, O; Adibi, A; Brady, DJ, Accurate design and analysis of spherical beam volume holograms for sensing applications, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2003) [abs].
- Zheng, Y; Sullivan, M; Brady, D, Differential tracking system by geometrical segmentation of source space with coded laser beams, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2003) [abs].
- Potuluri, P; Brady, DJ, 3D spatial segmentation using reference structures, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2003), pp. 161 - 3 [abs].
- Cull, E; Sullivan, M; Brady, D, Target estimation from interferometric tracking telescopes, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2003) [abs].
- Reid, CM; Badieirostami, M; Jafarpour, A; Alibi, A; Sullivan, ME; Brady, DJ, Design and analysis of photonic crystal spectral diversity filters for biosensing, Optics Infobase Conference Papers, vol. vol.2 (January, 2003), pp. 2 pp. vol.2 - [abs].
- Brady, DJ, 3D Optical Elements for Computational Sensors, Osa Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, vol. 88 (January, 2003), pp. 1949-1951 [abs].
- Sinha, A. and Brady, D.J., Size and shape recognition using measurement statistics and random 3D reference structures, Opt. Express (USA), vol. 11 no. 20 (2003) [abs].
- Xu, Zhaochun and Wang, Zhanglei and Sullivan, Michael E. and Brady, David J. and Foulger, Stephen H. and Adibi, Ali, Multimodal multiplex spectroscopy using photonic crystals, Optics Express, vol. 11 no. 18 (2003), pp. 2126 - 2133 [abs].
- Potuluri, Prasant and Xu, Mingbo and Brady, David J., Imaging with random 3D reference structures, Optics Express, vol. 11 no. 18 (2003), pp. 2134 - 2141 [abs].
- Feller, SD; Zheng, Y; Cull, E; Brady, DJ, Tracking and imaging humans on heterogeneous infrared sensor arrays for law enforcement applications, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 4708 (December, 2002), pp. 212-221, SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Kraut, S; Gallicchio, J; Brady, D, High-resolution direction finding and scan-free spectrum estimation with rotational-shear interferometric sensor arrays, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 4789 (December, 2002), pp. 267-274, SPIE [12.459013], [doi] [abs].
- Cull, EC; Kowalski, DP; Burchett, JB; Feller, SD; Brady, DJ, Three-dimensional imaging with the Argus sensor array, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 4864 (December, 2002), pp. 211-222, SPIE [12.454932], [doi] [abs].
- Tumbar, R; Brady, DJ, Sampling field sensor with anisotropic fan-out, Applied Optics, vol. 41 no. 31 (November, 2002), pp. 6621-6636, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Rahman, Z-U, Integrated analysis and design of analog and digital processing in imaging systems: introduction to the feature issue., Applied Optics, vol. 41 no. 29 (October, 2002), pp. 6049 [12389972], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ, Digital refraction distortion correction with an astigmatic coherence sensor., Applied Optics, vol. 41 no. 29 (October, 2002), pp. 6050-6054 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Multiplex sensors and the constant radiance theorem., Optics Letters, vol. 27 no. 1 (January, 2002), pp. 16-18 [doi] [abs].
- Osborne, MD; Brady, DJ, The room is long and narrow, Research in Science Education, vol. 32 no. 2 (January, 2002), pp. 163-170 [Gateway.cgi], [doi] [abs].
- Feller, SD; Cull, E; Kowalski, D; Farlow, K; Burchett, J; Adleman, J; Lin, C; Brady, DJ, Tracking and imaging humans on heterogeneous infrared sensor array for tactical applications, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 4743 (January, 2002), pp. 168-175, SPIE [12.448394], [doi] [abs].
- Rittgers, AM; Morrison, RL; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ, Tomographic processing on wireless ground sensor networks, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 4393 (December, 2001), pp. 122-128, SPIE [12.441261], [doi] [abs].
- Bouchereau, F; Brady, D; Lanzl, C, Multipath delay estimation using a superresolution PN-correlation method, Ieee Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 49 no. 5 (May, 2001), pp. 938-949, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Stack, R; Johnson, AJ; Brady, DJ; Munson, DC, Cone-beam tomography with a digital camera, Applied Optics, vol. 40 no. 11 (April, 2001), pp. 1795-1805, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Feller, SD; Kammeyer, D; Cull, E; Fernandes, L; Stack, RA; Brady, R, Information flow in streaming 3D video, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 10298 (February, 2001), SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Gallicchio, J; Cull, E; Kraut, S; Brady, DJ, Spatio-spectral triangulation using a rotational shear interferometer, edited by Mait, JN; VanderGracht, J, Optics Infobase Conference Papers, vol. 66 (January, 2001), pp. 207-209, OPTICAL SOC AMERICA [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Potuluri, P, Spatial tomography and coherence microscopy, edited by Mait, JN; VanderGracht, J, Optics Infobase Conference Papers, vol. 66 (January, 2001), pp. 147-149, OPTICAL SOC AMERICA [abs].
- Morrison, RL; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ, Insights from the development of two generations of networked sensor and processor systems, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2001), pp. 190-192 [abs].
- Marks, DL; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ, Three-dimensional coherence imaging in the Fresnel domain, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2001), pp. 61-71 [abs].
- Osborne, MD; Brady, DJ, Constructing a space for developing a rich understanding of science through play, Journal of Curriculum Studies, vol. 33 no. 5 (January, 2001), pp. 511-524, Informa UK Limited [doi] .
- Brady, DJ, Multiplex optics for visual image processing, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 4388 (January, 2001), pp. 97-102, SPIE [12.438246], [doi] [abs].
- Potuluri, P; Fetterman, MR; Brady, DJ, High depth of field microscopic imaging using an interferometric camera, Optics Express, vol. 8 no. 11 (January, 2001), pp. 624-630, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Morrison, R; Brady, DJ; Rittgers, A; Stack, R, Wireless integrated sensing, processing and display networks for site security, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 4232 (January, 2001), pp. 352-358, SPIE [12.417550], [doi] [abs].
- Potuluri, P. and Fetterman, M.R. and Brady, D.J., High depth of field microscopic imaging using an interferometric camera, Optics Express, vol. 8 no. 11 (2001), pp. 624 - 630 [abs].
- Liang, T.K. and Tsang, H.K. and Roberts, S.W. and Brady, D.J. and Harpin, A. and Drake, J. and Asghari, M., Measurement of dispersion in a silicon waveguide at 1.5 μm, Technical Digest. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001. 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Cat. No.01TH8557), vol. vol.2 (2001), pp. 722 - 3 [CLEOPR.2001.971163] [abs].
- Brady, DJ, Optical processing for 3D digital imaging, Conference Proceedings Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting Leos, vol. 1 (December, 2000), pp. 114 [LEOS.2000.890700] [abs].
- Marks, DM; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ, Astigmatic coherence sensor for digital imaging, Optics Letters, vol. 25 no. 23 (December, 2000), pp. 1726-1728, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D; Kocic, M; Miller, AW; Karger, BL, A maximum-likelihood base caller for DNA sequencing., Ieee Transactions on Bio Medical Engineering, vol. 47 no. 9 (September, 2000), pp. 1271-1280 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D; Neifeld, MA, Information theory in optoelectronic systems: Introduction to the feature, Applied Optics, vol. 39 no. 11 (April, 2000), pp. 1679-1680, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Guo, J; Brady, D, Fabrication of thin-film micropolarizer arrays for visible imaging polarimetry, Applied Optics, vol. 39 no. 10 (April, 2000), pp. 1486-1492, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Tumbar, R; Brady, DJ, Sensor plane processing for multiplex imaging, 2000 Southwest Symposium on Mixed Signal Design, Ssmsd 2000 (January, 2000), pp. 1-6, IEEE [SSMSD.2000.836433], [doi] [abs].
- Balberg, M; Hristova, R; Brady, DJ; Beebe, DJ; Raskin, L, Optical detection of molecular beacons in microfluidic devices, 1st Annual International Ieee Embs Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology Proceedings (January, 2000), pp. 425-428, IEEE [MMB.2000.893820], [doi] [abs].
- Sung, S; Brady, D, Spectral spatial equalization for OFDM in time-varying frequency-selective multipath channels, Proceedings of the Ieee Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, vol. 2000-January (January, 2000), pp. 434-438, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Sirlceci, B; Brady, D; Burman, J, Restricted total least squares solutions for hyperspectral imagery, 2015 Ieee International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (Icassp), vol. 1 (January, 2000), pp. 624-627, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Morrison, RL; Brady, DJ, Diffractive and Micro-Optics for Multiplex Imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 2000), pp. 284-285 [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Rittgers, A; Gallachio, J; Stack, RA; Morrison, RL, Sensing, communications and processing budgets for tomographic distributed ground sensor arrays, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 4040 (January, 2000), pp. 49-54, SPIE [12.392564], [doi] [abs].
- Balberg, M; Hristova, K; Mau, M; Frigon, D; Zeringue, HC; Brady, DJ; Beebe, DJ; Raskin, L, Multi-color fluorescence detection of ribosomal RNA in micro-channels, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 3912 (January, 2000), pp. 35-40, SPIE [12.379578], [doi] [abs].
- Fetterman, MR; Tan, E; Ying, L; Stack, RA; Marks, DL; Feller, S; Cull, E; Sullivan, JM; Munson, DC; Thoroddsen, ST; Brady, DJ, Tomographic imaging of foam, Optics Express, vol. 7 no. 5 (January, 2000), pp. 186-197, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Tumbar, R; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ, Wave-front sensing with a sampling field sensor, Applied Optics, vol. 39 no. 1 (January, 2000), pp. 72-84, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Balberg, M; Barbastathis, G; Fantini, S; Brady, DJ, Confocal imaging through scattering media with a volume holographic filter, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 3919 (January, 2000), pp. 69-74, SPIE [12.384180], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, D; Fetterman, M; Stack, R; Brady, DJ, Spectral tomography from spatial coherence measurements, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 3920 (January, 2000), pp. 48-55, SPIE [12.379598], [doi] [abs].
- West, YD; Schweizer, T; Brady, DJ; Hewak, DW, Gallium lanthanum sulphide fibers for infrared transmission, Fiber and Integrated Optics, vol. 19 no. 3 (2000), pp. 229-250, Informa UK Limited [01468030050058802], [doi] [abs].
- Balberg, M; Barbastathis, G; Brady, DJ, Imaging through turbulence with the volume-holographic confocal microscope, Proc. Spie Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (Usa), vol. 4087 (2000), pp. 1089-1090, SPIE [doi] [abs].
- Johnson, AJ; Marks, DL; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ; Munson, DC, Three-dimensional surface reconstruction of optical Lambertian objects using cone-beam tomography, Ieee International Conference on Image Processing, vol. 2 (December, 1999), pp. 663-667 [ICIP.1999.822978] [abs].
- Balberg, M; Barbastathis, G; Brady, DJ; Choi, BK; Liu, C, Holographic 3D imaging of microstructures, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 3801 (December, 1999), pp. 202-207, SPIE [12.363933], [doi] [abs].
- Zou, J; Balberg, M; Byrne, C; Liu, C; Brady, DJ, Optical properties of surface micromachined mirrors with etch holes, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 8 no. 4 (December, 1999), pp. 506-513, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [84.809066], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ; Munson, DC; Brady, RB, Visible cone-beam tomography with a lensless interferometric camera, Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 284 no. 5423 (June, 1999), pp. 2164-2166, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) [2164], [doi] [abs].
- Barbastathis, G; Balberg, M; Brady, DJ, Confocal microscopy with a volume holographic filter, Optics Letters, vol. 24 no. 12 (June, 1999), pp. 811-813, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Purchase, KG; Brady, DJ; Roh, SD; Lammert, RM; Osowski, ML; Coleman, JJ; Hughes, JS, Distributed Bragg pulse shaper: Demonstration and model, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 17 no. 4 (April, 1999), pp. 621-628, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [50.754792], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ; Van Der Gracht, J, Three-dimensional tomography using a cubic-phase plate extended depth-of-field system, Optics Letters, vol. 24 no. 4 (February, 1999), pp. 253-255, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Stack, R; Brady, DJ, Coherence-based Hybrid Optical/Computational Approaches to Three-dimensional Incoherent Imaging, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 1999), pp. 167-169 .
- Barbastathis, G; Balberg, M; Brady, DJ, Superresolved imaging architectures with volume holograms, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 1999), pp. 175-177 .
- Barbastathis, G; Balberg, M; Brady, DJ, Confocal microscopy without pinhole, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 1999) [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Jimenez, JL, Quantum dot spectrometer, Leos Summer Topical Meeting (January, 1999), pp. 3-4 [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Marks, DL; Johnson, AJ; Stack, RA; Munson, DC, Unattended interferometric sensors, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 3713 (January, 1999), pp. 112-119, SPIE [12.357126], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ, Three-dimensional coherence imaging in the fresnel domain, Applied Optics, vol. 38 no. 8 (January, 1999), pp. 1332-1342, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Barbastathis, G; Brady, DJ, Spatio-spectral tomography of luminescent objects with volume holograms, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 3749 (January, 1999), pp. 398-399, SPIE [12.354804], [doi] [abs].
- Barbastathis, G; Brady, DJ, Volume holographic imaging of three-dimensional objects, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 3633 (January, 1999), pp. 170-181, SPIE [12.349324], [doi] [abs].
- Barbastathis, G; Brady, DJ, Multidimensional Tomographie Imaging Using Volume Holography, Proceedings of the Ieee, vol. 87 no. 12 (January, 1999), pp. 2098-2120, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [5.805924], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D.J. and Jimenez, J.L., The quantum dot spectrometer, 1999 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings: Nanostructures and Quantum Dots/WDM Components/VCSELs and Microcavaties/RF Photonics for CATV and HFC Systems (Cat. No.99TH8455) (1999), pp. 3 - 4 [LEOSST.1999.794631] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Fagan, N; Harwood, DWJ; Hesford, MJ; Hewak, DW; Hudson, TB; Moore, RC; Payne, DN; Schweizer, T; Taylor, ERM; Tucknott, JA; Voyce, CJ; Weatherby, E; West, YD, Optical amplifiers and lasers in infrared fibres, Proceedings of Spie the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3849 (1999), pp. 85-92, SPIE [12.372803], [doi] [abs].
- Zhang, X; Brady, D, Asymptotic multiuser efficiencies for decision-directed multiuser detectors, Ieee Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 44 no. 2 (December, 1998), pp. 502-515, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Marks, DL; Stack, R, Fresnel zone interferometric imaging, Conference Proceedings Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting Leos, vol. 2 (December, 1998), pp. 205-206 [LEOS.1998.739532] [abs].
- Zou, J; Byrne, C; Liu, C; Brady, D, Optical properties of micromachined polysilicon reflective surfaces with etching holes, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 3511 (December, 1998), pp. 307-314, SPIE [12.324315], [doi] [abs].
- Marks, DL; Brady, DJ, Three-dimensional source reconstruction with a scanned pinhole camera, Optics Letters, vol. 23 no. 11 (June, 1998), pp. 820-822, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Jimenez, JL; Fonseca, LRC; Brady, DJ; Leburton, JP; Wohlert, DE; Cheng, KY, The quantum dot spectrometer, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 71 no. 24 (December, 1997), pp. 3558-3560, AIP Publishing [1.120390], [doi] [abs].
- Gray, SD; Preisig, JC; Brady, D, Multiuser detection in a horizontal underwater acoustic channel using array observations, Ieee Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 45 no. 1 (December, 1997), pp. 148-160, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Ramachandran, S; Pepper, JC; Brady, DJ; Bishop, SG, Micro-optical lenslets by photo-expansion in chalcogenide glasses, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 15 no. 8 (August, 1997), pp. 1371-1377, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [50.618346], [doi] [abs].
- Hill, KB; Basinger, SA; Stack, RA; Brady, DJ, Noise and information in interferometric cross correlators, Applied Optics, vol. 36 no. 17 (June, 1997), pp. 3948-3958, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Basinger, SA; Brady, DJ; Michielssen, E, Superresolution through space-time control of two-level quantum systems, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 14 no. 3 (January, 1997), pp. 503-510, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Guo, J; Brady, DJ, Fabrication of high-resolution micropolarizer arrays, Optical Engineering, vol. 36 no. 8 (January, 1997), pp. 2268-2271, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng [doi] [abs].
- Basinger, SA; Stack, RA; Hill, KB; Brady, DJ, Superresolved optical scanning using polychromatic light, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 14 no. 12 (January, 1997), pp. 3242-3250, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D; Catipovic, J, Adaptive decentralized multiuser receiver for deep-water acoustic telemetry, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 101 no. 4 (1997), pp. 2384, Acoustical Society of America (ASA) [1.418252], [doi] [abs].
- Schweizer, T; Brady, DJ; Hewak, DW, Fabrication and spectroscopy of erbium doped gallium lanthanum sulphide glass fibres for mid-infrared laser applications, Optics Express, vol. 1 no. 4 (1997), pp. 102-107 [abs].
- Ramachandran, S; Brady, DJ; Bishop, SG, Parallel lithographic fabrication of micro-optical lenslets by photoexpansion in chalcogenide glasses, Conference Proceedings Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting Leos, vol. 1 (December, 1996), pp. 284-285 [LEOS.1996.565242] [abs].
- Carrilho, E; Ruiz-Martinez, MC; Berka, J; Smirnov, I; Goetzinger, W; Miller, AW; Brady, D; Karger, BL, Rapid DNA sequencing of more than 1000 bases per run by capillary electrophoresis using replaceable linear polyacrylamide solutions., Analytical Chemistry, vol. 68 no. 19 (October, 1996), pp. 3305-3313 [doi] [abs].
- Ramachandran, S; Bishop, SG; Guo, JP; Brady, DJ, Fabrication of holographic gratings in As
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- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D; Catipovic, J, Adaptive detection for shallow-water acoustic telemetry with cochannel interference, Ieee Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 21 no. 4 (January, 1996), pp. 528-536, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Basinger, SA; Stack, RA; Hill, KB; Guo, J, Characterization of complex space-time optical fields, Proceedings of Spie the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2701 (January, 1996), pp. 152-158, SPIE [12.239705], [doi] [abs].
- Ramachandran, S; Bishop, SG; Brady, DJ, Dynamic grating formation in As
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- Kocic, M; Brady, D; Stojanovic, M, Sparse equalization for real-time digital underwater acoustic communications, Oceans Conference Record (Ieee), vol. 3 (December, 1995), pp. 1417-1422 [abs].
- Johnson, M; Brady, D; Grund, M, Reducing the computational requirements of adaptive equalization in underwater acoustic communications, Oceans Conference Record (Ieee), vol. 3 (December, 1995), pp. 1405-1410 [abs].
- Purchase, KG; Brady, DJ; Smith, GM; Roh, SD; Osowski, ML; Coleman, JJ, Integrated optical pulse shapers for high-bandwidth data packet encoding, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 2613 (December, 1995), pp. 43-51 [abs].
- Greenberg, JA; Lakshmanan, M; Samei, E; Brady, D; Kapadia, A, Experimental implementation of coded aperture coherent scatter spectral imaging of cancerous and healthy breast tissue samples, Proc. Spie 9412, Medical Imaging 2015: Physics of Medical Imaging (April, 1995), SPIE [doi] .
- Zhang, X; Brady, D, Asymptotic coding gains in multiuser systems, Ieee Vehicular Technology Conference, vol. 2 (January, 1995), pp. 619-623 [abs].
- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D, Differentially Coherent Multiuser Detection in Asynchronous CDMA Flat Rayleigh Fading Channels, Ieee Transactions on Communications, vol. 43 no. 234 (January, 1995), pp. 1252-1255, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Basinger, SA; Michielssen, E; Brady, DJ, Degrees of freedom of polychromatic images, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 12 no. 4 (January, 1995), pp. 704-714, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D, Suboptimal Multiuser Detector for Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Synchronous CDMA Channels, Ieee Transactions on Communications, vol. 43 no. 234 (January, 1995), pp. 154-157, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Gray, SD; Kocic, M; Brady, D, Multiuser Detection in Mismatched Multiple-Access Channels, Ieee Transactions on Communications, vol. 43 no. 12 (January, 1995), pp. 3080-3089, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Hill Kent, B; Purchase Kenneth, G; Brady David, J, Pulsed-image generation and detection, Optics Letters, vol. 20 no. 10 (1995), pp. 1201-1203, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Sun, P-C; Fainman, Y; Mazurenko, YT; Brady, DJ, Space-time processing with photorefractive volume holography, Proc. Spie Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (Usa), vol. 2529 (1995), pp. 157-170 [doi] [abs].
- Kocic, M; Brady, D, Complexity-constrained LS estimation for sparse systems, Ieee International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (December, 1994), pp. 116, IEEE [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D; Merakos, LF, Throughput performance of multiuser detection in unslotted contention channels, Ieee International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (December, 1994) [abs].
- Kocic, M; Brady, D, Complexity-constrained LS estimation for sparse systems, Ieee International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (December, 1994) [abs].
- Kocic, M; Brady, D; Merriam, S, Reduced-complexity RLS estimation for shallow-water channels, Ieee Sympsium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology (December, 1994), pp. 165-170 [abs].
- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D, Adaptive multiuser receivers with diversity reception for nonselective Rayleigh fading asynchronous CDMA channels, Ieee Milcom, vol. 3 (December, 1994), pp. 982-986 [abs].
- Zhang, X; Brady, D, Narrowband waveform design for near-far resistant asynchronous CDMA communications, Ieee Milcom, vol. 2 (December, 1994), pp. 583-587 [abs].
- Brady, D; Merakos, LF, Throughput performance of multiuser detection in unslotted contention channels, Proceedings Ieee Infocom, vol. 2 (December, 1994), pp. 610-617 [abs].
- Purchase, KG; Brady, DJ, Dispersion compensation in coherence domain multiplexed communications systems, Ieee Leos Annual Meeting Proceedings, vol. 1 (December, 1994), pp. 196-197 [abs].
- Michielssen, E; Brady, DJ, Control of spatial excitation patterns in two-level systems by use of time-domain fields, Optics Letters, vol. 19 no. 23 (December, 1994), pp. 1931-1933, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Tarkka, RM; Talbot, ME; Brady, DJ; Schuster, GB, Holographic storage in a near-ir sensitive photochromic dye, Optics Communications, vol. 109 no. 1-2 (June, 1994), pp. 54-58, Elsevier BV [0030-4018(94)90737-4], [doi] [abs].
- Gray, SD; Preisig, JC; Brady, D, Adaptive multiuser detection in dispersive channels with array observations, Conference Record Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, vol. 2 (January, 1994), pp. 801-805 [doi] [abs].
- Purchase, KG; Hill, KB; Talbot, ME; Brady, DJ, Dispersion compensation in coherence-domain multiplexed systems, Optics Letters, vol. 19 no. 15 (January, 1994), pp. 1107-1109, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D; Catipovic, JA, Adaptive Multiuser Detection for Underwater Acoustical Channels, Ieee Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 19 no. 2 (January, 1994), pp. 158-165, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D, Multiuser Detection in Single-Path Fading Channels, Ieee Transactions on Communications, vol. 42 no. 234 (January, 1994), pp. 1729-1739, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [doi] [abs].
- Guo, JP; Ramachandran, S; Bishop, SG; Brady, DJ, Characterization of waveguide and grating formation in As2S3, Ieee Leos Annual Meeting Proceedings, vol. 2 (1994), pp. 139-140 [LEOS.1994.586362] [abs].
- Basinger Scott, A; Brady David, J, Finite-difference time-domain modeling of dispersive nonlinear Fabry-Perot cavities, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, vol. 11 no. 8 (1994), pp. 1504-1511, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Chen, AG; Brady, DJ, Electrically controlled multiple hologram storage, Opt. Mem. Neural Netw. (Usa), vol. 3 no. 2 (1994), pp. 129-133 [abs].
- Gray, SD; Brady, D, Asymptotic multiuser efficiency of two-stage detection in mismatched AWGN channels, Proceedings Ieee Military Communications Conference, vol. 3 (December, 1993), pp. 758-762 [abs].
- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D; Catipovic, J, Adaptive equalization techniques for interference suppression in shallow water acoustic telemetry channels, Conference Record Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, vol. 2 (December, 1993), pp. 1554-1558 [abs].
- Chen, AG; Brady, DJ, Two-wavelength reversible holograms in azo-dye doped nematic liquid crystals, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 62 no. 23 (December, 1993), pp. 2920-2922, AIP Publishing [1.109197], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D; Hill, K; Basinger, S, Holographic pulse shaping in organic media, Conference Proceedings Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting (December, 1993), pp. 112-113 [LEOS.1993.379106] [abs].
- Brady, D; Psaltis, D, Information capacity of 3-D holographic data storage, Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol. 25 no. 9 (September, 1993), pp. S597-S610, Springer Nature America, Inc [doi] [abs].
- Hill, KB; Brady, DJ, Impulse responses of strong reflection holograms, Applied Optics, vol. 32 no. 23 (August, 1993), pp. 4305-4316, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D, Volume holographic data storage in photo-organic media, Conference Digest Joint International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, Omods 1993 (January, 1993), pp. 112-113 [doi] .
- Hill, KB; Brady, DJ, Integrated Optical Pulse Shaping, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 1993), pp. 246-249 .
- Papen, GC; Murphy, GM; Brady, DJ; Howe, AT; Dallesasse, JM; Dejule, RY; Holmgren, DJ, Multiple Wavelength Operation of a Diode Array Coupled to an External Cavity, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 1993) .
- Brady, D, Asymptotic multiuser efficiency for 2-stage detectors in AWGN channels, Proceedings of the 1993 Ieee International Symposium on Information Theory (January, 1993), pp. 50 [abs].
- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D, Comparison of differentially coherent and coherent multiuser detection with imperfect phase estimates in a Rayleigh fading channel, Proceedings of the 1993 Ieee International Symposium on Information Theory (January, 1993), pp. 48 [abs].
- Howe, AT; Papen, GC; Murphy, GM; Dallesasse, JM; Dejule, RY; Brady, DJ; Holmgren, DJ, Multiple-wavelength operation of a laser-diode array coupled to an external cavity, Optics Letters, vol. 18 no. 17 (January, 1993), pp. 1441-1443, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Hill, KB; Brady, DJ, Pulse shaping in volume reflection holograms, Opt. Lett. (Usa), vol. 18 no. 20 (1993), pp. 1739-1741, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D; Papen, G; Sipe, JE, Spherical distributed dielectric resonators, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, vol. 10 no. 4 (1993), pp. 646-657, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Purchase, KG; Brady, DJ; Wagner, K, Time-of-flight cross correlation on a detector array for ultrafast packet detection, Opt. Lett. (Usa), vol. 18 no. 24 (1993), pp. 2129-2131, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
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- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D, Coherent and differentially coherent multiuser detectors for asynchronous CDMA frequency-selective channels, Proceedings Ieee Military Communications Conference Milcom, vol. 1992-October (January, 1992), pp. 442-446 [doi] [abs].
- Zvonar, Z; Brady, D, On multiuser detection in asynchronous CDMA flat Rayleigh fading channels, Ieee International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Pimrc (January, 1992), pp. 123-127 [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D; Psaltis, D, Control of volume holograms, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 9 no. 7 (January, 1992), pp. 1167-1182, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Chen, AG; Brady, DJ, Real-time holography in azo-dye-doped liquid crystals, Opt. Lett. (Usa), vol. 17 no. 6 (1992), pp. 441-443, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Chen, GS; Brady, DJ, Liquid-crystal-doped polymers as volume holographic elements, Smart Structures and Materials 2005: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, vol. 1562 (December, 1991), pp. 128-135 [abs].
- Brady, DJ; Papen, GC; Hill, KB, Holographic Photonic Band Gaps, Optics Infobase Conference Papers (January, 1991) .
- Brady, DJ; Psaltis, D, Holographic interconnections in photorefractive waveguides, Appl. Opt. (Usa), vol. 30 no. 17 (1991), pp. 2324-2333, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D; Verdu, S, A semiclassical analysis of optical code division multiple access, Ieee Transactions on Communications, vol. 39 no. 1 (1991), pp. 85-93, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [26.68279], [doi] [abs].
- Brady, D; Verdu, S, A semi-classical analysis of optical code division multiple access, Conference Digest. Leos Summer Topical on Optical Multiple Access Networks (December, 1990), pp. 43-44 [OMAN.1990.205430] [abs].
- Brady, D; Hsu, K; Psaltis, D, Periodically refreshed multiply exposed photorefractive holograms, Optics Letters, vol. 15 no. 14 (July, 1990), pp. 817-819, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Hong, JH; Yeh, P; Psaltis, D; Brady, D, Diffraction efficiency of strong volume holograms, Optics Letters, vol. 15 no. 6 (March, 1990), pp. 344-346, The Optical Society [doi] [abs].
- Psaltis, D; Brady, D; Gu, XG; Lin, S, Holography in artificial neural networks., Nature, vol. 343 no. 6256 (January, 1990), pp. 325-330 [doi] [abs].
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