| Publications [#150493] of Jungsang Kim
Papers Published
- C. Kim and C. Knoernschild and B. Liu and J. Kim, Design and characterization of MEMS micromirrors for ion-trap quantum computation,
Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics, vol. 13 no. 2
pp. 322 -- 329, ISSN 1077-260X
(last updated on 2008/10/16)
Abstract: To build a large-scale quantum information processor (QIP) based on trapped ions or neutral atoms, integrated optical systems capable of delivering laser beams to multiple target locations are necessary. We consider a beam-shifting element consisting of a tilting,micromirror located at the focal point of a lens, as a fundamental building block for such a system. We explore the design space of the micromirrors and characterize their dc, frequency, and transient responses. The fastest mirror features the resonant frequency of 113 kHz and the 98\% settling time of 11 mu s. The design tradeoffs are discussed to facilitate further optimization of the mirror performance for this application.